HL2 available at CompUSA


Sep 12, 2003
Reaction score
we got collector's edition at our compusa today.
The box was shipped from vivendi, fresno, CA and it has big yellow sticker on it that says "do not display before nov 16th" in few different languages
Haha... That's pretty funny.

Stupid retailers... The world is full of stupid people.
If it aint on display till 11/16 then it isn't exactly "available" is it? :) coolbeans though, coolbeans.
diluted said:
damn you valve, unlock it!

Do you understand release dates or contracts for that matter? I sware some people are just dumber than dirt. :rolleyes:
someone should check wal-mart, surely they have dumb employees in the electronics department that put the game out early.
well ok, it's my fault
it's not available for customers to buy..it's available for..me to touch it and rejoice ;-)
lotusboy101 said:
someone should check wal-mart, surely they have dumb employees in the electronics department that put the game out early.
No kidding, walmart shouldnt have an electronics section, ive had so many bad experiences with them, different wal-marts and different employees every time. Its a plague.
DiSTuRbEd said:
Do you understand release dates or contracts for that matter? I sware some people are just dumber than dirt. :rolleyes:

Yeah like the kid who couldn't ****ing spell if his life depended on it.
Could we please stop all these silly release threads? Yes, it's a known fact that HL2 has been shipped, drop it already...