HL1 scenes that tickled your fancy

Mar 15, 2005
Reaction score
In tribute to the original that started it all. What scenes can you remember in half-life one that had an impact on you?

I remember this room, somewhere in the beginning of the game, that was filled with electrified water because of a running sink and broken electric cables handing from the roof. What you had to do, was jump on various peices of furniture to get to the light switch and turn it off. Then you had to jump in the water walk over to the vent, break it. I will always remember the head crab that jumps out on you from the vent as soon as you jump to get into the vent. It was the first time ever a game was able to literally make me jump out of my seat.
Lets see, I loved the intro sequence, I loved screwing around for 20 minutes trying to find out how to get to the test chamber...I loved the test chamber accident scene, and then the scene after that, and the one after that...and uh...hmm

My favourite though...I really dont know
I can't think of one. The graphics and confined spaces in HL were depressing and nowadays they repel me too much.
BUT my favourite thing was when the soldiers came to BM, I though 'WTF> Why are you shooting me? Bang' and they killed me.
Everything up to Power up. From then on the game lost a bit of it's charm imo, at least up to the lambda complex which I loved. But then came Xen and... oh well...
I developed my antacid habit during Blast Pit. Crap, halfway up a ladder and all out of grenades...
My favorite scenes were (not in order)

A) The first fight with the Spec Ops
B) After power up, when your rail car goes out of control and runs over a few marines and splashes into the resevoir.
C) The area near the beginning when you had to jump on those boxes that were suspended in air.
D) At the end of the 3rd level (office complex?) Actually the whole level. First when you and barney fight all of the zombies, and then enter the freezer storage. Also when going up the stairs when the Scientists talk about the rescue team and a few other story bits.
Surface Tension: The Cliff Face. And, the first time you go outside on "We've got hostiles".
bat_lyubo said:
I can't think of one. The graphics and confined spaces in HL were depressing and nowadays they repel me too much.
BUT my favourite thing was when the soldiers came to BM, I though 'WTF> Why are you shooting me? Bang' and they killed me.

Yeah, they surprised me too. All the scientists were talking about the military coming to kill all the creatures, then they come and start shooting at me and the scientists!
Yeah, they surprised me too. All the scientists were talking about the military coming to kill all the creatures, then they come and start shooting at me and the scientists!
When I was going through that...I could feel something.. somewhat was wrong once I seen those military guys... Then I see them shoot the scientist....and there I new...and could only think "Those ****ers".
Barney_Calhoun said:
Surface Tension: The Cliff Face. And, the first time you go outside on "We've got hostiles".
You read my mind. :)
Was like "WOAH!!!" when I looked down the face of the cliff and started to get vertigo.

The Apache flying over the dam and attacking those ... uh... (consults HL1 Strategy Guide) Ichtyosaurs was a wild scene.
Escaping from the crusher then having to recover your arsenal, one weapon at a time.
Barney_Calhoun said:
Surface Tension: The Cliff Face. And, the first time you go outside on "We've got hostiles".
Yip. SO good.
I hated the Icthyosaurs, they terrified me. I remember spending ages standing ashore and plugging away at them whenever they surfaced, just so I wouldn't have to swim with them.
Gradually playing through the game again, in Questionable Ethics I'm exploring with a Barney, get to a room with two cages full of headcrabs, and the idiot runs in and opens the cages. Great scripting. :D
I remembered this 1 part of Surface Tension, where your walking along this cliff and you see this ladder that looks like there's NO way to get on it without falling to your death. :eek:

Getting the RPG the first time and "doing that demo" with the Apache was kinda boring.
Cliff face bit in surface tension getting the rocket and blasting
ALL of Surface Tension is amazing, the first area in any game to fully capture the feel of a warzone. From the Dam, to the desert, to the cliffs, to the military sheds, fighting a full spectrum of enemies both human and more exotic. It's chaotic, but not so busy that you get lost in it. I can play the layout of that chapter in my head, which is more than a little scary (actually, tbh, I remember most of the chapters, but ST is the most vivid). Frankly, what Black Mesa Source are doing with Surface Tension is extremely exciting.

Another favorite scene: fighting the lady ninjas and getting rewarded with getting thrown in the garbage. Aprehension was a dull chapter, but the ending was something quite special. Losing like you did was part of the HL character. Losing your weapons mid-game, crawling around in the sludge with just a crowbar didn't happen to FPS heros before HL came along. That moment took away the dignity of the FPS gamer and was an excellent twist in the tale.
Who could forget that scripted scene when your walking through a hallway and a marine bursts out of the side of the wall in front of you. When you look through the whole the marine made you see one of those stoky aliens. I loved the way the marines and the xenians were fighting each other, I always used to sit back and watch the fire fight, and then intervene when I felt sympathetic towards the underdog.
>>FrEnZy<< said:
Who could forget that scripted scene when your walking through a hallway and a marine bursts out of the side of the wall in front of you. When you look through the whole the marine made you see one of those stoky aliens. I loved the way the marines and the xenians were fighting each other, I always used to sit back and watch the fire fight, and then intervene when I felt sympathetic towards the underdog.
Yet another reason why I love Surface Tension :)
Surface Tension was an awesome chapter, wonderfully set up by Questonable Ethics if you ask me.
I love most all marines battles that start out with stealth. It's so fun setting up booby traps, like setting a satchel over there, so that after that guy trips the mine, you wait for the rest of the platoon to come in, bla bla bla.

