HL1 scenes that tickled your fancy

Loved every ounce of it. Although the cliffs were the most impressive, it really gave me a vertigo feeling (still does now too :p)

EDIT : 640st post! I'm a small resolution, yey :D
The only one that springs to mind that’s not been mentioned yet is the bit when you’re in a vent and you hear the soldiers underneath you. They say something like, “He’s in the vent!” and start shooting at you. The vent gets sprayed by gunfire and holes with shafts of light appear on them. Then crunch, the whole thing collapses and you drop into the room with about 3 of them shooting at you.
When you are being teleported around after the experiment with the crystal in the beginning part of the game.
That vent part was awsome. But there where only two of them. The first time I fell through, I was kinda stunned, cause I didn't expect that, and they killed me. The second time, I fell through but they still killed me. The third time I used my snarks and filled the room with them. The marines where running around trying to kill the snarks I had let loose on them from the vent (I had backed up, so when they shot it, it didn't drop me in). It was hilarious.

Ah, the memories.

Oh, and that part where the marins and aliens are fighting, and the marines break through the wall with the APC. That was cool.
This thread reminded me of so many great moments that I installed Half Life again.

Onward, to Surface Tension!

Aw, goddamnit. That means going through Blast Pit. Don't get me wrong, it was cool and all, its just one of those parts in a game where you think ''oh, great, I'm at that part, I can't be bothered''

To me, anyway.
TheBleeding said:
Aw, goddamnit. That means going through Blast Pit. Don't get me wrong, it was cool and all, its just one of those parts in a game where you think ''oh, great, I'm at that part, I can't be bothered''

To me, anyway.
I can appreciate this. Blast Pit for me was an excellent innovative chapter... once you got into the Blast Pit itself. Tellingly, I usually run out of steam as soon as I get up to that barricade right at the start - There's so much to crowbar, and you can feel the tension and excitement dropping rapidly. Then the rest of the chapter is a long walk to the Blast Pit. Kind of dull... kind of very dull.

I'm surprised that people here like Residue Processing though. Even if I can see that On a Rail sparked some interest (you get to ride the trains, yay!), and Aprehension had a few high points (Ninjas, Icthysaurs), I fail to see what was interesting about Residue Processing in the least. It was Dull puzzle after dull puzzle, and the sense of realism and of place dropped dramatically.
Residue Processing for me was great, dipping in and out of the machinery and hopping onto the conveyor belts was simply a change of pace (that I liked), and that accompanied with Questionable Ethics was just preparation for what was to come - Surface Tension.

I wouldn't say RP was exiting though, because really it wasn't. Just enjoyable, for me at least.
Personally, there were no parts of HL that I didn't like. Even Xen.
God this thread has tickled my fancy. I'm playing through HL again.
I really liked the look of some bits of Xen near the beginning of it, what with the luminescent plant/animal things and pretty looking caverns. But then it just got more annoying as it went on, and the final factory bit with all the platforms plus the controllers who were just too tough on Hard, was no fun for me.

There were so many other bits I loved though, especially on the first time through (I'm amazed I can still remember...). Like arriving at the Lambda complex after so much travelling, and expecting a bit of safety and a breather, only to find it was ridiculously heavily infested with aliens.

I loved all the 3-way shootouts between marines, Gordon and Xen forces (kind of a 4-way if you could get a barney or 2 involved). Just like with HL2, I replayed some of those shootouts dozens of times just for fun. And then of course there's all the great scripted bits with tentacles pwning scientists, guards getting pulled into vents and so on and so forth. Great times.
kupoartist said:
I can appreciate this. Blast Pit for me was an excellent innovative chapter... once you got into the Blast Pit itself. Tellingly, I usually run out of steam as soon as I get up to that barricade right at the start - There's so much to crowbar, and you can feel the tension and excitement dropping rapidly. Then the rest of the chapter is a long walk to the Blast Pit. Kind of dull... kind of very dull.

Yeah, I remember the crowbar-ing part now on the way there. I also remember opening the blast door and being, literally as I was pressing forward, face to face with a zombie. I yelled so loud.

I liked On A Rail for exactly the reason that you were on a train. I felt safe there. Other than that I can't actually remember any of it.

EDIT: And now my Half Life isn't working. The menu and all that loads up but the game is just a black screen with all the sounds in the background. Can't see anything, basically. BAH. The one thing I wanted to play for a while tonight, too.