HL2 and CS:S now on Steam's Update History

I'm more excited about Half-Life 2 in the update history. Those internal playtesting bitches!!!
Wow, thanks shuz.. hl2 and css are both in july too, CS:s says internal playtest ;)

edit: so does hl2 :D :D

:cheers: maybe it's the friends and family beta?
i got excited when i saw HL2 movies... i thought BINKS BINKS BINKS :(
This could only mean one thing, HL2 is either close or far away.
this is good news, they now have a internal test build that is running via steam.
gh0st said:
i wonder why

actually I would thoroughly enjoy Ricochet source.. with physics and shaders i'd gladly play it all day :D :D :imu: :imu:
My God I've gone and forgotton about the e32k4 Binks! When are those things going to be released? I'm about to break someone's embryonic sack to get those things.
This means absolutely nothing except maybe Valve is testing HL2 and CSS over Steam. Nothing earth-shaking.
ShadowFox said:
This means absolutely nothing except maybe Valve is testing HL2 and CSS over Steam. Nothing earth-shaking.

No really?
ShadowFox said:
This means absolutely nothing except maybe Valve is testing HL2 and CSS over Steam. Nothing earth-shaking.

OMG NEWB!!@@!$$#@%$@#%@#

It means they have CS:S and HL2 on the steam network right now....So that IS good.
ShadowFox said:
Yes really.

I just hate it when people get their hopes up over nothing.

and i just hate it when evil people burst my bubble =p
ShadowFox said:
Yes really.

I just hate it when people get their hopes up over nothing.

There's plenty to be happy about - progress..
ShadowFox said:
Yes really.

I just hate it when people get their hopes up over nothing.
Nothing? Clearly getting CS:S and HL2 on steam is quite a huge step.

Cliffe give us more pics!
Actually, cliffe can you or someone please settle this debate or at least vaguely hint an answer.

Will HL2 have a MP mode based in the HL2 universe?!
What exactly would they be doing testing HL2 online if it didn't have it's own multiplayer? Do you reckon they are just putting it up on steam in preparation for release or something?
I feel like valve are tring to hide that hl2 is almost done... the WON server going down to share the load on steam all points that hl2 is coming out soon.
Oh please god don't let me get excited.. not again... noooO!OO!!

I have been expecting HL2 to be secretly released next week for the last year...
They've spent the last four months playing Half-Life 2 multiplayer, and have totally forgotten that they should release it.
ShadowFox said:
This means absolutely nothing except maybe Valve is testing HL2 and CSS over Steam. Nothing earth-shaking.

no, it means they had a basically finished copy of hl2 and cs:s working with steam around july 8th.

if it was basically finished and just needed tweaking at that point, then we can get out hopes up about it being released sooner :)
they are just testing HL2 and CS:source shit.. sjeesh.. you get exited over nothing.

If it would have been gold we would have known it already.. so just chill.
Everybody, you are missing the point...Jess is the co-creater of CS!!!111111 So this means that Half-Life 2's multiplayer component is CS! OMGZORZ!!!11! Not only that, his post(to me anyway), sounded like one of the voices from CS(which he was the actor for)...This can ONLY mean his next post will be GO! GO! GO!...which will be the signal for VALVeORZ to print HL2...or sumthin like that!111

On a serious note though, I find VALVe to be a rather interesting company...They post on message boards solely to screw with our heads. If I was in their position, can't say I wouldn't do the same thing : )