HL1 Memories


Aug 19, 2004
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Now that HL2 is just under a month away, I was wondering what everyone's experience with the original HL was like.
Personally, I remember playing one of the demos (I don't remember where I got it, must have been on an old PCGamer CD) at least 30 times on all difficulties. I couldn't get enough of it.

Then, finally, I got my own copy and couldn't stop playing. Although the first time through, I didn't actually play the whole game since my father and I would accidentally auto-save over each other's game. Eventually, we beat the game.

I also remember getting to the end of the tram ride at the begining, and thinking how "photorealistic" the game looked. But hey, I was young and stupid. Anyone else have fond memories of playing the original?
Hey u'll probably not believe this but i just beat HL for the first time. was brilliant game. really looking forward to Nov 16th for the second,LOL i wont foget this day in a hurry. I finish HL and HL2 declared Gold!!!
I got into half-life through the uplink demo, and i tell you what, the moment those soldiers came through the roof on the fast ropes, i was hooked, and then hearing them yell 'OH SHIT' when you lobbed a grenade at them, that just got me .. such a great game, and i cant wait to play hl2!
Nothing surprising about being amazed about HL graphics. I remember when I saw Doom for the first time and awed at how realistic and amazing that game looks... and HL is really far ahead of that :).
I picked up a copy after playing TF (and MegaTF) on QW for quite a while.

At the time news came about that TF2 was in development for HL, not Q2, I figured I'd get the game.

I got addicted to the MP and even brought it into the College I was currently attending (and later worked at) and installed it on one of the networks in the computer lab to show it off to my IIS Administration instructor (he thought it was cool too.)

Well, as TF2 turned out to be no longer a HL mod (and I still got a pre-order slip for it circa 1999), I got into CS when it was initially released and HL has been on my HD ever since.
Did anyone actually like the Xen bit? I know lots of people who are divided over this...

I wasn't a fan of going to Xen.
I wouldn't call it a bad bit but it wasn't great. I think that hell in Doom 3 was far superior though, for more reasons then 'it just looked better' which it did.
NateDogX said:
I wouldn't call it a bad bit but it wasn't great. I think that hell in Doom 3 was far superior though, for more reasons then 'it just looked better' which it did.
Man, I loved Hell in Doom3! And the bit that did it for me was when all those tiles fell out of nowhere to make that stone walkway! I nearly wet myself!
i clocked it for the first time the other day lol. The first time i played it years ago i had to much going on :| sooooo i never clocked it.
my favourite memory *sniff sniff* was beating doom for the first time on hard... then the next *sniff* best memory was when i beat it on hard *sniff* in a few hours...
DOOM3 oh ya that was awesome and HL whoa when everything went to hell in the start that was awesome
the first time I was really floored in HL1 was the Blast Pit Level with the 3 headed boss that was blind but could hear you... you hadn't seen any clever enemies like that in games before... plus the AI of the troops against you was awesome ... "RECON, GO!"
bsaxman said:
the first time I was really floored in HL1 was the Blast Pit Level with the 3 headed boss that was blind but could hear you...
I must have been looking the other way when you got given the hint it was blind :) I spent *hours* trying to do that damn bit!
don't feel too bad, I lobbed a few dozen nades in there hoping to do some damage not even thinking it was a puzzle.
The first time I completed HL1 was, believe it or not, not until last summer...I was too hooked on CS since I got it in July of '01.

What a great game though, despite how late I was finally playing it.
ive played through HL1 about 7 times probably, and ONE of them times.... i pressed the rocket test button at the blast pit before i even turned anything on and through some bug it worked! i did blast pit in literally 2 minutes! Its never worked since then though.
I remember i first played an obscure little cd called Half-Life:Day One, and i was like WTF is that, and then i played it and played it over and over - i actually thought the game was called Half-Life: Day One
I recently beat Half-Life without cheating. felt good.

Let's hope I can do the same for HL2 :p
The game got boring after the first few levels. I gave the CD to my friend, he said it was boring also. I'm expecting this sequal to be better.
The very first time I took the train ride into Black Mesa my jaw was dropped. The graphics, the immersion... everything just took my breath away. And when Barney let me into the retinal scanner, I about crapped my pants. That level of scripting and depth had never been achieved before. It was stunning, and still gives me tingles to this day.
first moments of the game- the train ride was enough for me to sit back amazed
I loved Half-life. for many reasons. I remember when I first got the pistol and shotgun. Being the Gun-nut that I am, I loved how they actually reloaded the pistols and shotgun realistically, shell by shell and not just having a resivoir of ammo that you could continually shoot. I also loved all the headcrab suprises, the scientist speech. The funny thing is I don't remember how I came to want the game. I know I got it for xmas on request but I wasn't like eagerly anticipating the game long before it came out like we are for hl2. I think i was just looking over reviews of games on IGN and saw it and saw it got a really good rating so I put it on my list. I got it and installed and at that moment, a HL nut was born. Plus, HLDM was the very first online multiplayer I ever played so it has a very special place in my heart. one reason why i was dissappointed with no hl2dm.
I heard alot about Half-Life and how people say it's amazing, but I never played it cuz I never had a PC, then when I finally played it, I tried to figure out what was so special about it, but couldn't find it.

in short, it didn't impress me at all. :p

but I'm over hyped for HL2
KNoX said:
DOOM3 oh ya that was awesome and HL whoa when everything went to hell in the start that was awesome

knox, you wouldn't some how be the knox of claymations would you?
When you think about it HL1 was a masterpeice. Nothing like it was really around in '98. The only thing that comes clase was Quake 2.

