Hl2 Benchmark


Apr 18, 2004
Reaction score
Sorry if this has been discussed before, but do we know when the half life 2 benchmark is going to be released. Is it still going to be available before the game is, and if so, when? Maybe they wont release it at all and it will be part of the game you buy, but ive been looking foreward to this and wanted to know (because benchmarks are fun!)
I really doubt that they'd release one. I haven't heard Valve mention anything about releasing a benchmark for Hl2.
Kazuki_Fuse said:
I really doubt that they'd release one. I haven't heard Valve mention anything about releasing a benchmark for Hl2.

They talked about it for a while last year, but haven't anything since.
The search really isn't all that "awesome"

And if everyone searched everything(which really isn't that easy because you don't know if there was a post about and you end up sifting for 500 hours through pages of matches) there wouldn't be any posts around!!
The good 'ol "Sorry if this has been discussed before" thread!
hope my ti 4200 runs atleast 30 fps :(
VeZ said:
hope my ti 4200 runs atleast 30 fps :(

Didn't you listen to valve?

Im pretty sure Gabe Newell once said "Nvidia cards give you cancer and will rape your mother."

On an unrelated note, Valve has partnered with ATI.
i refuse to buy a video card just for this game.. :x
Janet Reno said:
The search really isn't all that "awesome"

And if everyone searched everything(which really isn't that easy because you don't know if there was a post about and you end up sifting for 500 hours through pages of matches) there wouldn't be any posts around!!

thats the beauty of it because you've missed the point.

If its not found by search then post about it!

Genious idea eh?
coleslawjoe said:
Didn't you listen to valve?

Im pretty sure Gabe Newell once said "Nvidia cards give you cancer and will rape your mother."

On an unrelated note, Valve has partnered with ATI.

Didn't you listen to Valve? He said that the GeForce FX cards were not performing very well in DX9. It will be playable with the TI4200 in DX8.
you can kinda figure out averages from the info they post..

in some of the "from valve only " thread they mention stuff like you can play it on DX 7 cards with atleast a gig of cpu speed, and 256 mb ram .. those are the low average they state.

for decent graphics they usually claim dx 8 cards with 1.5 + cpu power and 256 ram..
for good / great Dx 9 cards or dx 8 card with 2.4 + mhz. and 512 mb ram.

WOO benchmarks are cool.
better yet the BINKS.. woooo

or the GAMe wooo

thanx youz valve.

Bicka said:
thats the beauty of it because you've missed the point.

If its not found by search then post about it!

Genious idea eh?

No. You missed MY point. Searching ends up being more of a pain than it was designed for. Searching doesn't actually work well at all because you spend like 45 minutes looking through posts, like a needle in a haystack...ugh, then you have people who are critical of the people for not searching(even though they don't know if they searched or not). I think I remember a post I made once where someone said the age old "search" to me, when I had already searched and didn't find anything on the topic. I tell you, I'm not searching ever again for anything because it's a huge waste of time looking through 10,000 posts that might contain the words "computer specs" or something along those lines. Then when you try and be more specific in the search you always turn out getting "no matches".
Actually they could release the benchmark which tests your machine by running what was shown during E3 2004. They wouldn't have to be afraid of spoiling anything.
If they want to run a benchmark, they need to give the engine with it so it knows waht to do. And I don't think VALVe will do that, considering that they are so close to release and don''t want to waste a few weeks time testing the benchmark, when they can finish the game in that time...

You can wait 60 days or so. :)

But hey I'm all for it :D

Be wary just becase a company partners with a graphics company. Don't take it like it means it won't run good on the other side. It would be sooo stupid to optmize it for only ATI and not nvidia.. Do you know how many customers they would lose? They will optimize it for both, but will promote ATI and such. And they will use special ATI tricks for their cards. Both ATI and nvidia will probably run good, ATI most likely ahead though.

If you don't see your topic in the first page, then I would just make a topic, I'm taking about searching BTW.
I wonder how does the new 6800 Ultra perform on HL2... We seriously need to have a look at benchmarks with 6800 and X800.
I'd like Valve to release the tech demo, with the physics beam gun that we saw in last year's E3 video. It'd be good just to play about with the physics. Even if it's only a self contained download (ie contains Source engine) and the single map that was used, that would be enough to tide us over till HL2 came out.
More chance of finding Lord Lucan than you have a of getting a benchmark methinks! ;)
Huh why would you need a benchmark? I mean even if the game doesn't run on your pc you should buy the game! :D
When they say recomended requirements such as 2ghz cpu does that refer to AMD also? becuase i have an AMD AThlon 64bit 3000+ whcihc the cpu clock is 2ghz. I know that this is in a way equal to a pentium4 3.2 ghz. so when they say requires higher than 2.0ghz cpu, does that mean a 2ghz cpu and anything equalt to that speed or better? ala AMD 64bit3000+2hzcpu?
hope it runs well enough on my GeForce 4 MX440. If its bad enough I could switch to a TI4600 though.
scarecrow1 said:
When they say recomended requirements such as 2ghz cpu does that refer to AMD also? becuase i have an AMD AThlon 64bit 3000+ whcihc the cpu clock is 2ghz. I know that this is in a way equal to a pentium4 3.2 ghz. so when they say requires higher than 2.0ghz cpu, does that mean a 2ghz cpu and anything equalt to that speed or better? ala AMD 64bit3000+2hzcpu?

