hl2:deathmatch or cs: source whats your pick?

I absolutely love Team DM with the HL2. There's actually a crapload of strategy to it (that I must admit is somewhat missing in normal DM).
You need to keep entrances guarded, pick complementary weapons and use squad formations. Teams that don't work together are almost always the teams that lose.

The speed might put some people off, but I find it helps the strategy a lot when you can move fast enough to carry out much more elaborate plans.
Like being chased, running into a dead-end room, then once the other guy walks in, run out without him seeing you and firing a contact grenade back through the door while he's looking behind the furniture cluelessly. (Best kill ever, by the way. :p)

And crucifying someone with the crossbow is just something you can't get anywhere else.
HL2DM has massive potential....it does need new, high quality maps soon. Theres a huge amount of scope there for TDM and Objective based games- an assault mode with the defenders blocking entrances and setting traps would be cool.

And the standard DM is the only DM I've found intresting in a long time. Looking forward to seeing the map contest winners and the new weapons.
beastoftheeast said:
cant wait to play both. quick question. when does dod source come out?
dod will come out "soon," which really doesn't give us any indication of when that may be.
Big long comparison!

In general I like HL2 Deathmatch better, but I while explain why over time.

I will take many aspects of each game, & put them into prespective, it is put in the order of importance IMO which makes a good MP game. I will make multiple posts at a time.


Now ofcourse, the community will always keep a player coming back or not. