HL1 in source?

wonkers said:
Have any of you re-installed OP4 lately? I tell you, those Steam guys are full of tricky shit you didn't think they could do. You might be wondering what this has to do with porting HL1 but I will tell you.

When you install OP4 first on your computer instead of downloading the content off of steam an interesting thing happens. It converts all of your OP4 stuff into steam content including the friggen shortcut on the desktop. I was amazed that out of nowhere **BLAM** converts the whole thing.

I realise that this isn't quite like converting a whole game to an updated engine but I have faith that it's possible. At the very least it's easy for modders to start over again. DOD2 should make call of duty look like a waste of time. For Multiplayer that is.

Then again who cares about modding when we still have nothing to mod. You don't build houses with imaginary wood. You can't really make mods without a game.
The fact that Steam can convert games is irrelevant.

All it does is move the files into the right places so that Steam knows where to find them. It doesn't change any of the files at all. It just moves them. The long download afterwards is where it changes the files and updates the .dll files to utilize the Steam code instead of WON.

Basically anything made in the HL engine can be recompiled to work in the Source engine.
Did you notice the lack of restrooms in HL. In the whole game, restrooms only appeared once, and that was in the anomalous materials lab. If they decided to recreate Black Mesa in SOURCE, at least they should have the continuity correct in the game (That, and not let the scientist suffer with full bladders)
call me crazy, but the first screenshot i ever saw of "HL2" was of a vortigon (the green lightning throwers from HL) and it was treading in electrified water. Now, I know htey said monsters from HL1 are coming back, but do any of you remember the part in HL with all the vortigons and the electrified water that you had to use crates to get over? (it's right by the room with the rocket engine and the sound sensing rip-you-to-shreds-without-trying hook things) I dont remember where I saw this, but I know I did. It was right around when HL2 was first announced. I think I saw it a liitle before then actually. :)\) Once again, call me crazy, but it could have been from HL1. (and by the way, it looked effin sweet)
Epsi said:
Of course you can build houses with imaginary wood.

It's just that after all your hard work, all you'll have is an imaginary house.

That deserves to be in a book, or at least someone's siggy :E.

DC9884: A who to the what, now?
I saw a screenshot of "HL2" of a vortigon (lightning thrower thing) back when it when HL2 was first annaunced. HL1 in source maybe?

And for thoseof you who played HL1 in source leak, ever heard of placeholder art? Maybe the models and junk just werent leaked or didnt exist yet. Or Anon made it but whatever.... F Anon...
What I find funny is that after I went searching for sites that had HL2 info about the leak I found the truth. What's even more funny is that people think ANON is a group of hackers. It stands for anonymous. It's one guy, and people were tracking this person down and reading his IRC logs way back in October. The guy who had stolen the stuff off the network had what is out now in his hand when Gabe said there was no leak and that it was a lie.

He mocked him with something like "theres no leak, really, what's this?" and a link to the download.

Plus I read all the stuff the was in it. I am not going to Dl'it, like it matters. If this build is so wrong of what was on their networks why does anyone care that it's even out. All I am saying is that if you want the truth don't trust people who care about the outcome.

Some avid gamer slash hacker/programer doesn't give a rats ass about Valve or the outcome of this whole thing. That's the best info you can get, I know for a fact there is a lot of missinformation our there. Keep your eyes open people.
im pretty sure i sae it in a magazine....sorry i dont remember which one (DAMN IT)
(kills self by letting all the propellant in the reddi-whip come out by hold it directly upside down...)