HL1 vs. HL2 and the story behind it all...

What do you think?

  • HL1 is still the best and i agree with you on this "matrix" plot

    Votes: 3 33.3%
  • HL1 is still the best, but i disagree and think the story is/will be amazing

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • HL2 is way better than HL1, and i agree with you on this "matrix" plot

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • HL2 is way better, but i disagree and think the story is/will be amazing

    Votes: 6 66.7%

  • Total voters


May 19, 2003
Reaction score
I totally thought Half-Life was the most innovative/best game ever made, still is IMOP. Half-Life 2 has surely surmounted and risen above to any FPS to date, but i still think HL1 was and still is the best game of all time. HL2 had it all, don't get me wrong, i loved it! Probably will beat it again on Christmas break. Point of the matter is, for some reason, this Half-Life series, according to the plot, is acting like the Matrix trilogy. I'm not sure how many of you here agree with me, but it feels that way with me. I can only imagine what HL3 is going to be like, but we'll have to see. Anyways, everyone have a great thanksgiving and happy playing HL2!
I agree, HL1 is my favourite of the 2 games. HL2 is incredible visually and in terms of sheer polish and quality, but the originality just isnt there imo. I thought it was quite repetetive at certain points and some of levels werent very fun to play. This is not to say i think its in any way a bad game, because it blatantly isnt, but it just doesnt have the same appeal as the first game to me. The best way i can think to describe the feeling and general design i get from HL2 is 'forced'.

edit: also i was pretty disappointed with how short HL2 was.
how about they both kick butt and the matrix sucked and I hate comparing my favorites games to such a terrible trilogy :)