Think about it. You are supposed to get to the surface, and when you do soldiers shoot at you. So you go back to where you were via air ducts to the guard post you passed by a while back. He tells you to go to Lamda Labs because the soldiers are shooting everyone. As you travel you go above ground, below ground, and Xen. You see Aliens being caged, and scientists being slaughtered. Along the way you are even beaten up and left for dead...

All without a cutscene that takes you out of the action. That was something that hadn't really happened before. And though I would have prefered not as many damned jumping puzzles, it was a damn fine game. I remember playing it straight through only stopping to sleep (I even remember where.)

I remember fighting Mother thinking that was the last level. I remember fighting through the levels after that expecting the last level to be very close.

At the time I knew that it was a very very fun game. Last month I played it again and remembered that it is still a very very fun game.

yeah, that blind noise maker was freaky. It was unnerving sneaking so very slow from point a to point b throwing Grenades to confuse the damn thing.
Easily IMO the best memory was watching the scientist cheer after squishing the headcrab under the cabinet. I was so disappointed (but equally impressed) when he took it from behind by the second one he didn't see...
I remember that surface tension was so good that I played it 4 or 5 times. The night before my final in pre-calc. And because of that I had to take pre-calc 3 times.
Pretty much the thing that hooked me was the train ride. I was around 13 and was watching along with my brother. I fell in love with it... it felt like a real facility. I remember watching the robots moving around and my jaw literally dropped.. from there i was hooked.
I didn't think Zen was that crash hot, but I did like the fight with Gonarch (big spider boss). The hell in Doom 3 wasn't that great. Wow brimstone and gaol bars! Woopty do! If anything I liked the way they did the infested parts of the facility and when parts of hte facility was broken up and there was just magma beneath you.

My favourite parts of HL1 were Questionable Ethics, and Surface Tension.
I hated the Zen level. It drove me bonkers. I loved D3 hell though. Like was said before, the shifting stones was awesome. It reminded me of the scene off Xmen with magneto. That was feakin cool. My best memories of HL1 was cheating to get guns in the very first part and slaughtering scientists. Haha ... run all you look alike scientists ... bam bam bam booooom ... thud. I'm not homicidal or anthing ............. :smoking:
groovy said:
My favourite parts of HL1 were Questionable Ethics, and Surface Tension.

Yeah, I really liked Surface Tension. And as for Zen, I didn't really dislike the place. It's been a while since I've played through it, but I thought I rememberd Zen being a pretty small part of the game. My least favorite part would have to be On a Rail, and I'm not sure why. I started replaying the game a dozen times, would get to that part, and eventually lose interest.
HL1 was given to me on my birthday. My brother was always raving about it, but I sure as hell didn't give a crap about it. My bro told me he was going to buy me a gift and came back with HL. I was so pissed that he bought it. I tried to remap all the controls to match Doom but ended up getting slapped around by my bro to learn wasd.

It was worth it anyway, since it was the only 3d fps to hold my attention. My friends sat in awe when they saw their first actual 3d shooter.
My brother introduced TFC to me, a while back. That's when my life started downhill.
I loved that they named the mother headcrab "gonarch" when what was hanging from it looked like a gonad. did anyone else catch this?
my favorite part had to be the second time you meet a garg, the one in the parking building. Knowing he was closing on you fast was an awesome feeling. Hitting the jump pad incorrectly would spell your doom
Flyingdebris said:
my favorite part had to be the second time you meet a garg, the one in the parking building. Knowing he was closing on you fast was an awesome feeling. Hitting the jump pad incorrectly would spell your doom
lol yeah, you miss on the launch pad thing its like "NOOO hurry get up there!"
Flyingdebris said:
my favorite part had to be the second time you meet a garg, the one in the parking building. Knowing he was closing on you fast was an awesome feeling. Hitting the jump pad incorrectly would spell your doom

Hm, I just ran away as fast as I could, and it worked for me :)
Though I hate the snark stuff you have to face next.

EDIT: My first time was from an illegal copy. I played the game and found myself amazed at the enormous realistic robot movement(the yellow one). It was absolutely great.
So I played it a week or so, and found myself thinking what the hell I was doing. So, the next day I ran to the store and bought the legal version.
As it should be.
OrphanBoy said:
I must have been looking the other way when you got given the hint it was blind :) I spent *hours* trying to do that damn bit!

I never knew he was blind...

Does that mean you can walk quietly through that area? To this day I always had to make runs for my life through there.

Oh, and I like the banter the scientists in the game have. When they talk to each other, or talk to you. Or just being able to watch them do things like pumping on a guys chest to revive him or running from a monster. Like one guy said, there was a part where the one scientist cheered when he squished the headcrab.
Janet Reno said:
Oh, and I like the banter the scientists in the game have. When they talk to each other, or talk to you
"With my brains and your brawn..."