**HL2 benchmarked with Nvidia 6800 Ultra**

Those look like DOOMized Crytek engine ray_MAN.

Taht suxs...
I have a theory about E3, ATI and HL2...

We know that valve will be showing HL2, we know that they have a larger booth. We know many things. But heres my theory:

What if valve have again teamed up with ATI to show HL2 on the newest ATI offering. Much like unreal3 on nvidias. Purhaps valve have implemented new features such as Shader Model 3.0 stuff and the like and are going to show them on ATI's new hardware.
I mean come on, is that all that unlikely?

And that would explain the need for a bigger booth. I mean everyone will wana see it....

Meh just a thought
marksmanHL2 :) said:
I have a theory about E3, ATI and HL2...

We know that valve will be showing HL2, we know that they have a larger booth. We know many things. But heres my theory:

What if valve have again teamed up with ATI to show HL2 on the newest ATI offering. Much like unreal3 on nvidias. Purhaps valve have implemented new features such as Shader Model 3.0 stuff and the like and are going to show them on ATI's new hardware.
I mean come on, is that all that unlikely?

And that would explain the need for a bigger booth. I mean everyone will wana see it....

Meh just a thought

That makes alot of sense, actually. Would be a perfect time for ATi to unveil their potential nVidia-killer.
you got a good point marksman.
i wonder if ati will keep valve from not implementing shader3.0 support because their lineup wont have shader3.0

edit: i forgot, doomIII and nvidia will be all over each other like kay-y jelly and a gay guy.

e3 is going to be even more interesting :D
Wahooo!! some people agree with my theory for a change! :afro:


Should be interesting at E3 whatever happens anyway.
marksmanHL2 :) said:
I have a theory about E3, ATI and HL2...

We know that valve will be showing HL2, we know that they have a larger booth. We know many things. But heres my theory:

What if valve have again teamed up with ATI to show HL2 on the newest ATI offering. Much like unreal3 on nvidias. Purhaps valve have implemented new features such as Shader Model 3.0 stuff and the like and are going to show them on ATI's new hardware.
I mean come on, is that all that unlikely?

And that would explain the need for a bigger booth. I mean everyone will wana see it....

Meh just a thought
Yeah, I said that to thehunter yesterday. Great minds think alike. :cool: :frog:
x84D80Yx said:
1. yes it does :D
2. Far Cry isnt fully optomized with the 6800 Ultra yet dispite the new 1.1 patch, they did not even add the full shader 3.0 mod yet, just support for it. (look at the far cry ps/vs 3.0 video going around)
3. cooler runs at 7.1 sone? if your talking about the temperature, it ran at 44C when hexus tested it. which is alot lower than the FX series.
4. many review sites tested it with 400 W, 430W psu and had no problems, Hard|OCP even tested it on a 430W and using only one rail, just using a molex splitter.

2. Well it's funny a card blows up a benchmark by a factor of 2 but is somewhat limited in the real thing. Makes me wonder... well, anyhow.

3. "sone" is a unit for measuring sound amplitude, compared to dB it's more referring on how the human ear senses sth as noisy. 7.1 sone is LOUD to put it in simple words, annoyingly loud.

ah, you should check out hardocp's review. they noted that the fan was a tad bit louder than the fx series cards, but soon as they loaded the drivers up the fan automatically adjusted and went down, and was barely noisy at all.

and msi just released some info on their 6800 ultra that the fan will be 26dB, which isnt much diffrent from a soft case fan.

and the asus board (link in a few post above mine) the fan doesnt look noisy at all :) and is actually a 1 slot 6800 ultra

anyhow, ill repeat this
2. Far Cry isnt fully optomized with the 6800 Ultra yet dispite the new 1.1 patch, they did not even add the full shader 3.0 mod yet, just support for it. (look at the far cry ps/vs 3.0 video going around)

and they are still on fresh drivers
when the retail cards come out with new drivers, better cards (not revision boards), and the new far cry patch, im sure the benchies will be alot better.
x84D80Yx said:
(look at the far cry ps/vs 3.0 video going around)
Linkage. The crazymofo site is slashdotted and there don't seem to be any other mirrors.
looks like rocks and dirt to me. they might be putting in more maps so it could be more of a forest/beach as he started to say it was a mod but then changed to a patch.

but its so bad quality its not like we can really tell the true color ;)
Abom said:
Thing I hate about that is that you buy it, slot it onto your motherboard, then not see it again for a while :/
Unless you have a clear case. Which I don't.:(
Not with that video card in there. :naughty: Where can I find the Far Cry vid?
I have a clear case, but I've decided I'd rather not sell a kidney to buy this card. <kisses his GeForce 4 Ti 4800>

But come on, stop whinging that pro-NVIDIA types are yelling "Ha ha" and pointing in the faces of pro-ATI types. It's been a while since we've had a convincing argument to laugh at you people.

And that excuse about comparing it to a 9800xt been unfair, that just doesn't wash. The 9800xt is the fastest available card that ATI currently offers. Yeah, the NV40 slaughters the 9800xt...but remember, so did the 9600xt back in the early days of the NVIDIA FX's....

What's good for the goose, is good for the gander.
err the 9600xt barely beats my ti4200....it may of slaughtered the fx5200 lol
Competition is good.

I've own both nVidia and Ati (currently ATI) and was happy with all at the time. But times change and things improve..and that's great for us.

The whole "ATI is better :p " or "Nvidia is gonna kicks ATI's ass!" just doesn't make sense. We want competition...we don't want ONE card to be better every single time because that only mean one choice for us along with higher prices due to no competition.

Even though I own an ATI card, I personally hope the new Nvidia card kicks major ass so we can then wait and see what ATI offers up next...and so on and so on and so on....

