HL2, best screenshots! (may include spoilers)


May 13, 2004
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Okay, people post your best HL2 screenshots!

Remember, they could include spoilers, which means any monster, environment, e.t.c. which others have not seen.

Rules for the pic:

Graphics: high
Resolution: 1280 x 1024
AA: 4x

rules are meant to be broken :)

Nice slayertime. Some of the best I've seen.

I suck at taking screens. :p

keep it coming guys! :D
i've always wondered, what is this HDR everyone made a mess about some time ago ?
the light rays in the beginning ?
They do when you come down in the lift, but I've not seen that console. Perhaps they never appear on it?
That screen is in the small office aside the room where you meat the father of Alyx, and Alyx climbs in the ladder so you can see her ass. You don't actually have to go in that room, I just took the liberty to go there while they were talking.

The problem might be this sort of "LOD" in Half-Life. If you noticed, some entities disappear at a distance, but sometimes it seems to bug, and you actually notice close entities fading and disappearing. This might have happened to the chef hats.
Max Payne said:
The problem might be this sort of "LOD" in Half-Life. If you noticed, some entities disappear at a distance, but sometimes it seems to bug, and you actually notice close entities fading and disappearing. This might have happened to the chef hats.
sounds plausible
I found this, well hidden behind a gas tank along the way, in one of the buggy stages...

The truth about Combine soldiers...

rAdIOhEaD said:
I found this, well hidden behind a gas tank along the way, in one of the buggy stages...

The truth about Combine soldiers...


That is freaky. They're definitely not human.

I'd love to remove their masks and get a good look at them.
I believe they are meant to be the combines image of the next evolution of man.
What colour is Alyx's underwear?


PS: don't insult my crappy resloution. My video card isn't too good.
Some of my better images, the second being a definate spoiler.

Oh, and I apologise for not running at super-duper omgwtf detail, but I don't have that kind of computer.


  • lambda_gang.jpg
    93.5 KB · Views: 369
Lobster said:
I believe they are meant to be the combines image of the next evolution of man.

Evolution is a genetic process. I can't see to many babies being born wearing a gas mask.
Alig said:
Evolution is a genetic process. I can't see to many babies being born wearing a gas mask.

Evolution is the wrong word, pehaps the next step for the human race, which is what the combine is all about, removing free will to perfect the species as a whole. at least thats the condition for the aliens not completely obliterating the whole race, thats what i picked up anyway.
I was aiming for a "Desktop" pics myself, so I took off Hud and weapons, with full graphics (you know, uber aa, and aff or w/e :O)
To take off hud: cl_drawhud 0 and I forgot the command to remove the weapon model so I used a fov command (cant remeber) viewmodel_fov I think, oh well.
