**HL2 benchmarked with Nvidia 6800 Ultra**


Jul 6, 2003
Reaction score
Xbit Labs wrote a great 6800 Ultra preview HERE. They tested over a dozen games on this beast, including two "highly anticipated DirectX 9 games." They provide a link to their own article about the first "next-generation game," and they're clearly referring to Half-Life 2. They used two demos called "SF" and "Under Two." The second game they tested, judging by the demo entitled "Chernobyl," is clearly STALKER. I'm not claiming that these are official benchmarks, and I don't take responsibility for their claims either, but these numbers are interesting non-the-less.


Image 1, Image 2, and Image 3.

Under Two:

Image 1, Image 2, and Image 3.

One last note: Xbit Labs is a HIGHLY reliable hardware site, right up there with Anandtech, Toms Hardware, and HardOCP.
Um - did they use the stolen Beta to do the test? The fact that they did not state that actual name of the game tells me they are completely full of S*&T as far as being a "reliable" site.
sounds cool :) might have to get one over the summer when i build my new pc :)
There is something distinctly dodgy about that site, I have to say.

And they do actually provide links on those pages to other pages about HL2 and Stalker, so they are definatly the games they're talking about.
Well... the trend seems to be just about the same as all the other benchmarks going on...
Yea, that site is really strange. Dunno why they benchmark the Stalker leak when there were *zero* DX8/9 features implemented. Of course there are going to be really high frame rates when the most taxing features aren't enabled.
hmm MASSIVE deja vu here... didn't i see this posted on another forum like a few days ago? wtf... i knew the exact #'s without looking... that's really freakin weird. but, hm unless they're hardcore on the inside with valve, and actually got a working benchmark, then they're full of crap.
XBit labs should stop benchmarking stolen builds.. this is the 3rd time for HL2 now
someone should forward this to valve... maybe they'd be interested.
someone should forward this to valve... maybe they'd be interested.

well since they didnt acually say the name "HL2" or "halflife 2" then there would be no way to prove they were benchmarking the stolen hl2 beta in court...theres no written evidence :(
i dont those are the real benchmarks but if they really represent what the 6800U is capable of...i think ATI could easily kick its ass...cause that not MUCH better than the 9800XT as they said the NV40 will be
The results are impressive, thats with immature drivers as well. I am an ATI fan as well, it will be tough for the r420.

It looks like the CPU hold back the card in some tests as well. Bring on AMD64 939 i say!
If the R420 is more than twice as fast as the the 9800XT we're in for another clash of the titans...
im still waiting for the new ones to come out just so that i can get a 9800 series for pretty cheap.
Xcellere said:
Xbit Labs wrote a great 6800 Ultra preview HERE. They tested over a dozen games on this beast, including two "highly anticipated DirectX 9 games." They provide a link to their own article about the first "next-generation game," and they're clearly referring to Half-Life 2.
where? i'm CLEARLY missing sumthing in this thread
*pets his R9800 Pro he got for $219*

*laughs at the fools who will go out and buy the R420/NV40 the milisecond it hits the shelves for $500 - $700*

*cries because everyone and their grandma just bought their R9800 pro/xt for $150 - $180/$350 - $380 because the R420 just hit shelves*

:angry: :borg: :bounce: :LOL: :|
deathryuu said:
*laughs at the fools who will go out and buy the R420/NV40 the milisecond it hits the shelves for $500 - $700*

i hate to be the asshole.
you gotta be a dumbass if you think the next gen cards will go for 700 at ANY point in time. (unless your talking canada prices)

the 6800 ultra will debut at 500, and 2 months after you can expect prices in the 400's. only in the first 6 weeks are prices usually at their debut.

and with the 9800XT still in the 400's on newegg (which happens to have some of the best online USD prices), i can tell you thats a awesome deal for more than 2x performance in 1600x1200 with full settings on.
ohhh yes,

another ATI vs Nvidia thread.... Just read the first benchmarks

1. Gf 6800 doubles Futuremark score to awesome 11600.
2. FC demo v1.1 GF 6800 is only some 4-5 frames ahead of ATI Radeon 9800 XT (!)
3. Cooler runs at 7.1 sone. (Radeons: 2.0)
4. Card needs 80-90 Watts, you eventually need a new power supply (Nvidia states 480 Watts).

=> Sounds like Nvidia continued in the brute force who-cares-for-power-consumption-and-F16-starting-in-your-computer direction. And the drop in DX9 games seems to continue. So read between the lines before you go for that one....

