HL series timeline



Hello, folks this is my first time posting on the halflife2.net forums. Nice to see you all.

As most people around here I have my own ideas regarding the stories of halflife 1 (HL1), Opposing force (Opfor), Blue Shift (BS) and lastly halflife 2 (HL2).

Now every enterpretation is individual but I thought it would be nice to have the some sort of foundation to build these on. Such as a simple timelime and factsheet.

This first post is meant as the beginning of such a thing covering the events leading up to the Resonance Cascade in HL1. Think of it as a back story to HL1 with events happening there after coming in later posts.

Please mail me or post here with corrections and / or dialogue that is plot wise important as I cannot remember all the lines. (Not :borg: you know).

For this timeline I will use the Resonance Cascade as a base, with events preceding it marked with RC -, and events taking place afterwards as RC +.

The closest thing we can get to a real timeline will be years, months and days. Eg. RC - Years = Gordon Freeman Born

RC - = Dr. Eli Vance born.

RC - = Dr. Kleiner born.

RC - = Dr. Breen born.

RC - = Gordon Freeman born.

RC - = Barney Calhoun born.

RC - = Adrian Shephard born.

RC - = Black Mesa Research Facility (BMRF) started as a top secret US advanced research base with research into materials, biology, power production, weapons production, biology, High Energy Physics and other areas.

RC - = Alyx Vance born

RC - = Teleportation basics discovered

RC - = Gordon Freeman meets Dr. Kleiner at Massachusetts Institute of Technology.

RC - = Gordon Freeman writes a thesis on teleportation technology as part of his Ph.D in theoretical physics.

RC - = Dr. Kleiner and Eli Vance starts working for the BMRF.

RC - = Teleportation technology "perfected" at the BMRF. Transition from old teleportation labs (BS) to the Lambda Complex).

RC - = Exploration teams start venturing into the world of Xen. Bringing back materials samples and biological specimens. BMRF shifts into high gear to absorb the wealth of information derived from Xen samples. Significant pressure from the administrator.

RC - = Alyx Vance born.

RC - = Gordon Freeman starts working at the university of Innsbruck Austria.

RC - = Adrian Shephard joins the marines.

RC - = Exploration teams start getting collected themselves.

RC - = Gordon Freeman receives the following letter from BMRF.

Black Mesa Research Facility

Office of the Administrator
Black Mesa, New Mexico

May , 200-

Dr. Gordon Freeman
Visiting Fellow
Institute for Experimental Physics
University of Innsbruck
Technikerstr. 25
A-6020 Innsbruck, Austria

Dear Dr. Freeman:

This letter shall confirm a recent telephone conver-
sation in which you were offered, and did accept, a
position at the Black Mesa Research Facility commencing
immediately but not later than May 15. As discussed,
you shall begin at Level 3 Anomalous Materials Laboratory.
We understand that it will take some time to conclude your
affairs at the University of Innsbruck and return to the
United States. Please notify the Personnel Department of
your intended arrival time immediately.

Since you are unmarried and without dependents, you
have been assigned appropriate living quarters in the
Personnel Dormitories. However ,you may not gain
admittance to your quarters until Level 3 security
processing is complete. Please bring this offer letter
and all documents listed on the attached sheet to the
Black Mesa Personnel Department no later than may 15.
A retinal scan will not be necessary at this time, but
we do require urinalysis and bloodwork to establish base-
lines for your medical history during your employment.
Please note that as necessary a condition of your work
with anomalous materials, you may be required to wear
and operate an HEV hazardous environment suit. You will
be trained and certified in its use during the standard
orientation process. All further questions regarding the
Black Mesa Research Facility and your role as Research
Associate will be answered during orientation.

As you know, Dr. Kleiner, your former professor at the
Massachusetts Institute of Technology, originally recom-
mended you for contact by the Civilian Recruitment
Division. He wishes to extend his congratulations on your
decision to accept our offer. Like Dr. Kleiner, we are
confident that your career with the Black Mesa Research
Facility will be a long and rewarding one.