Although, isn't this the card that was stated as being "7 times faster"? And was that "7 times faster" than anything Nvidia had out, or all cards available? Or is that another card coming up, because clearly it doesn't beat anything by 7 times.
Well when you think about it the 6800 BETTER kick the **** out of the 9800xt. Why would someone buy it if the older card is better?
marksmanHL2 :) said:
Perhaps valve have implemented new features such as Shader Model 3.0 stuff and the like and are going to show them on ATI's new hardware.
I mean come on, is that all that unlikely?
Highly unlikely. Support for Shader Model 3.0 requires an entirely new chip design. Besides, a leaked internal ATI presentation already noted that the R420 won't have SM3.0 support.

Other then that, the rest of your post makes sense. A combined Valve + ATI demonstration at the next E3 could very well happen. :D
Actually Marksman, it looks like ATi aren't waiting until E3 to unveil the R420 - they'll be showing it off on the 26th April, possibly along with the R423... but that's probably unlikely.
Xbitlabs is a very nice review site. They go over completely what they benchmark and give a lot of detailed information. They are pretty accurate as well.

Benchmarking those games is not the best idea but you should assume they are not the same results you will get when the game comes out but they are curious none the less.
Same thing goes for all the speculation on the new GFX cards before they actually come out. None of the info is validated. Some is true some is false.
marksmanHL2 :) said:
What if valve have again teamed up with ATI to show HL2 on the newest ATI offering. Much like unreal3 on nvidias. Purhaps valve have implemented new features such as Shader Model 3.0 stuff and the like and are going to show them on ATI's new hardware.
I mean come on, is that all that unlikely?

And that would explain the need for a bigger booth. I mean everyone will wana see it....
well it's a nice thought but highly unlikely. ati is announcing their card at the end of the month april 24 is the date that has been going around. they aren't doing a paper launch like nvidia. which means they'll announce the card and it will be in stores almost immediatly. if you read the info from valve thread and look at my last post there you'll see rick say that PS3.0 is on the list to get add. the reason valve has a larger booth is probably b/c they will be showing something other than just halflife2. i'm betting on TFC2 or CS2. especially considering the new rumor is the x800 will be bundled with a voucher for cs2.

Someone said:
Although, isn't this the card that was stated as being "7 times faster"? And was that "7 times faster" than anything Nvidia had out, or all cards available? Or is that another card coming up, because clearly it doesn't beat anything by 7 times.
no what was leaked out is that the 6800u would be 7 times faster in halflife 2 than the 5950. which still only makes it about 2x faster than the 9800xt. we don't really know how much faster the 6800u is than the other cards b/c almost every single benchmark that was run without aa and af the 6800u hit the wall put up by the cpu. if they could benchmark it with a 10ghz machine maybe then we would see how fast it really goes.
I still have faith in my Radeon 9800. On the highest settings I get 125 FPS in painkiller at basically any given time.
Asus said:
Xbitlabs is a very nice review site. They go over completely what they benchmark and give a lot of detailed information. They are pretty accurate as well.

Benchmarking those games is not the best idea but you should assume they are not the same results you will get when the game comes out but they are curious none the less.
XBitLabs is abusing software that was illegaly taken from Valve. They only do this for the sole purpose of generating hits for their site. I have zero respect for websites who act like that. :flame:
They included that with their review and I doubt they got additional hits from that since everyone is looking for reviews with the 6800ultra. They would have got them anyway.

If they published them in a separate article afterwards then yes that would have been for hits.
It is out of pure interest that they put those benchmarks out.

If you think it's wrong for them to use stolen software for benchmarking thats a separate matter. I don't think they should have benchmarked them myself but that doesn't change my opinion about them and how they do reviews.
If you think the above is wrong you shouldn't support and buy Farcry either...
Arno said:
Highly unlikely. Support for Shader Model 3.0 requires an entirely new chip design. Besides, a leaked internal ATI presentation already noted that the R420 won't have SM3.0 support.

Other then that, the rest of your post makes sense. A combined Valve + ATI demonstration at the next E3 could very well happen. :D

umm how can valve implement features into a video card?
he was talking about valve implementing shader 3.0 into hl2
Asus said:
They included that with their review and I doubt they got additional hits from that since everyone is looking for reviews with the 6800ultra. They would have got them anyway.
There are literally dozens of 6800ultra reviews on the web. Most of them look the same. Since XBitLabs isn't as well known as HardOCP, Anand or THG, they have to do something special in order to draw an audience to their review. They choose to do it with the stolen HL2 beta. Lame.

Btw, the Far Cry developers are innocent until proven guilty.

x84D80Yx said:
umm how can valve implement features into a video card?
he was talking about valve implementing shader 3.0 into hl2
Sure, it's very likely that Valve will implement SM3.0 features into HL2. It's also likely that Valve will use an ATI card for their E3 presentation. It's just highly unlikely that said ATI card will be able to show those SM3.0 features.


Only weeks before the release, ATI Technologies decided to boost performance of its next-generation code-named R420 processor by increasing the number of pixel pipelines inside the chip. Industry source told X-bit labs that the story is not about redesign, but about enabling “big guns” that were “hidden” inside the chip from the very beginning.

ATI Technologies’ chip known as R420 will be called RADEON X800 PRO and is likely to be launched on the 26th of April, 2004. Higher-speed flavour of the R420 – the RADEON X800 XT – is expected to debut on the 31st of May, 2004, if the assumptions posted earlier this week are correct. PCI Express x16 solution powered by the R423 architecture will see the light of the day on the 14th of June. ATI on Tuesday began marketing campaign on its web-site to support the launch of the new graphics architecture.
even if the 6800 happened to be a little faster.....id still buy ATI

...as the IQ is STILL superior...unless drivers can fix some of the things ive seen with the 6800.

edit: and that asus card looks very nice :naughty: