HL2 and CS 2?!

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I have this odd notion that an updated CS will come out soon after HL2 is released Sept 30, because of the fact that cs 1.6 should have been out LONG ago, and there has really been no word of CS in HL2. And Condition Zero for me is considered obsolete being that it was created on the original HL engine. blah.
When you say "Updated CS" do you mean 1.6, an unnanounced 1.7 or CS2 with the HL2 Engine?
I am glad to see 1.6 taking so long, it's a lost cause.

Hopefully the makers have realised this and have set all resources and assets to produce the nexxt gen CS!
Originally posted by aohus
I have this odd notion that an updated CS will come out soon after HL2 is released Sept 30, because of the fact that cs 1.6 should have been out LONG ago, and there has really been no word of CS in HL2. And Condition Zero for me is considered obsolete being that it was created on the original HL engine. blah.

CS is gay.....

It got gay right when v.1.0 came out. let's hope CS2 will be something much better.
CS:CZ is coming out..valve said that at E3

They said after CS:CZ is out they will begin work on CS:CZ 2
Originally posted by Shockwave
CS:CZ is coming out..valve said that at E3

They said after CS:CZ is out they will begin work on CS:CZ 2

Somehow i know you are full of shit. Valve has not stated anything about CS2 or anything HL2 multiplayer related. Let's see the link to the article where they said that.
Re: Re: HL2 and CS 2?!

Originally posted by THUGENSTEIN
CS is gay.....

It got gay right when v.1.0 came out. let's hope CS2 will be something much better.

Mind elaborating what you mean by "better"?

Do you mean CS at beta stage 7? 6? 5? 4?

Do you mean unrealistic jumping system and strafejumping?

Do you mean old maps?

Do you mean the ability to jump around endlessly and score a headshot with the deagle accross the map?
Re: Re: Re: HL2 and CS 2?!

Originally posted by ub3rbr0k3
Mind elaborating what you mean by "better"?

Do you mean CS at beta stage 7? 6? 5? 4?

Do you mean unrealistic jumping system and strafejumping?

Do you mean old maps?

Do you mean the ability to jump around endlessly and score a headshot with the deagle accross the map?

Better as in:

1. Not overpopulated by crazy geeks and clans. Beta stages were awesome.

2. I have to admit I have hacked before and it was damn fun so I can blame the hackers, but would be great with no hackers.

3. Weapons models and textures accurately made.

4. More realistic concepts rather than the usual round elimination, and bomb defusals.

5. The maps were and still are completely unrealistic. I mean look at dust, what the hell is it. It's just some sandy labyrinth. Some realistic and believable enviornments plz.

6. Pistol damage way increased.

7. Best to make it completely outlaw any sort of custom models and any modifications. Sounds bad, but the more flexible an engine or mod is the more ways there are to hack it.
it would be nice seeing cs using the HL2 engine..
Originally posted by -S30Ul
it would be nice seeing cs using the HL2 engine..

Dude that's just as inevitable as your death. CS2 fo sho will happen. It's would just be morally WRONG not to do it.
i don't know why.. but this question pops up everysigle time. CS:CZ is the next level of CS. And we don't know if the developers of CS will make CS2 using the source engine. But i really think that other great mods will take thier places in my pick.
I agree with dovoxove. There will be new, better, and unique Mods than CS ever was. Of course there will still be a CS for HL2 and lots of hardcore CS players will keep it alive and kicking.

Counter-Strikes time is over, it had its 15 minuets of fame, and now its time to move on, its as simple as that.
Originally posted by THUGENSTEIN
Dude that's just as inevitable as your death. CS2 fo sho will happen. It's would just be morally WRONG not to do it.

correct me if im wrong but you cannot speak for the creators of cs.

Originally posted by The Mullinator
I agree with dovoxove. There will be new, better, and unique Mods than CS ever was. Of course there will still be a CS for HL2 and lots of hardcore CS players will keep it alive and kicking.

Counter-Strikes time is over, it had its 15 minuets of fame, and now its time to move on, its as simple as that.

try 4 years (approx.)
but they should be looking into making games/mods that will overtake cs..
cs 1.7

cs 1.7 will not have anything to do with HL2, its already been confirmed.
Originally posted by SenorDingDong
Valve owns CS since V1.0 came out, so obviously it will be out for HL2
Call me an idiot (please don't), but your logic seems to evade me...so you're saying, because they own the rights, a sequel is instantly imminent? I'm not sure if I would go that far, personally. Unless CS2 would be truly unique, I don't think it would come off as anything except a slightly less realistic Rainbow 6 clone...that's just my personal opinion though.

what are you guys thinking. first of all i'm going to point out that i'm not a cs fan. alright, well one of the main reasons why hl is the most played game on earth is because of cs whether you like it or not. look how many people are playing cs compared to hl deathmatch or any other mod. obviously valve isn't going to ignore this fanbase for hl2. of course there will be a cs2 using the source engine. i wouldn't doubt if it came out very soon after halflife2 is released as well.
Originally posted by aohus
I have this odd notion that an updated CS will come out soon after HL2 is released Sept 30, because of the fact that cs 1.6 should have been out LONG ago, and there has really been no word of CS in HL2. And Condition Zero for me is considered obsolete being that it was created on the original HL engine. blah.

I dont want see anything like CS2 destroy people's cogniton of Half-Life2.

Some goddamned Cser's even say Cs is better than Half-Life!!!
Some fvcking Csers even do not know what is Half-Life!!
Those Csers's suck!!!!!!!!!!
CS2 has been in production for well over a year, and will use the HL2 engine.