I think its AMD, i saw the AMD logo somewhere when Gabe Newell was at the ATI demonstration event i think. Or maybe it was somewhere else.....
Well the minimum is a 1200Mhz so I'll wait and see what happens...And I don't care if it says 24fps or 30fps I can't see the ****ing difference...
scarecrow1 said:
When they say recomended requirements such as 2ghz cpu does that refer to AMD also? becuase i have an AMD AThlon 64bit 3000+ whcihc the cpu clock is 2ghz. I know that this is in a way equal to a pentium4 3.2 ghz. so when they say requires higher than 2.0ghz cpu, does that mean a 2ghz cpu and anything equalt to that speed or better? ala AMD 64bit3000+2hzcpu?
Contrary to what was just said above, references to mhz almost always refer to a P4 scarecrow. AMD themselves calculate performance parity with P4 for their PR rating system.

Regardless, Valve has said that HL2 is more GPU/shader limited and that CPU speed past 1.4ghz doesn't really produce significant gains. Bottom line, you will be VERY comfortable with the A64.
I've got an AMD 2000+, 512 RAM, and a FX 5700 with 256 memory. I should hope I'll be able to run it at 1024*768 on medium detail, otherwise it's time to dip into the Nerdofund again.

Thief: Deadly Shadows has a "check graphics card" option on its autorun menu- which was in fact useful as it told me my drivers were incorrect, and thus I updated (before playing a weirdly laggy game, but meh). That sort of check, but ran via a website, would be better than nothing. I don't really think we'll see a BM, however; but I maintain that, whenever Valve do/don't decide to release one, the scenes from the "tech demo" vid would make a perfect playable demo and benchmark.
Janet Reno said:
No. You missed MY point. Searching ends up being more of a pain than it was designed for. Searching doesn't actually work well at all because you spend like 45 minutes looking through posts, like a needle in a haystack...ugh, then you have people who are critical of the people for not searching(even though they don't know if they searched or not). I think I remember a post I made once where someone said the age old "search" to me, when I had already searched and didn't find anything on the topic. I tell you, I'm not searching ever again for anything because it's a huge waste of time looking through 10,000 posts that might contain the words "computer specs" or something along those lines. Then when you try and be more specific in the search you always turn out getting "no matches".

it sucks because of the exact reason people should be using it in the first place. if people didn't post so many damn random repeat threads you wouldn't get 5 gazillion results for whatever your searching for.
ferd said:
It should do a lot more in dx8.0

do i have to set it to play in dx8 when i get the game...or since my card is dx8 then it will already be set to that?
VeZ said:
i refuse to buy a video card just for this game.. :x

Me too! I don't care if valve bought ATI..I'm still going with my trusty Nvidia card.
VeZ said:
do i have to set it to play in dx8 when i get the game...or since my card is dx8 then it will already be set to that?

I would imagine it would do a quick test of your card/computers capabilitys the first time the game loads, so it'll have a fair idea of what effects to throw at you.

Tbh, I see this game as one of those milestones in gaming, where it pushes your computer just that little bit further than it likes to go.
When HL1 came out I had to play in software mode at 640x480 and I craved for OpenGL. I think HL1 was the game that finally made me upgrade.

Now HL2's on the doorstep and if it makes me feel the same way, I'll glady upgrade again.
But I'm running a 9800XT, XP2600+ @2.2 and a gig of ram so I've kinda already gotten prepared I think! :p
If it runs slow then I'll play at 800x600 with no AA and AF and I won't complain.
Bicka said:
I would imagine it would do a quick test of your card/computers capabilitys the first time the game loads, so it'll have a fair idea of what effects to throw at you.

Tbh, I see this game as one of those milestones in gaming, where it pushes your computer just that little bit further than it likes to go.
When HL1 came out I had to play in software mode at 640x480 and I craved for OpenGL. I think HL1 was the game that finally made me upgrade.

Now HL2's on the doorstep and if it makes me feel the same way, I'll glady upgrade again.
But I'm running a 9800XT, XP2600+ @2.2 and a gig of ram so I've kinda already gotten prepared I think! :p
If it runs slow then I'll play at 800x600 with no AA and AF and I won't complain.

i don't think hl2 will push your computer quite as much as say far cry or doom 3. i'm not arguing which game looks better than the other, just the fact that hl2 was designed with a broader range of computer specs in mind therefore won't be as neccessary to upgrade in order to get a decent gaming experience out of it as the other two current and upcoming resource hogs.
Actually you should be more than able to run the game at the highest quality settings. I envy you :upstare:.
The benchmark comes out the same day as the game. Because they are one in the same. This ryhme is tame. And kind of lame. What a shame. I need a dame.
Oh yeah I'm not saying my computer won't get the most gameplay out of it as the reason for upgrading, just for when things start getting a bit heavy on the detail and not even my specs will keep the fps up.
Like you say it probably won't happen because the game was made to be so well suited for most average specs, but we won't know what HL2 throws at us yet.

-I can't wait any longer!!!