HL2 Compile Toolkit

BananaSalat said:
very cool tool was searching for weeks for a tool like this. thanks

Just got one problem.. it compiles without problems or errors.

It creates the .mdl .vtx .vmt .vtf .vvd files but when i open the model in the modelviewer i see nothing and after a short time the viewer crashes.

Pls help

be sure to use the source modelviewer (the one in your sdk )and not one made for hl1
biotek(or anyone) hav u tryed compiling a weapon model yet?

bananasalat - first of all make sure you've selected the 'Copy to Game' option.
if you did then im guessing its either something wrong with your textures or your model.

post your QC file and your VMT file here.

and just to check, you did open the model in model viewer?:p
yes i compiled a weapon model
i just took a hl1 weapon model i had decompiled it , tranfsormed the textures to tga's exported the smd's and it compiled perfectly. i didnt even have to change anything to the qc file

i didnt check it ingame because it had custom anims and i didnt change the qc file to fit the css anims
Yes i used the modelviewer from the hl2 sdk and i opend my model located in the mymodels folder.
I selected copy to game.

here is the qc.

$modelname "mymodels\stange.mdl"
$cdmaterials "mymodels\"
$scale 1.0
$body studio "stange"
$sequence idle "stange_idle" fps 1
$collisionmodel "stange_phys" {
$Mass 100


vmt :

"$baseTexture" "mymodels/stange"

i seem to remember this happened ot me months ago and i think it was because my VMT was not "VertexLitGeneric" but yours is.

i can tell you its no fault of my programme's and its either something with your model or with the textures/vmts.
i dont think this will actually fix it but add this line to your VMT:
"$model" 1
I used the model and the texture of someone who brought it in hldm some time before and it works fine.... i can look at it in the model viewer, too.

So now my questions are:

Is there a size my model needs to be ? (use 3dsmax)

Is a bone needed and does the model have to be assinged to the bone ? (for static, physic model)

Thans for the help.

well from experience iv found that a very small model can have problems and can make it difficult to see in model viewer. maybe yours is so small you cant see it :/

to answer your 2nd question: yes.
and im just about finished writing a tutorial on how to make static and physics models with my programme.
ok iv finished the tutorial. you can get it at hl2world or by putting "hl2world" & ".com" where the "*******" is in this link:

i wrote it in one day so there is probably something completely wrong with it. if you notice anything please tell me before too many people see it :p

next tutorial will be on decompiling weapon models, putting your weapon on it instead and compiling back ingame. im not sure when il get this done, probably quite soon.
Tryed today :cheese:

Mainly i didnt find my answers in your tutorial but in an other one on the side. So thanks.

The problem was that it only works with an editabel mesh and that i have to assinge the model to a bone.

Thanks for your answers and your great tool.
This sounds amazing! I don't have the half life 2 SDK yet but when I get it I definitly will use this. Great job man.

Oh yeah, I've never injected a model in cs so how do I get it into an .smds file. Is that from MilkShape? Because I use 3ds max.
guys i want your opinion on something:

do you think it would be better if i made the user choose the folder where the source files(smds, tgas and qc) for the model are?
or should i just leave it as it is, with the user creating a folder under 'model_compiling_files' and placing the files in it?
hi, im quite new to compiling models, so maybe this is my fault..
when i compile my model i get this error message:

Run-time error '339':
Component 'COMDLG32.OCX' or one of its dependencies no correctly registered: a file missing or invalid

ive tried to compile the "sample" to but im getting the same error.

step by step:

1. i create a folder inside 'model_compiling_files' with the same name as my model "table"
2. i place my table.smd, table.qc and table.tga inside that folder
3. i open the program enter the path to my account
4. selecting half-life 2
5. enter the name: table
6. pressing ok, and getting the error message mentioned above.

my .qc file:


Table test


$modelname "table\table.mdl"

$cdmaterials "table\"
$scale 1.0

$body studio "table.smd"
$origin 0 0 0
what operating system are you running?
that error means you are missing one of the windows system DLL files.
hm, that could be why.
download this zip file COMDLG32, extract it and copy the files into "WINDOWS\system32"

try that and if it doesnt work, post and il have to think up a solution
compiling from 3Ds max, everything is in place, I start the compile process and the compile promt flashes up then off as quick as it appear's, nothing happens. Maybe im not completely clear with compiling :/,, but what causes that to happen..? im running xp pro sp2
what drive is the programme on? and what drive is steam installed on?
Sounds awesome, I'll test it out once my model is complete. I'm still doing the polygons at this point but I have everything except the head finished. I'll let you know if I have any problems.
Some0ne said:
what drive is the programme on? and what drive is steam installed on?

steam is on F drive (main drive) and so is the program which is in a desktop folder.. :x
clarky003 - well i found one bug which is that the programme has to be on C strangely enough, i dont know why this is and i am going to need to change it. if you have a C drive then put then extract the programme on it.

