HL2 Box?

hmmm...never seen that before, I doubt it will be the final, it looks like gordon has the logo for his nose :p
If that was a official box, some art artist should be fired ... :p
I thought the offical box was a silver effect, with the HL2 logo....or is that the special edition?
i think i saw thatt exact picture at some other site and somewhere near it there was "for illustration only" or something like that
that picture is at ebgames.com too.

the silver thing may very well be a special edition.
Remember those silver boxarts that was supposedly not real. They should be... ;)
Its just a box........................... Unless some of you like to make forts out of your box's or live in box's
Far right corner.

All 3 versions of the box.


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Its a place holder, ebgames has it too...there is actually 4 version they had @ e3, one not in the pic was the silver one.
Doesn't mean it's a placeholder really. It could be the real box designs. Those designs are actually real cool.
Doing multiple boxes with difference faces is SO warcraft III!! That's all that HL2 is, a WC3 wannabe!!

Originally posted by seewee
A better view at the boxes

Yeah I emailed about those boxs and he said those are the boxs they are going to use in retail. ;) So, I guess the silver one is the collecters edition.
I want the g-man box! But the one with Alyx on is nice too.
Originally posted by nw909
I want the silver tin box can thinger orgasmic box, roxxor.

the day that boxes become "orgasmic" will be the day men won't need women for sex lol

seriously guys... its just a box.. afterall, do we care about how the box looks? or about the game itself? :p

btw, i might get the Alyx or Gordon box, assuming those are the actual boxes for retail. and then im counting on winning Sniper's contest and hoping that the box i get from that contest is the G-man box :afro: :devil:

ya hear me Sniper? get the G-man box, it is the one most pple would love to have :cheers: :thumbs:

edit: if the Silver one is the special edition/collectors edititon, then im probably getting that before the other three considering it will probably be a "must have" for a HL fan ;)
does anyone have a pic of this silver box? and whats so special abut this special addition box besides it being silver
Originally posted by chris_3
does anyone have a pic of this silver box? and whats so special abut this special addition box besides it being silver

special/collectors edition probably has stuff included that average gamers probably wouldn't care for.. IE. t-shirt, plush headcrab toy.. something along those lines.. maybe a HL2 signia that u can sew onto ur school bag (for those that attend high school/college)

the Diablo2 collectors edition had a few extra things in it like the "making of Diablo2 DVD"

anyone that buys all 4 boxes probably has tons of moolah to blow away... unlike pple such as myself.. although theres no question about how "hardcore" a HL fan u may be..
If you are seriously considering trying to get all 4, then... maybe I should just not say anything...
man i really think they own, again never seen before....
Well here in Canada the prices of games r like 80 dollars a game so ummmmm, i think illl just get the special edition :cheers:

And I hate Diablo 2 classic useast i played the game for bout a year online and to sum it up:
-nerd hackers that have no life and r in the trade channel 24/7
-a bunch of 12,11,13 year old kids that say they own you when they kill u when ur "naked" and they say Owned repeatedly. (Very Annoying)

And to top it off Diablo 2 said they were coming out with version 1.10... its taken them years and i think its not even out yet.

AND what happened to version 1.6 for Counter-Strike non-steamers lol

*slams the door and takes a walk
Originally posted by chris_3
Well here in Canada the prices of games r like 80 dollars a game so ummmmm, i think illl just get the special edition :cheers:
I'm sorry if this is off-topic but 80 dollars? This was a joke right?
Not really, Im in Alberta and new releases are only sometimes 80 bux, not usually, I think it might be like 65$ here.
Well in Ontario i remember when UT2003 came out it was about 70 bucks and by the time u add tax... maybe if the prices werent so high people wouldnt pirate games.
Well the Canadian "dollar" has about a 1.5:1 ratio with USD. So the games are actually reasonably priced....

And I think the box arts are cool, especially G-Man and the silver one.
Acctually its been on the rise, more like 1.25:1. Its not as bad as people make it out to be. The average game is 59.99. Thats pricy.
Why would they call it a dollar? Just to confuse people? Couldn't they have gone with a Pound or a Franc.
Yeah, our money is weird. At least it's worth more now than it was a few months ago.
a really good selling game is usually around $80 dollars Canadian.. i remember HL1 cost around $75 dollars, tax included when it was released.. and ya.. now HL2 is supposed to cost around $80 dollars too.. can't remember the price i was told by the salesperson..

anyway, i gave $50 dollars of my hard earned cash as deposit for a HL2 special/collectors edition copy or otherwise so i damned well better get it :flame:
Originally posted by Tredoslop
How hard is it to earn 50 bucks?

that all depends on what u do.. and the situation ur in..

try having to deal with a problem that was not ur fault, hell u weren't even working at the time (tho u were in the building) but u get blamed anyway because 1 or 2 managers can't grasp the concept of responsibility.. ya.. a little off topic. but ya the meaning of hard earned cash... *sigh*

besides, money is usually hard earned.. unless of course u have a job where ur paid to sit around and not have to worry about anything..
How hard is it to earn 50 bucks?

In Ontario, the minimum wage is $6.85/hr,
so to earn $50CA, you would need to work
7.2 hours to earn $50Ca, but thats if you earn
minimum, most people earn more than that...