HL2 and TF2


Companion Cube
Aug 7, 2003
Reaction score
i head that there was going to be a "multiplayer suprise" and valve dont seem to wanna talk about the multiplayer much. so i was thinking that mayb they will be releasing TF2 with HL2. i seem to remember what when TF2 was first announced they where talking alot avout the graphics for example player modles get less pollys as they get further away as do HL2

so i reckon that some of HL2 could have been developed from HL2, then HL2 and sourse etc was made for HL2 so they decided to hold back TF2 and incorporate sourse into it :D and bring it out with HL2

if they do ahhhg sooo good :cheers:
TF2 is standalone.

And i would rather get Half-Life 2 Deatmatch and Team Deathmatch
umm, correct me if I'm wrong (I know you will ;)) but hasnt it been stated that TF2 is going to be a seperate product? And what about people who dont like or play TF2, it would be a silly marketing scheme, casue the game can sell itself well on its own, no need to add anything to it. Also, there's less money made if they bring out with HL2, they could make double the amount with two seperate products.
Ah marketing! dont you just love it :D
CS2 would make LOADS more sense. They'd sell truckloads of copies off the back of that alone.
The whole point of making these add ons and such, is to make money. I'm not saying that valve are Money grabbing kinda guys. But there a company, who needs money. So the more seperate products they make, with indivual prices, the more money that they can swim in. And then, the more money they can inject into Half-Life 3. Thats the difference with Valve and most other companys, the money they make is spent on the games, not on the employees new house or such stuff.
Someone new to these boards seems to get this idea every other week. The reality is, as much as people might like it, it's been stated again and again that TF2 will be a standalone product. It's within possibility that CS2 could be included, but I doubt it.
It has been stated that TF2 will be standalone you are correct DarkelP :)

They will make the most profit selling HL2, TF2 and CS2 as seperate products. It wouldnt make any financial sense including one free with the other, unless for a short time sale offer.
Originally posted by 82ross
It has been stated that TF2 will be standalone you are correct DarkelP :)

Yay! I was correct :bounce:
lol yea i just read it on some other thing :o ahhh well shit happens
Without saying too much i can say that i will.. err.. "buy" TF2 from internet. I cant afford to pay for HL2 AND TF2.
Originally posted by DaLys
Without saying too much i can say that i will.. err.. "buy" TF2 from internet. I cant afford to pay for HL2 AND TF2.

yeah-but without a valid CDKey have fun playing alone.
how pissed would you guys be if mp was a new version of that crappy tron ripoff ricochet (LoL)
what are the chances of an expansion pack coming free? like op4ces2

im running out of ideas, cuz theyd make so much more money selling CS2 separate, and the already said tf2 is not included.
i can't exactly figure out why valve is being so hush-hush on the multiplayer either.

my best guess is that there's some really cool mod that they want to include at release time (CS2? something unknown?), but it's unfinished and they don't want to delay shipping hl2 if it's not done.

therefore they say nothing. if CS2 (or whatever) is done by HL2's gold date, they release it with much fanfare. if it's not done, they never promised anything, can ship with whatever they have, and release a kickass mod soon after.

i can't think of any other reason they'd be so hush hush about the multiplayer aspects of the game. anybody else got a guess?
CS2 is a possibility (straight answer when asked about TF2... 'no comment' when asked about CS2) but if it is included I highly doubt that will be all of the multiplayer-side of HL2.
Why would cs2 come out so closely to

besides, Cs was not originally made by ValvE, and either is CZ for the most part.

I think the chances are infinitely small of them releasing a (probably) unstarted project with hl2.

cz , hl2, tf2 maybe. but cs 2 is a waaaaaaaaaaaaaays off
because after 5 years, nobody plays half-life's deathmatch or team deathmatch or even opfor's ctf.

but counterstrike servers? thousands. cs is the multiplayer that's kept half-life fresh for all this time. getting an updated version out there has to be a high priority for valve.

of course the standard stuff will still be in there, though. deathmatch is fun for a long time, no doubt. it just doesn't have the longevity of something like counterstrike.