Retrocide - well read above. it isnt supposed to matter but it seems because of some wierd bug this version has to be on C.
is there any way to compile player models with this? and if not, can you show me a way to do so? im totally new to this compiling malarky so... be gentle :p
good question, iv not actually tried to compile player models with it. but it would work except it wouldnt copy the compiled files to the correct folders to "overwrite" the original player model and to use ingame.

but thanks for bringing this to mind, i will include it in a later version.
hm still dont work for me.. now i get past the first screen but when im about to compile my texture and model it says im missing the DLL-file: tier0.dll

ok thats a steam/sourcesdk error.
exit steam, run it again, open sourcesdk and that should fix it.

if not you can download this attachment ZIP and extract the DLL into "sourcesdk\bin"
nope didnt work.. got another error... but ill refresh sdk content and see if that work first...

[edit] now it works! .. finally :D thx
Hello. Your program sounds awesome. I, personally, would prefer to choose my own directories then being forced into one. But then again I'm like folder obsessive... so... Take that for what it is.

Also, I know nothing about Valve's new VMT texture formats. I am just learning to code weapons, and I don't need new weapon models, just reskins to tell my "new weapons" appart from one another. Does this program kind of 'hold my hand' through making a new texture, or is their a tutorial I should read abotu first before getting your program?

(Keep up the great work!)
no my programme is very much more for models than textures - all it does with textures is compile them with the option of opening the VMTs for editing.

the reason i havent gone into textures as much is because there is the VTEX GUI utility for this. i havent used it so i dont know how much it "holds your hand" but it will definatly do so more than my prog.

and about the "forced folder" thing, the next update, which is nearly finished, allows you to specify the folder where the model/textures r compiled to.

so once it comes it out you may want it :)
So now help me undertand this program a bit better. What does it compile files into? SMD to MDL?
it basically compiles model SMDs into MDLs. but to do this you need a QC file. it also compiles texture TGAs into VTFs.
but you really need a little knowledge/understanding about compiling SMDs and QCs etc.

if you need more help then i suggest reading my tutorial over on hl2world titled "Static and Physics Models with HL2 Compile Toolkit"
HL2 Compile Toolkit Update - version 1.2.1

hey guys, update here :)

the main changes are:
-compiling for mods
-specify which folder to compile to
-fixed 2 small bugs(one of which was the error when making breakable models in the Create QC feature)

plans for next update:
-compile player models
-add more advanced features to the Create QC feature - and possibly the option to make weapon models and/or player models.

and if anyone else has any ideas then post them.

before using the updated version its best to run the Uninstall.exe of the previous version first. make sure to copy any files needed from "model_compiling_files" and "compiled_model_files" as they will be deleted in the uninstall.

HL2 Compile Toolkit v121

i want feedback :D

sorry for taking such a long time to make this update but iv not been programming nearly as much lately ;(
i forgot to mention in my last post to say that the 'Copy to Game' option has been removed and it is now done by default.

iv also added the 'Launch HLMV'(half-life model viewer) option which loads HLMV with the newly compiled model - pretty useful.

and another of my plans for a future update is a sort of "clean-up" feature. this would basically remove the source files and/or the compiled files from the programme's dir and from the game.
The newest version worked better for me but the model didn't want to compile...........got this error in dos box..."Too Many Indices".....log is below