Office of the Administrator
Civilian Recruitment Division
Black Mesa Research Facility

OTA: lm​

RC - = Adrian Shephar writes the following in his journals:

March 3rd: Another typically hellish day at base camp...
I'll be glad when this is over and I can get assigned a mission.
There has been this really weird civie spottet at the base.
Rumor is he's from some government branch looking to recruit;
others say he's with some secret research group.
I would jump at the chance to join. It would be so cool just
for the change and the adventure.

March 7th: I finally saw the government guy today. I'm not
sure he is a g-man, but he was wearing a really uptight suit
and carrying a briefcase. He looked more like a laqyer or
insurance agent to me. I did notice him chekcing me out.
Several times throughout the day I spotted him just watching
me during training. I wonder what he's up to...

March 9th: For weeks our drills have been the same crap day
after day. Today we assemble for the morning run and our
drill instructor tells us we have one week to become experts
at indoor strategic combat. We will be spending every day
at the combat simulation facility. As far as I know this is a
specialized training not taught in boot camp. What I want to
know if this is to test our ability to adapt or if we are being
readied for a specific mission? Time will tell...

March 12th: The rumors have been flying since our indoor combat training began. Most of my peers are convinced we are being primed for a mission. No one can agree on what the mission is. I have heard the name Black Mesa Facility thrown around a lot, but I have no information about the place. The rumors are that some top-secret research is going on there. Doesn’t sound too exciting to me…

March 15th: The rumor has been confirmed. We are being trained for a mission ad the Black Mesa Facility. All I know is that the place is being used by scientists who are doing some kind of new research. I can’t imagine what we would be needed for. We were told today to be ready in case it happens tomorrow I don’t know what “it” is, but the whole thing is a little strange. I kind of hope it doesn’t happen; the mission doesn’t seem to have much excitement potential. I’d rather hold out for something with more likelihood of combat.​

Resonance Cascade = The Resonance Cascade scenario becomes reality when Gordon Freeman during an experiment pushes the hitherto purest sample from Xen into a BMRF mass spectrometer in the Anomalous Materials lab.

These were the events leading up to the resonance cascade. Taking a break now... Take a look at the first and give me some critique.
Post RC - HL1, Opfor, BS timeline

RC + = Gordon Freeman given the mission of reaching the surface and call for help by Dr. Eli Vance.

RC + = Barney Calhoun tries to find his way out of BMRF.

RC + = Adrian Shephard and the marines are sent into the BMRF to silence any witnesses and killing of the alien threat. Specifically to kill off the man responcible for the disaster; Gordon Freeman.

RC + = Gordon Freeman, the scientists and Barney Calhoun learn of the militarys intention to silence them.

RC + = Marines meet heavy resistance from Gordon Freeman, Black Mesa Security and the Alien Invasion.

RC + = Alien Invasion is no longer just the Xen creatures but more races join in on their side.

RC + = Marines try to pull out and commence airstrikes

RC + = Gordon Freeman with Adrian Shephard hot on his tail. Both encounter the G-Man a number of times during their way through BMRF.

RC + = Gordon Freeman gets a new objective. Get to the Lambda Complex and the transporter technology (cant remember if the intention allready is to beat back the alien invasion or just to survive).

RC + = Adrian Shepherd learns that the government has sent in black ops teams to deliver the package (a nuclear bomb). An attempt to "delete" scientists, security, marines, aliens and the whole BMRF with one swift stroke. Adrian Shephard manages to disable the bomb. Albeit only temporarily.

RC + = Barney Calhoun finds the old teleportation labs and his way out. By going to Xen and activating the old teleportation relay. He and Dr. Rosenberg and a colleague are able to teleport to the BMRF's outlaying areas and escape.

RC + = Adrian Shephard misses Gordon Freeman when he leaves for Xen and instead attempts to survive, save his comrades and fight the alien invation.

RC + = Gordon Freeman takes the battle to the Borderworld of Xen. There he slays not only Gonarch ("animal" or "leader"?) but also the being Nihilanth. Nihilanth apparently acted as a leader for the alien invasion forces (Xen ones only?) and by doing so he released the alien slaves / vortigaunts from their bondage.

RC + = Adrian Shephard back on earth slays another great alien as it arrives on earth. Taking it out before it can do any harm.

