HL2:CTF: Hot or Not?

Do you like HL2:CTF?

  • I love it.

    Votes: 12 16.4%
  • I play it sometimes, nothing too special.

    Votes: 28 38.4%
  • Don't have it.

    Votes: 28 38.4%
  • I hate this mod.

    Votes: 5 6.8%

  • Total voters


Dec 15, 2004
Reaction score
I'm fresh off my first time at HL2:CTF (Half-life 2: Capture the Flag for those who don't know) and I just wanted to see what everyone thinks of it. I think its one of the best mods I've ever played. :) If you selected "don't have it" I suggest you download it from here.
i agree, though there still many bugs CTF is fun to play
when you have a good team of players communicating with each other the experience is really cool, i love CTF deathmatch ++ :)
I've been into it since the first beta release (bug city but still awesome) and am in love with it. Lot more teamwork than the HL2DM and TDM, and just fast paced fun all around. A definate download!
Too fast paced for my liking, still worth the dl, though.
The mod is fun as hell, as fun as CTF has ever been. The maps seem to need work. it seems no matter the balance of the teams the game always ends in stalemate.

They should port some Q2 CTF maps for some proven ground.
There is something about the mod I just don't like. The fact that there is no gravity gun annoys me and makes it feel like a downgraded UT. The maps need alot of work. The servers I have played on are all very laggy (UK based servers) And all-in-all it isn't as fun as it ultimately could be.
It needs to slow down or teamwork will become botherless.

You can't make plans if you're getting attacked every 2 minutes.

If you do get your plan out your teammates will be too 'jumpy' to follow it.

If they do your plan, it will only span about 1 minute and then everybodies dead.


Another reason: Fast pace makes it a 'flat out battle'. You die too quickly to go behind cover, or to retreat. The RPG takes a well devised plan go sour and boring due to its 1 shot kill with uses a simple 'keep your cursor on your enemy' aim system.

I make a plan, find a nice hiding spot *yay*. I get a few kills off. Then A red light creeps towards me. BOOM *Guys holds up a 10* I flew 10 feet! When you first get hit by a bullet and unsure about where it came from, there is no fun like running to your base and taking revenge on them later.

I know the crossbow does the same thing, but those require more skill.

I lost my train of thought so....

Til next time. :imu:
I want the damn particle deaths and fov back damnit damn damn fux!
I find it weird that alot of the maps have crates and barrels and stuff but no grav gun in sight. :p
doesn't look good enough to expend the effort in finding it and downloading it
Meh it's alright.... Nothing too special was my answer to the poll....

I mean its CTF... How original can ya get? Maybe they should put a few twists to the gameplay to spice it up or something...
They shouldnt have changed the gameplay. They should've just made a CTF game mode and then added on to that for another sub-mod.
I love it, so many great kills. Like this one time in that one map (the first alpha map) where both opposing players were camping in the window room firing at me. I launch one of those pulse rifle balls and vaporize both of them (Took one, bounced off wall, took the other) on of them had the flag and i managed to return it.
Better than HL2DM. Some maps suck, some maps lag, and some maps rule. If they keep up their work they deserve success, allthough it is not certain they will get it.

Suprising, really, that so few people have even tried it, seeing as everyone and their dogs are waiting for hl2mods.

havent tried it, but that remake of that tfc map is alot of fun.
i like sourceforts better. of course im a bit biased, being on the sf team.
Some of tha maps are quit boring. I hope they will make more maps. In other way, good mod.
I love it but I voted nothing special because I thought it was talking about something else.
I need a patch to ugrade it to version 1.2 and the one I got didnt work, so could someone point me in the right direction
Other than that pretty good mod
i stick with source, if i want fast gameplay like that i play UT2k4. . .
I hate CTF...i downloaded the beta, it was poor, i mean they'd done well, but there was so much more i expected. The maps were boring, guns were awfully done, just wasn't fun, maybe i've grown out CTF from unreal tournament. Certainly not my cup of tea, although this source forts thing keeps getting mentions, i think i'm going to download it, sounds addictive.

Ennui what do i download for SF? v1.2 or v 1.31, or is v1.2 the main one and the others patches?
Hectic Glenn said:
I hate CTF...i downloaded the beta, it was poor, i mean they'd done well, but there was so much more i expected. The maps were boring, guns were awfully done, just wasn't fun, maybe i've grown out CTF from unreal tournament. Certainly not my cup of tea, although this source forts thing keeps getting mentions, i think i'm going to download it, sounds addictive.
It is... we deserve being the second most popular mod.


v1.3.2 is the latest, not patches or anything just a full download.

Get it here:

our usual site is http://knd.org.uk/sourceforts but we ran out of bandwidth so that's the mirror. that's also why the forums are down, they'll be up next week with the new month.
Cheers, that was a quick download, must be crap :D

I'll install it shortly, once i work out what i have to do, it looks much better than CTF from the screenies. The only reason i think people love the CTF so much is because its expected...every game has CTF nearly, its a 'winning formula'...time to break the mould and queue motivating music.
I dont really care too much for HL2:DM or HL2:CTF. I dont know why I just dont like it.