C:\>set toolkit_dir=C:\Documents and Settings\Gideon\Desktop\wanted mod\HL2 Comp
ile Toolkit
C:\Documents and Settings\Gideon\Desktop\wanted mod\HL2 Compile Toolkit\model_co
C:\Documents and Settings\Gideon\Desktop\wanted mod\HL2 Compile Toolkit\model_co
C:\Documents and Settings\Gideon\Desktop\wanted mod\HL2 Compile Toolkit\model_co
3 file(s) copied.
input file: C:/Program Files/Valve/Steam/SteamApps/tubguys/sourcesdk_content/hl2
output directory: C:/Program Files/Valve/Steam/SteamApps/tubguys/sourcesdk/hl2mp
config file C:/Program Files/Valve/Steam/SteamApps/tubguys/sourcesdk_content/hl2
mp/materialsrc/mymodels/planks1.txt not present, making an empty one
Creating vmt file: materials/mymodels/planks1
input file: C:/Program Files/Valve/Steam/SteamApps/tubguys/sourcesdk_content/hl2
output directory: C:/Program Files/Valve/Steam/SteamApps/tubguys/sourcesdk/hl2mp
config file C:/Program Files/Valve/Steam/SteamApps/tubguys/sourcesdk_content/hl2
mp/materialsrc/mymodels/stroh1.txt not present, making an empty one
Creating vmt file: materials/mymodels/stroh1
input file: C:/Program Files/Valve/Steam/SteamApps/tubguys/sourcesdk_content/hl2
output directory: C:/Program Files/Valve/Steam/SteamApps/tubguys/sourcesdk/hl2mp
config file C:/Program Files/Valve/Steam/SteamApps/tubguys/sourcesdk_content/hl2
mp/materialsrc/mymodels/wand1.txt not present, making an empty one
Creating vmt file: materials/mymodels/wand1
Hit a key to continue
C:\Program Files\Valve\Steam\SteamApps\tubguys\sourcesdk\hl2mp_sample_content\ma
C:\Program Files\Valve\Steam\SteamApps\tubguys\sourcesdk\hl2mp_sample_content\ma
C:\Program Files\Valve\Steam\SteamApps\tubguys\sourcesdk\hl2mp_sample_content\ma
C:\Program Files\Valve\Steam\SteamApps\tubguys\sourcesdk\hl2mp_sample_content\ma
C:\Program Files\Valve\Steam\SteamApps\tubguys\sourcesdk\hl2mp_sample_content\ma
C:\Program Files\Valve\Steam\SteamApps\tubguys\sourcesdk\hl2mp_sample_content\ma
COPYING COMPILED TEXTURE FILES TO 'C:\Documents and Settings\Gideon\Desktop\want
ed mod\HL2 Compile Toolkit/COMPILED_MODEL_FILES/shack'...
C:\Documents and Settings\Gideon\Desktop\wanted mod\HL2 Compile Toolkit\bin\temp
C:\Documents and Settings\Gideon\Desktop\wanted mod\HL2 Compile Toolkit\bin\temp
C:\Documents and Settings\Gideon\Desktop\wanted mod\HL2 Compile Toolkit\bin\temp
C:\Documents and Settings\Gideon\Desktop\wanted mod\HL2 Compile Toolkit\bin\temp
C:\Documents and Settings\Gideon\Desktop\wanted mod\HL2 Compile Toolkit\bin\temp
C:\Documents and Settings\Gideon\Desktop\wanted mod\HL2 Compile Toolkit\bin\temp
6 file(s) copied.
C:\Documents and Settings\Gideon\Desktop\wanted mod\HL2 Compile Toolkit\model_co
C:\Documents and Settings\Gideon\Desktop\wanted mod\HL2 Compile Toolkit\model_co
2 file(s) copied.
1 file(s) copied.
c:\program files\valve\steam\steamapps\tubguys\sourcesdk_content\hl2mp\modelsrc\
mymodels\, C:\Program Files\Valve\Steam\SteamApps\tubguys\sourcesdk\hl2mp_sample
_content\, path shack
Working on "shack.qc"
SMD MODEL shack_ref.smd
ERROR: too many indices in source: "shack_ref.smd"
ERROR: Aborted Processing on 'mymodels\shack'
The filename, directory name, or volume label syntax is incorrect.
COPYING COMPILED MODEL FILES TO C:\Documents and Settings\Gideon\Desktop\wanted
mod\HL2 Compile Toolkit/COMPILED_MODEL_FILES/shack...
C:\Documents and Settings\Gideon\Desktop\wanted mod\HL2 Compile Toolkit\bin\temp
The system cannot find the file specified.
0 file(s) copied.
C:\Program Files\Valve\Steam\SteamApps\tubguys/half-life 2 Deathmatch/hl2mp
C:\Documents and Settings\Gideon\Desktop\wanted mod\HL2 Compile Toolkit\bin\temp
The system cannot find the file specified.
0 file(s) copied.
C:\Documents and Settings\Gideon\Desktop\wanted mod\HL2 Compile Toolkit\bin\temp
C:\Documents and Settings\Gideon\Desktop\wanted mod\HL2 Compile Toolkit\bin\temp
C:\Documents and Settings\Gideon\Desktop\wanted mod\HL2 Compile Toolkit\bin\temp
C:\Documents and Settings\Gideon\Desktop\wanted mod\HL2 Compile Toolkit\bin\temp
C:\Documents and Settings\Gideon\Desktop\wanted mod\HL2 Compile Toolkit\bin\temp
C:\Documents and Settings\Gideon\Desktop\wanted mod\HL2 Compile Toolkit\bin\temp
6 file(s) copied.
Press any key to continue . . .
well...your reference model obviously has too many indices :p
not sure what it means by that though, iv never come across that error before.

edit: post your QC i might find a problem in that
Some0ne said:
well...your reference model obviously has too many indices :p
not sure what it means by that though, iv never come across that error before.

edit: post your QC i might find a problem in that

Well, this is all I got on the QC.....

$modelname "Shack01\shack01"
$cdmaterials "Shack01\"
$cdmaterials "Shack01\"

$scale 1
$surfaceprop "wood"


$body studio "shack01_ref"

$sequence idle "shack01_ref" fps 1

$collisionmodel "shack01_phys" {
your QC is fine so it must be a problem in your model "shack_ref"
what's the poly count of that model?

im sorry but i dont know what the error "Too many indices" means. unless anyone can shade any light on that then i dont know how to fix it.
anyone guess what it means by "indices"?