RC + = Gordon Freeman gets a job offer from the G-man and accepts it.

RC + = Marine forces capture the world of Xen (Why is it assumed that the G-man means humans when he says "we", the scenes only show dead marines???).

RC + = Adrian Shephard is saved from BMRF by the G-man, who then takes care of the BMRF problem by the aforementioned nuclear device.

RC + = Adiran Shephard is detained by the G-man as he is a witness to the incident. (But could also become usefull in the future hence detained and not killed off.)

RC + Years = Earth gets hit by teleportation storms (definition?).

RC + Years = Dr. Breen elected earth leader (what did the newspaper cutting say?).

RC + Years = The combine (same aliens as before?) start their invasion of earth.

RC + Years = Earth surrenders after 7 hours of war. Presumably on Dr. Breens decision.

RC + Years = Earth is devastated. Dangerouns simple alien lifeforms have invaded the ecosphere, making humans move into large urban territories (presumably alot of/most humans have died at this time?). The earths atmosphere is being polluted (hl2 reference to being able to breathe again?).

RC + Years = Dr. Breen establishes his base of operations in City 17. (citadel built ?)

RC + Years = Dr. Breen tries to get humanity to evolve to a higher level. By letting go of instincts symbolised in the form of human reproduction we will be able to obtain eternal life.

RC + Years = A human resistance is actively working against Dr. Breen and his combine allies. The resistance is headed by old BMRF scientists and colleagues like Dr. Eli Vance and Dr. Kleiner.
(I need thoughts on the relationship between Dr. Breen, the combine forces and the benefactors???)

RC + Years = Gordon Freeman is awoken by the G-Man. His time has come again. He is inserted into City 17 by train and teleport. Immediately upon arrival he gets into contact with the resistance whom had been waiting for him.

RC + Years = Gordon Freeman travels to Black Mesa East (the female scientist had been working there while there was a BMRF? So it would seam to be an official east block research facility).

RC + Years = After a combine attack on the BME (Black Mesa East) Dr. Eli Vance is abducted.

RC + Years = Gordon Freeman instigates an uprising in city 17. This event allows him to infiltrate the citadel, Dr. Breens and the combine base.

RC + Years = While trying to free Dr. Eli Vance, Gordon Freeman destroys Dr. Breen and last but not least the dark fusion reaktor powering a teleporter between earth and the the alien invasions "homeland" (benefactors).

RC + Years = Gordon Freeman is saved by the G-man who, after Gordons latest success, is concidering lending out Gordons talents.

Thank you for the welcome :).

The Alyx being born twice was a typo and I can't edit it any longer. Half hour limit on edits?
You can't put together a timeline without dates. As far as I know, none of the games have any specific dates or years. A good portion of your timeline is just speculation and fabrication, anyway.
Well Ill be visiting some family with my GF the next few days, but ill get back here.

Spartan - timeline was an easier name than a chronological sequence of events regarding the halflife trilogy and spin-offs :)

Regarding speculation and fabrication some are logical assumptions. Eg. for a character to appear he / she must have been born. Apart from those I have tried putting them in ( ) as mostly discussion points.

If you meant the letter to Gordon or Adrians notes these were taken from the manuals which I still have around.

If ive missed some please point them out and do come with other parts that I may have missed :).

Optimally I would play through the games again and note turns of events but thats not gonna happen for now.

Any help would be appreciated :)
Just to note you missed the 7 day slow teleportation, which was pretty significant. Great work though :)
Welcome :D
And also, remember that the BMRF was a missile base/military base in the cold war that was converted to a R&D based facility later. That was in some original script somewhere... i'll see if i can dig it up
Zento -> Totally agree that the slow teleport was important. Forgot to put it in though.

Atleast we think it is or said in another way i'd be disappointed if it was just something random put in *laff*.

bliink -> BMRF was previously a military base? Well it makes sence since they did have atleast one missile silo. Would be really nice if you can find that original script. It might help flesh out the story somewhat, even if it's an old concept theyve scrapped.

Once again thanks for the replies :)
Nice timeline, all seems to make sence :)

(also, 78stonewobble, Gomez? :) )