HL2 Date !!! :D


Sep 16, 2003
Reaction score
My friend heard the date on a live cam ...

The date is : 25.7.2004 :D

I can't wait for july.
yeah right.........?


what part of the vid
Er, heard the date... where? Live cam of WHAT?
My friend says he does contract engine coding for valve and id, but he can't prove it... (read as, please give solid proof your/his claims exist).
If it proves to be true, w00t! It will be a great belated birthday present.
I heard from my father's brother's nephew's cousin's former room-mate that its going to be release in june!!!!11111one
[Matt] said:
I heard from my father's brother's nephew's cousin's former room-mate that its going to be release in june!!!!11111one

mi fathur and bruvur and nefu and cuzin r all teh sayme peepul
I seriously hope you are right, that would give me time to get my comp bought and make enough money for the bank not to break my legs while at the same time being soon enough so i don't go insane waiting and gnaw my hands off making the game impossible to play.
I'll belive it when I hear it from Valve. Not before..
i will give a cookie to anyone who knows where my previous post has been quoted from...
This is a rumour and, indeed, speculation.

E3 is still has 2 days left..maybe valve will spill the beans?? :eek:
I just got home from the pub, and I still don't have a cookie :(
Well, I'm as doubtful to this date as I am to any, but I hope it's right because that's four day before my birthday!
July 25th? They're not going to release the game on a Sunday. Durrrrr.
they could, and for all those who bought it through steam you get it early. everyone else gets it monday.
I told you, I told you the insider was real!!

The insider has just told me that "the game will be out July 14 - Aug 10." They have not chosen which dates are best for them yet. You also have to remember that HL2 has to be release on Steam as well, the Steam release will be first before everyone else. ( by like an hour or something) I can't wait I have already per-ordered my copy.

The Insider has spoken! :borg:
skull24 said:
The insider has just told me that "the game will be out July 14 - Aug 10." They have not chosen which dates are best for them yet. You also have to remember that HL2 has to be release on Steam as well, the Steam release will be first before everyone else. ( by like an hour or something) I can't wait I have already per-ordered my copy.

The Insider has spoken! :borg:

Oh that whacky insider, how we love him!
The big valve showing is on day three. If anything, we'll find out for certain then.
i dont care when its out, i just want to know what the MP is now that this CS:S farce has reared its ugly head.
You'd think E3 would bring answers to the most asked questions but instead there are only more questions being asked! :hmph:
if that date is wrong, i'm tossing you off a cliff with my REAL manipulator gun! :D
I am shocked that people in this topic actually believed this guy.
Dougy said:
i dont care when its out, i just want to know what the MP is now that this CS:S farce has reared its ugly head.

You are aware that in the video he said that CS will be the HL2 multiplayer, along with other mods they port.
Ok this is annoying me for some reason. People, this guy is full of shit. Gabe himself has said multiple times at E3 that they don't have a date anymore specific than this summer. Stop believing this, you're only setting yourself up for disappointment.
Daiceman9 said:
You are aware that in the video he said that CS will be the HL2 multiplayer, along with other mods they port.

are you aware that contradicts everything Valve has said about MP to this point?

There are many people saying CS:S will be released at the same time as HL2, if thats the case then how the hell can it be the MP?

you never ever ever buy a game then get made to go buy another one just to play MP.
Dougy said:
are you aware that contradicts everything Valve has said about MP to this point?

There are many people saying CS:S will be released at the same time as HL2, if thats the case then how the hell can it be the MP?

you never ever ever buy a game then get made to go buy another one just to play MP.

It could come free with the game