HL2 and CS:S now on Steam's Update History

Man I would totally spam forums to all hell if I was in their position... I mean what would they do? Ban one of the creators of the games they are fan boi's of :p Actually I wouldn't spam per-say... just "post extremely a lot" :D

Oh and it's nothing that I"m jumping joy about, but it's just comforting to know at least that Cliffe and his band of raging monkeys aren't keeping it to themselvez...... crazy monkeys!
as soon as I was managing a bit of sanity, while keeping myself away from these boards, I check once, and this..

Dam you Valve. Damn you for making a game that is addictive before it is even released.
xrdanielalan said:
On a serious note though, I find VALVe to be a rather interesting company...They post on message boards solely to screw with our heads. If I was in their position, can't say I wouldn't do the same thing : )

Posting on message boards is one thing, but giving poor merc that bsified whiteboard was just cruel :(
Six Three said:
Posting on message boards is one thing, but giving poor merc that bsified whiteboard was just cruel :(
I loved that little stunt, and just as this little bit of info has done, it got me back on the boards.. :(
CS:Source is going to be preloaded on the 26th of this month and probly ready to download for cyber cafe users around the same time doom3 is released (3rd-5th)
nc17 said:
CS:Source is going to be preloaded on the 26th of this month and probly ready to download for cyber cafe users around the same time doom3 is released (3rd-5th)

I dought it. where did you hear this?
nc17 said:
CS:Source is going to be preloaded on the 26th of this month and probly ready to download for cyber cafe users around the same time doom3 is released (3rd-5th)

So you work for VALVe now eh?
edit: I misread a statement... there should be a delete post button :(
ecchi said:
Not to mention cybercafe members are supposed to get it before CZ owners...

Well yeah, they just get the dvd's to have, then install when valve lets CZ players have it.
This can only mean one thing, that Half-life 2 will be released at a certain time (or not.)
Mattigus said:
This can only mean one thing, that Half-life 2 will be released at a certain time (or not.)
Thanks. I'll write that in my diary.
WhiteBoy said:
Where did you read this?

Cybercafe owners get dvd's for there games...this helps them by not having to download the games on multiple pc's, which is a lot of bandwidth used..
DiSTuRbEd said:
Cybercafe owners get dvd's for there games...this helps them by not having to download the games on multiple pc's, which is a lot of bandwidth used..

What I mean is, where did you read that they will only be able to use it once it's released to the CZ owners?
WhiteBoy said:
What I mean is, where did you read that they will only be able to use it once it's released to the CZ owners?

Well they can install it to the pc's but it won't be shown up till valve makes it avaliable for CZ owners.
DiSTuRbEd said:
Well they can install it to the pc's but it won't be shown up till valve makes it avaliable for CZ owners.
I wouldn't be surprised if they just let the Cafe owners have it all to themselves for a week.
sHm0zY said:
I dought it. where did you hear this?

It has been stated by a few people at valve in emails posted in these forums and one of the recent interviews (with cliffe i think)

They didn't say that we would be able to play the beta on the 28th but they said it would most likely be preloaded around that time and cyber cafe people would get to download it first fallowed by CZ owners but i think they might make it simultaneous for both cyber cafe people and cz owners