HL2 and piracy??

It may be cracked (everything can be broken) but the shear bueaty of Multiplayer will entice thousands to buy HL2. I reckon Valve would be patting their backs if more HL2 copies where sold in the first years than that of HL1.
By calling STEAM secure (a joke within itself), and saying that it will be impossible to pirate Half Life 2, they are asking for it to be cracked. Heck, the sheer amount of hype this game has received will encourage the pirates.

It will be pirated, and it will be distributed rather easily.

Remember this: Windows XP was meant to be impossible to copy. It was cracked within hours of it's official launch.
i used to pirate a lot and i can tell you that I wasn't put off pirating a 3GB game before. however there are just some games that you do NOT pirate, such as Half-Life 2 simply because I think these guys actually deserve my money.
I read in the valve info thread that if you install hl2 on one pc you can't run it on another as you have it installed on the first one... it's in the info thread somewhere :p
I read in the valve info thread that if you install hl2 on one pc you can't run it on another as you have it installed on the first one... it's in the info thread somewhere

I think one can't run HL2 on an other computer if one i locked on on the same Steam-account some where els. I mean - if you install HL2 on your own machine and then go install it on your friends, you wouldn't be able to be online at the same time. The idea with Steam is that one can log on on a PC fx. in a net-café and then use your own account.
Windows XP's WPA was hacked because Microsoft left a weak link in their system, there is a corporate version of XP that didn't have WPA, and the hackers used a DLL from that to create the hacked version.

The only weak link like that I can see in the Steam system is the offline mode, and frankly, offline is where the battle is already lost. You can't stop offline pirates unless you force people to register their copies, pure and simple.

Personally, I think it'd be kinda cool if Valve did use Steam to help sort the offline piracy situation too, making you register online before you could play, although it would be tricky for people without any net connection at all, so they probably won't.
The attitude of "I'll buy the game so I have a cd-key to play online" is killing SP games. In a few years time, there won't be any singeplayer games left.

I'd agree with a one time online registration, because would we want to see HL3 being a multiplayer game only?
The fun thing is, that HL2 will be cracked and downloaded even before it hits most stores...

Just like XP ;)
condition zero was cracked lets put it that way ..

i dont hate warez.. coz like the guy who posted some time before me .. where i live, games r way too expensive. but i will buy hl2 ... not only cause of cd key but i love what they have been doing for the community .. it would be a sin not to

anywho .. gl hf
Well, in Serbia, piracy is legallized.But for cost of 200 dinara, by my calc. in Dollars is 4$ for "Original" copy of Far Cry, or any game.

But on net is free.
David said:
Well, in Serbia, piracy is legallized.But for cost of 200 dinara, by my calc. in Dollars is 4$ for "Original" copy of Far Cry, or any game.

But on net is free.

HEY im from Serbia cool
Anyone who has never stolen a game seems to think it's hard to do. So they always say that it can't be done. They are also the first people to cry about people with CD key-gens and think that every online cheater must have stolen their game.

I know for a fact that any valuable piece of software ever made or ever will be made is going to be pirated. Cram your arrogance right back down your throat because it's absolutly true. For every smart paid programmer there is 5 brilliant unpaid ones with something to prove.

The only issue is whether the game is worth buying in your own opinion. Games like Max Payne 2, DE:IW are games that get stolen. If you like the company that offers solid single player, the solid multiplayer is an incentive to buy.

This game will be pirated by people who know it's good but arn't that interested. It's the way I feel about Doom 3. It's good but I sure as hell wouldn't spend my money on it.
same here, i know Doom 3 is better then half life 2 graphic wise but ill only buy HL2 and about doom3 well............
Pirating is good to a point. I used to hate buying piss poor games only to be stuck with them because I couldn't take them back. Now if I see a game that might be good I can simply D/L a pirated version and try it out. If it sucks, I just delete it and that's that. If I like it, I'll simply uninstall it and go buy the retail version.

You have to support the game industry by buying their games or we won't have any more games to play. If the game sucks ass and isn't worth buying then it doesn't deserve my money.

