HL Source is weird


Dec 13, 2004
Reaction score
Anyone else noticed these -
Corpses are bullerproof and impervious to the crowbar although they kinda ragdoll

the assassins are now invisible!!!

the marines ai is amazing - so much better, works so well in hl levels. Such a major challenge to beat a group of them.

the source water effects look ridiculous in such an old game

things that happened in the original dont happen now - like haeadcrbs in their cages not bursting out to attack u, houndeyes ignoring u completely unless u attack them

explosion animations are worse
HL AI has improved? Never knew that, makes me wanna play it! :D

And how did the explosions look worse? HL explosions are probably the ugliest out there (always hated them).
I liked HL:S

It was like playing the first Half-Life, but cooler.
the source water effects look ridiculous in such an old game
explosion animations are worse

Wrong on both accounts.
Use the custom texture packs that are being devoleped. I have been using one and it makes the game look great! It matches with the new water so only the character models are out of place.
john3571000 said:
Anyone else noticed these -
Corpses are bullerproof and impervious to the crowbar although they kinda ragdoll

the source water effects look ridiculous in such an old game

i gta agree with u there it, but there are some perks like starting in black mesa with all weapons and then pinning all the scientists to walls with the crossbow, as far as i remember tht didn;t happen in the old one.
DrDevin said:
Use the custom texture packs that are being devoleped. I have been using one and it makes the game look great! It matches with the new water so only the character models are out of place.

Link please.
john3571000 said:
the assassins are now invisible!!!
Saves remoddling them I guess.

the marines ai is amazing - so much better, works so well in hl levels. Such a major challenge to beat a group of them.
You mean better in the original than HL2 or better in HL: Source than the original? If it's the former I agree completely - The A.I. seems to have gone backwards for HL2. It certainly doesn't seem as good as the original in action.

the source water effects look ridiculous in such an old game
Your right there. Looking at HL against HL: Source without a scene with water & you can hardly tell them apart! That's because none of the original textures have been redone for Source! It's a lazy arse convernsion & the reason why several other mod groups are now tackling their own conversions of the original.

HL: Source was made purely to boost the appeal of the CE edition (Silver, Gold outside of the UK) which it's quite clear now is a bit of a waist of money (Unless you really want that HL2 baseball cap/T-Shirt! :thumbs: ).
I really like the marines new ai in hl it looks like the combine ai except the simpler level design in hl makes them work really well
plus they use cover throw grenades cleverly and run in shoot and run out working as a team
after debuging (looking at what it displays) the ai using console commands, its as if the enemies in hl2 were just placed in, only on a couple of levels are they in "Groups", and only then do they act intelegently.

also, the combine are dumb and will just sit out in the open. in hl:source (not 2) they actively duck behind thigns and run out of plain sight.
I've seen a screenshot of the Mesa's on the cliff level, they look too darn high and pointy
Originally Posted by john3571000
the assassins are now invisible!!!

The Prima guide said they were in "Hard" mode(when HL first came out)
john3571000 said:
the source water effects look ridiculous in such an old game
The water looks ridiculous in hl2 as well. The same little pattern repeated over and over just looks stupid especially from far away :rolleyes:
^^ on low detail, the water fits in with all the other crappy textures on my crappy 64 mb card. gotta get a new machiene. (talking bout hl2)
Reaktor4 said:
The water looks ridiculous in hl2 as well. The same little pattern repeated over and over just looks stupid especially from far away :rolleyes:

not during the airboat level. those water graphics were top-notch, definetely some of the best around. There was really only one part where I saw thoes crappy repeated patterns in the water. i think it was either during the beach attack with the ant lions right before nova prospekt or when you went under t hat huge bridge. also, shoreline water graphics were basically nonexistent.

