HL2 comic #1: Helmet

nw909 said:
Oh my god this thread is gold.

It's as close to old HL2.net as we'll ever get :D

So true...

I guess its partly because its in the Art Section, which still isnt visited by most forum members.
I suggest you do a sequel or something. Be sure to add some lima beans.
Xrenity said:
One thing is sure; I'll also post my next comic here :)

Good man. I'll have my rape stick at the ready.
Bad^Hat said:
Good man. I'll have my rape stick at the ready.

:/ badhat post a shot of you wearing a pot on your head or like...some other form of solid object XD :thumbs: :thumbs: :bounce: :bounce: :LOL:
I'm not really back as such, more just checking around - it turned up during a random google search.