HL1 body count


Nov 1, 2003
Reaction score
I'm interested to see how many soldiers you'd all guess you kill in Half-Life 1?
Don't ask why... btw female assassins are included..I've been keeping count and it's more than I expected....
No-one was close!
Including 7 assassins
I was surprised myself, I had expected about 50.

If you add in tank and helicopter crews:
3 attack helicopters* (crew of 2): 6
2 transport choppers (crew and passengers: 9, going by Op For intro): 18
2 big tanks (crew 3?): 6
2 mini tanks (crew 2?): 4

Grand total: 187 troops killed, 5 helicopters shot down, 4 tanks blown up. Not bad for a single research associate in about 24 hours!

*I was playing it on Easy to be quicker, I think there might be a couple more helicopters on medium and hard.
How did you ever count all that , mustve taken forever, and been frustrating.
Nah not really...took me about four hours to play through up to where the last soldiers were ("Forget About Freeman")...just kept a tally on a bit of paper. I should say, it's not neccessarily 100% spot on - there may well be up to 10 I didn't count. What I will say is that it is AT LEAST this many.
I know this is quite sad. I'm avoiding getting on with my dissertation.
Impressive for a scientist with hardly any former training. Blame the hazard suit...

Anyway, thta's if you do kill all the soldiers you find. I don't always kill all the soldiers, sometimes I just blitz through to the next area. And I usually avoid the copters...
umm..who's really killing all the bad guys at hard difficulty :O I usually just kept running :/
i love taking down the helicopters. the combine ones look like theyll prove fun to shoot rockets at as well.
ScopeD said:
umm..who's really killing all the bad guys at hard difficulty :O I usually just kept running :/

I think I've killed them all, only bit where I kept running was when you encountered the Osprey.
When i first saw the osprey drop the troops, i thought that was it and perhaps it would circle round to keep watch...maybe even shoot if it had someone inside. Then of course those troops died by the hands of some Alien Grunts and it dropped some more. I just stood and watched in awa as wave after wave of marines kept coming. Eventually of course i just blew it out of the sky with the Tau Laser.
Heh, I always have knack of running out of ammo for the Guass, so just shoot it down with the glock. :hmph:

As for the Body count, I was expecting it to be somwhere near the 160's mark so was pretty accurate. If you combine that figure with the ones you kill in Blue Shift I'd think you would get a pretty large number.
Yeah...then add that to the countless grunts i killed, may they rest in pieces :LOL: [sarcasm](Im so funneh!)[/sarcasm]:| while making maps and you could probably populate the world...with dead computer entities that is.
(shots shots and more shots)
(shots,bullets out,pick crowbar,smashings)
(samshing whit crowbar)
(keep smashing whit crowbar)
2004....aliens count?