HL: Portal to Black Mesa (Half-Life Fan Film)


Feb 11, 2011
Reaction score
So I found this on the Steam Forums. Seems interesting enough. I like the fact that they're doing a live action film at Black Mesa which I've always wanted to see someone do justice to is ever since the dreaded Half-Life:Uplink came out. Supposed to be out late next month I guess.

mikeNgary said:
I am involved in a live-action production short taking place during the first Half-Life game and wanted to give you guys a sneak peak of what we've been working on.

Gordon Freeman is on his last assignment before G-Man will let him free but there's a twist. He's being sent back to where it all started, back to Black Mesa the day of the incident. This parody/fanfilm will hopefully give fans what they've been wanting by showing their favorite characters played by real people. Most importantly you get to see Black Mesa, which since a teenager I've been dying to see.






Looks pretty good from the pictures.

Except Gordon's fat.
Oh god no. Every movie based on a video game is complete garbage. This will not be an exception. Optimism for the win.
Based on his description and the pictures, I'm pretty sure this one isn't really taking itself seriously. So it should be entertaining.
Yeah, I think since it's a parody and they're not taking them selves too seriously it will be pretty funny actually. A lot of the Half-Life fan films seem to be too serious and not involve any characters from any of the games.
Looks kinda cool, so long as there's no more katana wielding ninja combines *shudders*.
I agree about the parody too, it seems the drama of the Half-Life universe can only be pulled off in the games/by VALVe.

Also, what the f*ck is with his legs? They look incredibly disproportionate...
Oh god, the Gman poster just killed me right there.

And where the hell is the HEV suit? But i think Gordon looks fine with the lab coat.