also, as a tip to all HL2 players. by now, im sure many of you have beaten teh game once, if not two or three times. from many peopel ig et the impression they are disappointed with HL2. put it in perspective. i go back and play some of my older games, like Doom3, FarCry, battlefield etc etc and realize how much in HL2 i take for granted, mainly the insanely superb physics and the insane realism. yeah, Fary Cty and Doom3 do have some pretty good graphics, but they just dont look real. half life 2 i think im frigging looking at something i nreal life.

damn i sure did get off-topic. need to check out HL:Source...
Reaktor4 said:
The water looks ridiculous in hl2 as well. The same little pattern repeated over and over just looks stupid especially from far away :rolleyes:

Only way to avoid that is by having super-high res textures (1024x1024 and above) or some sort of dynamic normalmap/dudv map generator that produces water on the fly, which would both cost A LOT of performance. But feel free to make a 2048x2048 water texture, the water shader is fine, it's just the texture. You only notice this from afar anyway, on a high angle, when you're standing in the water or riding the airboat, it's very hard to see from a low angle.
The Prima guide said [the assassins] were [invisible] in "Hard" mode(when HL first came out)"

They have always been at least partially invisible in Half-Life on hard mode. I seem to recall them cloaking and de-cloaking at certain points, depending on what they were doing.
those damn assassins are hard enough to beat when you can see them let alone when they are invisible
john3571000 said:
I really like the marines new ai in hl it looks like the combine ai except the simpler level design in hl makes them work really well
plus they use cover throw grenades cleverly and run in shoot and run out working as a team

no. the original hl ai for the marines has always been more effective than hl2 combine drones.
Ultimape said:
after debuging (looking at what it displays) the ai using console commands, its as if the enemies in hl2 were just placed in, only on a couple of levels are they in "Groups", and only then do they act intelegently.

also, the combine are dumb and will just sit out in the open. in hl:source (not 2) they actively duck behind thigns and run out of plain sight.

yes, i agree with u there and with other opinions, the hl2 ai is like a step backwards from the ery effective hl1marines. but i think this is due to the fact that in hl2 we are fighting a different enemy -the combine and the combine are dumb ass manufacured drones with no real tactical skill, that is probally the way valve intended .
Maybe you just don't have a very good video card? I know I don't, and I was hoping that was the reason for the water looking like that...

oops, I was on page 1 and replying to the last post there. Someone was saying how the water just looked like the same patch repeated over and over...
HL : Source is not so fun, IMO. Waiting for the user-made revamp :p
it looks pretty cool, could someone make a quite-long video of it, to show me what its like?
Hey anyone know the map name just before you go into xen?
azz0r said:
Hey anyone know the map name just before you go into xen?
Lambda Core
Are people sill making BM:S?
They have always been at least partially invisible in Half-Life on hard mode. I seem to recall them cloaking and de-cloaking at certain points, depending on what they were doing.
Yeah, the assassins always could "cloak" by making making their suit appear semi-transparent. You can hear a slight "zap" sound whenever they cloak/decloak.
PvtRyan said:
Only way to avoid that is by having super-high res textures (1024x1024 and above) or some sort of dynamic normalmap/dudv map generator that produces water on the fly, which would both cost A LOT of performance. But feel free to make a 2048x2048 water texture, the water shader is fine, it's just the texture.
Or not use one texture for all the water.
Im not complaining about shaders.
You only notice this from afar anyway, on a high angle, when you're standing in the water or riding the airboat, it's very hard to see from a low angle.
Its a lot more noticable than that, to me anyway
I'd check your LOD settings. For me, when it's at a distance, it's obvious that there's a repeated pattern but I can't see it at all if I'm anywhere near the water.
Reaktor4 said:
The water looks ridiculous in hl2 as well. The same little pattern repeated over and over just looks stupid especially from far away :rolleyes:
name a game where they look better...
Ultimape said:
after debuging (looking at what it displays) the ai using console commands, its as if the enemies in hl2 were just placed in, only on a couple of levels are they in "Groups", and only then do they act intelegently.

Quoted for truth. Incredible how they forgot to use the grouping to which they used a lot of time to code into the game.