HL2 Capabilites

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that was... KICK ASS

altthough who made it and where did it come from
Seems kind of odd

Though i would like to restate my main point

Cutey_Kaite said:
Look at what half life 2 is capable of


i could be wrong...but i believe that linking to movies/videos made from the stolen alpha/beta is against the rules...

not that i dont think this is very cool or anything...
Ugh... Kaite... Unfortunatly unless you've got a good excuse I think you're gonna get banned.
She knows there's no mods on right now.... crazy UK time difference... need US mods

or more of them.. that stay up
fine ill remove the link...
hope u guys that seen it liked it ;)
we did... we just care about you katie... dont wanna see you banned
Katie, this combined with some of your other little sprees recently are getting you well on your way to a ban. I suggest no one post in this thread anymore, consider it locked and let it die.
Oh, but there are mods on right now....
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