But I guess i'd have to say the part that sticks with me most is the part where you get to set the airstrikes to take out that lumbering piece of shit in the parking lot. I loved watching it push a car into those two marines :D

But yeah, notice how I don't use past tense. I haven't beaten the game yet :(

I'm replaying, and am now in Xen, almost ready to take on Nihilanth :D

I have to say though, the assasins/specops were the scarriest things i've ever seen in a video game. The AI in the game was just mindblowing I think though. It was so awesome how the assasins would stalk you, BLAM BLAM BLAM! You wip around and see her flick behind something.

EDIT: Beaten Nihilanth! YAY! Now I can finally say i've beaten HL1!!!
sinkoman said:
... the part where you get to set the airstrikes to take out that lumbering piece of shit in the parking lot.
Just finished Surface Tension on my first playthrough in years. I used a bit too much caution in entering the parking garage, and the Garg was at the door leaving me no place to run.

10 grenades, 3 satchels, and one rocket later, I was able to proceed unhindered. :)
Watching the scientist hang from the elevator lift shaft before falling to his death with quite a nasty crunch sound.

The scientists helping each other climb into the airvent, only the one to be pulled in and spewn back out again... in several peices.

Watching one of the scientists run in front of me and start banging on the secuirity checkpoint window and watching the guard get pulled up into the vent before... um, being spewn back again... in several peices.

I loved the death scenes, see.
Surface Tension, the action was the best.
-The entire chapter of "Surface Tension" that was FPS gaming at its finest.

-Watching two scientists get sucked into a vent, screaming and kicking, and then hearing the sound of an alien creature eating them before spewing back their gibs.

-Reaching the surface for only a brief couple of seconds in "We've Got Hostiles" only to be greeted with a horde of marines and helicopters. Yikes.

-Finally meeting the G-Man!

One scene I wanted to see was the scientist interrogation scene they cut. If you look at the back on the old box, you see a marine picking up a scientist by his collar while the rest cower. That would have been neato.

el Chi said:
I hated the Icthyosaurs, they terrified me. I remember spending ages standing ashore and plugging away at them whenever they surfaced, just so I wouldn't have to swim with them.

I did exactly the same thing. :)
I think the chapter I spent the longest time on was "Apprehension", simply because I spent so much time procrastinating and looking for any alternative route that would allow me to bypass those ****ers. No such luck. So I'd spend half an hour taking pot shots at them when they popped up, as well as blindly unload the occasional MP5 clip into the water.
I wasted half my ammo firing into the water like a madman to avoid them. Such a coward.
Yes, the encounter with the first Ichtheosaur was pretty creepy; they do a nice job with the murky, ominous water. Espeacially for me, I've always had a thing with wide, deep bodies of water. But once you fight them, they're not so bad. I've killed them with the crowbar.
The entire game was amazing, but I have to say that the intro - test chamber period and Surface Tension were the best.

also the whatever its called in the blast pit... I was like HOLY SHIT THATS AWESOME the first time I saw those huge tentacles killing that security guard that ran out there shooting.
ahhahaha, apart from everything, I loved the part when you first meet the assassins

"security guard: be carefull around here, watch out for the (silenced gun goes off) akkgk"
The tentacle eating the Scientist!
Barney shooting the tentacle and getting gibbed.
Questionable ethics when you get to fry everyone in those experimental rooms.
Barney and the scientist dying from the gauss gun.
All of surface tension - especially involving military aircraft fighting alien craft, and tanks, proper warzone stuff.
Seeing the G-man watching you then disappearing.
The security guard getting pulled into a vent by a zombie
Surface Tension
Test chamber
The dam
Loads more....
The entire feeling of the game tickled my fancy.

5,000th post. Not sure whether I should be ashamed or proud.
Ennui said:
The entire feeling of the game tickled my fancy.

5,000th post. Not sure whether I should be ashamed or proud.

ashamed, you should brag some more and get it reset
el chi... me and you share the same fear i hate ichtysours.. there so scary... i actully dont go into the ocean anymore because of them (neva liked the ocean anyways)
I see that no one has mentioned that scene, can't remember on what level...it was a bit after the experiment...any who, it was where you saw the scientist in a room with a head crab. The scientist pushes over a file cabinet on the head crab and begins to dance. Then another one comes from behind...yeah, I found that kind of funny... Then of course theres the scene with the zombie pulling barney into the vent, the giant tentacle grabing the scientist, the gauss gun exploding...yep, good game. Oh yeah, the train ride was good too, really set the mood well.
Beginning of apprehension where your train crashes!
Intro, duh.
Surface tenshens
**** it. Everything!

On a Rail?
Residue Processing?

Those were all great levels!
SsmitzZ said:
el chi... me and you share the same fear i hate ichtysours.. there so scary... i actully dont go into the ocean anymore because of them (neva liked the ocean anyways)


I remember seeing one in the water, and going "BRING IT ON BITCH" before jumping in and swimming towards it.