More people will buy HL2 then pirate it, so I think Valve will be ok in the money department with HL2. Plus, I think a lot of people are looking forward to the MODS/Multi-Player just as much as the Single-Player.
frances_farmer said:
i used to pirate a lot and i can tell you that I wasn't put off pirating a 3GB game before. however there are just some games that you do NOT pirate, such as Half-Life 2 simply because I think these guys actually deserve my money.
well if hta guy is onna be bammneds because he used to pirtraes games then y you might as welll ban a pwhole bunch of peppoplem becuaser a whoe bunch onf people hapirted ,..... .pir pirtae ist a good term ebcuase te people who actually pirrrate the afa games ar e not posyin hee pir op ura pirate is thwe guuys who actuallly post the sme up for efveryib esle to get. i m rekk kt im relly drunk.. but what i trying to say is that the people who dododownloade the gme s ae not th e[itate.... fgooddamniint s har dto ytype/

the peple who download arw noy t the piratesa but ten end usedrs. the ///sit i fogot what i was getting atr.t
acme420 said:
well if hta guy is onna be bammneds because he used to pirtraes games then y you might as welll ban a pwhole bunch of peppoplem becuaser a whoe bunch onf people hapirted ,..... .pir pirtae ist a good term ebcuase te people who actually pirrrate the afa games ar e not posyin hee pir op ura pirate is thwe guuys who actuallly post the sme up for efveryib esle to get. i m rekk kt im relly drunk.. but what i trying to say is that the people who dododownloade the gme s ae not th e[itate.... fgooddamniint s har dto ytype/

the peple who download arw noy t the piratesa but ten end usedrs. the ///sit i fogot what i was getting atr.t

Just say no to drugs!
wonkers said:
Anyone who has never stolen a game seems to think it's hard to do. So they always say that it can't be done. They are also the first people to cry about people with CD key-gens and think that every online cheater must have stolen their game.

I know for a fact that any valuable piece of software ever made or ever will be made is going to be pirated. Cram your arrogance right back down your throat because it's absolutly true. For every smart paid programmer there is 5 brilliant unpaid ones with something to prove.

The only issue is whether the game is worth buying in your own opinion. Games like Max Payne 2, DE:IW are games that get stolen. If you like the company that offers solid single player, the solid multiplayer is an incentive to buy.

This game will be pirated by people who know it's good but arn't that interested. It's the way I feel about Doom 3. It's good but I sure as hell wouldn't spend my money on it.
You played the game. You owe the developers the money, I don't care how you justify piracy...

.... the developers don't deserve the money huh? They've put time into building what you're playing, even if it is crappy, you still pay the ****ing money.
HL2 will be pirated
believe me

if valve has a especial ops forces(whit black suit :p ) that will not stop the piracy

believe me
I read once that an average game takes about 20 seconds to crack...

As long as there is offline single-player, there will be warez.
@ RJMC, we don't need you to tell us HL2 will be pirated, we all know that is the case. I guess your trolling, which is why i'm gonna be ignoring all your similar posts. :)
I love how people say they are tired of paying and playing crappy games and how they can't take them back once they learn how crappy they are. I mean how difficult is it to read a review (which there are a ton of free ones on the net for every game released) and then decide what to buy. Are you so ignorant that you didn't know you can read reviews first? Also why is it mostly only the big games that sell well (usually the best games released at the time) that get pirated then?
You can find yourself a cd-key but it will be deleted soon enough or used by someone else also. It's not fun to lose your stats and not to be able to play if someone else is using the same key at the same time. Valve has improved cd-key checks as well, so it could be almost impossible to play MP with pirated copy.
It's not worth pirating a game like this. This game has proven itself to be one of the best game ever to be released, and if you can't pay money for a full experience (Singleplayer + Multiplayer) then you're either poor and living on the street, or you just don't care enough to have the game, in which case you'll download it over night at your leisure.

I am for sure going to buy the Collector's Edition of it, because it's that damn worth it.