HL1 Memories

hl1 is best game ever... it was first game i played when i bought my first comp... looong time ago that was, and game is still one of beest...
oposing force is also awesome game... maybe even beter than hl1 :)

hl2 will be even more good... the best game in galaxy!!!!
Janet Reno said:
Does that mean you can walk quietly through that area? To this day I always had to make runs for my life through there.

Yeah, pretty much. Crawl through and he doesn't get wind of you. Class.
I remember reading a review in PC Zone when i was about 11, and i had been an avid PC gamer since my dad got me playing Doom. I hadn't played anything good for a while and thought i'd pick it up. I was so excited when i did, and the whole game went by with my jaw dropped. Everything that happened was just so awesome that it was hard to take in. It's probably made me the elitist bastard i am today because it was so damn good.

I really wanna play through Half-Life again, but i'd much rather play HL Source. I wish Valve could release it before Nov. 16th :(
I remember back in the day when i saw one of the first pics from HL ( the one with a bullsquid standing in blue water ) in a gaming mag - i was thinking "goddamn that looks like a retarded game ! sheesh".

Yet after it actually came out and got all the praise in gaming mags, i immediatly picked it up - and was hooked :).
One day my friend called me over to show me the new game he got. It was HL, and I got to play it some. (I was only 12 at the time). I was hooked just by the first 5 minutes I played it. In Febuary of 99, I got the GOTY edition, and have been playing it since then.
My favorite level is Power up. I must have spent 3 days trying to get through that level. Everytime you beat one situation the next one drained all the health you had or killed you. It was great. I still have a great time watching my son try and get through it.
I loved the part right after the facility is bombed. When your crawling around in vents and you look down through the grate and you see the two grunts complaining...

"We got twelve dumbass scientists still alive..."

Or something like that. I actually felt like I had the odds stacked against me. Great stuff.
For me it was when you come out the blast at the beginning and the lovely friendly lab you just walked through is totally ****ed and a scientist is giving CPR to a security guard. He wakes up and you realise you can make him come along with you to kill a few monsters. Amazing stuff in its time. Thats when I realised this game was something special.

Also killing scientists was amazing fun.........just cap them in the head and watch the ****ers fall!
During the blast pit level you have to turn on oxygen, power, and fuel. I worked out that the 3 headed monster was blind pretty quickly, and proceeded to turn on the huge fan. Then I spent ages and ages looking for the fuel and power switches, but couldn't find them. Several hours went by in which I became increasingly frustrated, I became very angry and started bashing things with my crowbar, and generally shooting at nothing. Becoming more desolate and desperate I went back to the room with the huge fan, and decided that I was angry with the fan, so pulled out a grenade and threw it towards it.

To my sheer amazement the grenade reversed direction and went straight up! I then realised the true path, it was a great gaming moment.
My brother got Half Life for his birthday after seeing a rolling demo of it playing on one of Best Buy's computers. I remember seeing the part where the big alien tentacle hits the scientist back into the computer equipment. From that point on, i was floored.

When my bro's birthday finally rolled around, I couldn't wait for him to play it so I just snatched it from him and installed it. It was an amazing experience.
