HL2: Assault needs voice acting



Topic pretty much says it all ^_^ There are 3 parts, 2 male, and one female.
The first male part is of an announcer - big and boomy, like the GODLIKE type thing in UT. The 2nd male part and the female part are both 'radio' parts, ie as if they were being spoken out over the radio to team mates. I've created a few txt files with the lines I currently need.
This is the announcer lines - as described above - which will be read out during the game as play progresses.
This needs to be a male voice, read as if by a soldier over the radio. Don't worry about getting the 'radio' sound, I can add any effects myself.
Finally, this is a female part, which also needs to be read as if over a radio. Let me know if you are up for it, either here or at www.hl2assault.com
Thanks :D
Hmm I'll get my mic sorted and see if I can't get you some announcer stuff for tommorow.
I have got a mike. Ill see how it turns out. I know i cannot do the Female or the anouncer voice, but i'll try the male voice part.
cool, well if you get them all to me i'll choose the best ones :) i'll need more later on as more maps are made