HL2.. A commercial failure?

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Chris_D said:
I never stated how much Valve or Vivendi got out of that $100,000,000. I was just stating that that's how much revenue the game has generated.
True, but the important figure is the one the developer gets... not that I should lecture anyone, after buying retail and all :P
Traitor ;)

I know that's the most important thing but the topic is whether it's a commercial success. A tenth of a billion dollars is rather successful. Especially for a PC game within three months of its release.
another thing to consider is that halo 2 was actively pimping itself on t.v. ads. HL2 sold this well on word of mouth and magazine ads (which were mainly the lambda logo alone). i know its nothing earth-shattering but t.v. advertisements do drive sales, otherwise people wouldnt spend millions on them.
I had trouble finding Half Life 2 at several stores here in the New York area...they were just sold out..except for a few collectors edition. Valve's going to do well...the game is selling and will continue to sell.
"And alot of people here are talking out of their ass. Until I see some proof on HL2 selling 3 million I'm going to disregard that statement as malarchy."

"Oh and, Gabe predicted in an interview that they would sell 7 million in the first year."

Oh the irony.

Anyway, future console sales will probably outstrip the current PC sales. Xbox 2 launch title anybody?

I can see the slogan now.

"Best game the PC has ever known, NOW on xbox 2!"
^Ben said:
Anyway, future console sales will probably outstrip the current PC sales. Xbox 2 launch title anybody?

I can see the slogan now.

"Best game the PC has ever known, NOW on xbox 2!"
I like that you make me laugh :)
Maybe they should add a little tiny bit at the end.

"Just a year late"
^Ben said:
Maybe they should add a little tiny bit at the end.

"Just a year late"
I like that you make me cry :(

Oh, wait ... that's not good ...

Anyways, to discuss whether HL2 was a commercial failure/success is pointless as it 'failure' is not an argueable viewpoint when gets to 1 on the charts. Sells well over a million units. Has a huge mod community. Wins hundreds of awards. Etc...
People seem to forget that Half Life sales only got to higher levels when Counter-Strike caught on and you needed HL to play it. The initial 6 months sales of HL weren't that great compared to other AAA best sellers.
Well considering the game has high specs and people will need to upgrade their PCs plus the bad image that Steam has I can see why sales weren't as high as expected. I have a feeling they broke even though. Plus when really good mods come out people will invest in it then.
Yeah. DOD: Source should build up some new business for a start - and that coastline demo level they're doing (which will hopefully show Source at full throttle) should be enough to make even the hardest of resistors comply and make a purchase.
In 2006 we might get a platinum HL2 edition containing:

DoD, TFC, Ricochet, DM Classic all Sourcified, plus any new Valve-made mods

Extra single player content (expansion pack plus ATI level(s))

Retail quality mods.

New T-Shirt!
and finally it was defeated by KoToR II
Just goes to show the POS games people will buy.

Anyway, Judge your keep asking people for proof of sales figures over and over again. Since your the one trying to argue against HL2 sales, maybe you should go look them up, since you started this flamebait thread.

Your making asumptions left and right about the success of HL2 compared to HL1 when you can't possibly predict the future of it's sales and what kind of MODs will come out. I'd recommend keeping your keystrokes down for a few years untill you have some solid backing.

Have fun.
WhiteZero said:
Just goes to show the POS games people will buy.
Hunh? What's wrong with KotOR? It's not had a bad review as far as I've found ... and I liked original. But then that's your opinion, and I won't try and change it, don't worry :P
I think its been a great success and will probably sell consistenly well over the next 2 years. In the long run their gonna make a lot more money then they spent.