Does it matter which company is better? Just buy the best card for you.
fluX said:
1. Gf 6800 doubles Futuremark score to awesome 11600.
2. FC demo v1.1 GF 6800 is only some 4-5 frames ahead of ATI Radeon 9800 XT (!)
3. Cooler runs at 7.1 sone. (Radeons: 2.0)
4. Card needs 80-90 Watts, you eventually need a new power supply (Nvidia states 480 Watts).

1. yes it does :D
2. Far Cry isnt fully optomized with the 6800 Ultra yet dispite the new 1.1 patch, they did not even add the full shader 3.0 mod yet, just support for it. (look at the far cry ps/vs 3.0 video going around)
3. cooler runs at 7.1 sone? if your talking about the temperature, it ran at 44C when hexus tested it. which is alot lower than the FX series.
4. many review sites tested it with 400 W, 430W psu and had no problems, Hard|OCP even tested it on a 430W and using only one rail, just using a molex splitter.
They are just trying to stick up for their measly Radeon 9800's. Come on, admit it this card blows the 9800 far, far out of the water. When the X800 comes on the 26th, you can begin to compare. The benchmarks have spoken.
EDIT: Yes, that sounded rash, but it is the truth. The comparison of a game that is not yet optimised for the NV40 to a game that was optimised for the 9800 partly does not make sense. Just wait until there is optimisation for the NV40.
ray_MAN said:
They are just trying to stick up for their measly Radeon 9800's. Come on, admit it this card blows the 9800 far, far out of the water. When the X800 comes on the 26th, you can begin to compare. The benchmarks have spoken.
EDIT: Yes, that sounded rash, but it is the truth. The comparison of a game that is not yet optimised for the NV40 to a game that was optimised for the 9800 partly does not make sense. Just wait until there is optimisation for the NV40.

Of course it blows the 9800 out of the water, it's a next generation video card... that's like pitting a bulldog against a poodle. When ATi whip up their next concoction shall we really see who will come out triumphant.
wait for ATI's 16 pipe card.

watch nvidia get owned again.
Dougy said:
wait for ATI's 16 pipe card.

watch nvidia get owned again.
you sure of that?

id watch what you say ;)
it might not come true.
x84D80Yx said:
you sure of that?

id watch what you say ;)
it might not come true.

50-50 chance of being right.

plus ATI's previous records lead me to belive they have the goods.
If they want to stay competitive, it'll be in their best interest to use 16 pipelines instead of 12.
Dougy said:
50-50 chance of being right.

plus ATI's previous records lead me to belive they have the goods.

nvidia hasnt always been getting owned you know ;)
all i gotta say is that...they are back.
(im very sure the x800 will have the speed with their higher clocks, but they might not have the smarts)

the x800 line will have higher clocks but with no support for shader 3.0 on the ati line at all.

believe it or not, but pixel and vertex shading 3.0 is going to be the new thing in the next gen games. and with this being a dx9.0c+ benifit, its gonna be interesting seeing how ati does without FULL dx9.0c+ support.

so if x800 has just speed, it might not be good enough. whats the point of benching OLD games when our current top hardware pwnz the **** out of them, its all about the new games. and if ati doesnt have full support for the new games, who looks bad?

its kinda like the turtle and the hare. sure the rabbit was fast, but he didnt have the brains like the turtle to know that just pure speed isnt going to win it.

im not trying to be biased, ati will sure pack a punch, and they are definately not stupid enough to release a slower card. im just saying you shouldnt underestimate nvidia when all we have seen are benchmarks on revision boards with very fresh drivers. (with almost every other benchmark being cpu-limited)

...this will be very interesting.
Abom said:
Of course it blows the 9800 out of the water, it's a next generation video card... that's like pitting a bulldog against a poodle. When ATi whip up their next concoction shall we really see who will come out triumphant.
Tht's exactly what I said. I just used different terminology. ;)
Abom said:
If they want to stay competitive, it'll be in their best interest to use 16 pipelines instead of 12.
12 is for non-Ultra, and 16 is Ultra. it wil proably be the same when ATi gives out the X800. The XT will be 16, and the non-XT 12. :)
ray_MAN said:
12 is for non-Ultra, and 16 is Ultra. it wil proably be the same when ATi gives out the X800. The XT will be 16, and the non-XT 12. :)

I was talking primarily about the X800XT, no-one's sure yet whether it will be 12 or 16 pipelines.
its pretty much confirmed that the x800XT is 16 pipes, x800 pro 12, and the x800SE with 8 pipes. but your right anything can happen as we all thought the non ultra would have 16 pipes just 2 days ago.

funny thing is
the non ultra is going to cost 300, and the x800 pro is going to cost 400.
both same pipes.