HL2 and its literary/cultural influences



Hey everyone. I'm starting this thread, as the title says, to discuss all the literary and cultural influences present in the world of HL2 (and HL1 too, though that was a less fleshed-out world). You may discuss anything that's already known to be in the game as well as elements you judge will probably will appear in some way or another.

I'll start with the clear influence some dystopian novels appear to have had on the creation of HL2's environment, in particular 1984 by George Orwell. I've just read through some pages of the book, and to those of you who haven't read it yet, do yourselves a favor and go read it!

In the world of 1984 there are (apparently) three main nations that dispute control of the planet, which are Oceania, Eurasia and Eastasia. There is always some kind of struggle going on between at least two of these powers, as they're always establishing shifty alliances that may turn to full scale war the next day. To try and keep the citizens always hating the enemy, no matter which one it is at any given moment, the controllers of Oceania resort to the figure of Goldstein, the arch-nemesis of the beloved Big Brother. So, if Oceania decides to declare war on Eastasia, Oceania's government will just put images of Eastasian soldiers along with Goldstein delivering an anti-Big Brother speech. This attracts immediate hate, as all denizens are brainwashed into praising the Big Brother above all else.

Now, we know that in HL2 the "Big Brother" role belongs to Dr. Breen, and the Combine might as well be the " Thought Police" . I wonder if they'll control the emotions of the city 17's citizens in a similar manner... maybe there'll be different alien factions fighting outside the city's perimeter, and they need to direct their hate towards them. Maybe one of the factions already has secretly gained control of all the human outposts left, and is just playing the role of 'protectors' to avoid rebellion, at least until they can reduce the human population to a number that won't represent any kind of threat anymore.

Another aspect of George Orwell's novel that I think is interesting is the description of Oceania's Ministries, in particular of the Ministry of Love (which is nothing like what the name would indicate). To quote the book:

"It was a place impossible to enter except on official business, and then only by penetrating through a maze of barbed-wire entanglements, steel doors and hidden machine-gun nests. Even the streets leading up to its outer barriers were roamed by gorilla faced guards in black uniforms..."

To me this sounds a lot like the big-black combine building on City 17. In the book the Ministry of Love is the place where they take all the thought criminals for interrogation, torture and executions.

There are a lot of other aspects from this book and from others that I'd like to discuss, as I can see some similarities to HL2, but I'm too lazy to continue typing for now... first I'd like to have some of your inputs and ideas... I just began reading this forum a week ago, and I can see a lot of you have great insights on the HL universe as well as a diverse and solid cultural background. One more thing, try to keep spoilers to a minimum, so no talking about things seen in the stolen version or heard from that playtester buddy everybody seems to have nowadays. :upstare:

cheers everybody, and sorry for any grammar mistakes, as english is not my native language! :cheers:
yes, there is a definate 1984-inspiration, Breen is clearly B.B.

Also, reality editing (i forgot the newspeak term for it) is clearly presant, they put something in the water to make you forget, and edit your preception of reality...
Reaperman said:
yes, there is a definate 1984-inspiration, Breen is clearly B.B.

Also, reality editing (i forgot the newspeak term for it) is clearly presant, they put something in the water to make you forget, and edit your preception of reality...

Well actualy you reminded me of something, it would be interesting if the citizens from City 17 also had a kind of dialect or some unique expressions/slangs, kinda like newspeak in 1984... it would really add to the atmosphere and to the sense you're in a living world. Also, the Victory Gin in 1984 served the purpose of the water in city 17... it had some additional stuff added to it to make the world seem more pleasent, therefore turning all citizens into agreeable, easily manipulated morons.

I'm about to begin reading Brave New World for the second time (first was about 10 years ago), when I do get a little far in the book I'll post my ideas on it, as I think there may be some similarities to be found between it and HL2's story (maybe the combine are a genetic engineered race, like the Xenian grunts??). I'll also continue to read some parts of 1984.. I'm actually trying to restrain myself from reading it all again... I feel some books (and games) have a supernatural pull on me :eek:
Yeah, City 17 could be the sequel to 1984, the combines aren't quite as bad as the thought police though, seeing as they don't seem to mind people complaining or being frightened.
I always saw some Nazi references with the combine.
For one thing the Nazis used cooperative natives to help police their conquered territories during the war - I think the "alien combine" must be doing something similar since we don't seem to have seen any alien combine troops yet, just the natives.
Plus the raids on houses etc. though these could be said for many totalitarian regimes.
Then again, 1984 is a book very easy to compare with situations, Basically everytime a politivian speeks, in Sweden the secret service is often referred to as the ministry of truth, George Bush's speeches, several computer games can be compared to Orwells world.
I'd say that HL2's world more fits in with the Nazi regime. In the video where the combine searches the apartments kinda reminded me of the scene in Schindler's list where the Nasiz empty the Cracow Ghetto.
Yep, plus the whole resistance thing, echoes of France, Poland and other occupied countries during WW2.
Heh, this reminds me of when everybody was discussing HL2 being like 1984 when some guy piped up "Have none of you heard of the book 1984? HL2 is exactly like it!"

Also reminds me of Nazis due to the 'Combine are your friend, honorable comrades!" proboganda.
My god, you're right! I've never thought of that before. But now when you say it, the world of HL2 and the world of 1984 are very alike.
1984 book comparision with HL2?

Just got done reading it and it seems as if valve took a lot of the story line out of it, actually a majority of it dealing with the police and government. I'm not sure if that has been discussed before but does anyone else agree upon this? I just found it a bit strange because of information we have heard about HL2 and the opening e3 movies and etc.
"Big brother is watching."

This is my favorite book, another reason why i'm so hyped about HL2. Notice the opening of the game? How he Gorden is forced into the room with a dentist like chair? Almost straight outta the book.
Everything that has a big brother theme seems to be ripping off 1984 because it was one of the first widely-published book about it. Basically any movie, game, or book will feel derivative compared to one of the founders of the genre. So its probably not a real rip-off, just unavoidably similar in theme.
manny_c44 said:
Everything that has a big brother theme seems to be ripping off 1984 because it was one of the first widely-published book about it. Basically any movie, game, or book will feel derivative compared to one of the founders of the genre. So its probably not a real rip-off, just unavoidably similar in theme.

You haven't read 1984, have you? :) There are quite a number of similarities, more than you'd probably guess.
Very good book... reminds me ALOT about hl2 when I read it... really a worthwhile read!
I like how we're comparing a book to a game that's not even released yet. :) (Yes, I know there are similiarities; I just find it funny)
Valve isn't stealing anything from it, simply paying homage, much like Tarantino w/ Kill Bill
I've alwase thought the combine to be like nazis... Isn't it kind of obvious?
There already is a thread on this in the HL2 discussion forum..

But yeah, there are alot of 1984 references in the game and I like it. :)
AgentXen said:
They are making us read it in English 4 class..

Let me guess that they don't teach you that George Orwell (the author) was in fact a Socialist. [/politics]
I thought 1984 (I haven't looked this up) was based quite a bit on how Stalin ran the USSR as a dictator. HL2 takes place in an Eastern European setting and also takes inspiration in story (maybe) and atmosphere from the Soviet Union (Gabe mentioned the relevance and context of the setting in a PCgamer preview) .
I think sharing inspiration has something to do with the similarities more than just a reusing ideas.
I expect HL2 to be quite different because it has to work so many action elements into the plot as well as the original game content.
HL2 has clearly been influenced by reality. House to house searches, executions, interrogations, checkpoints...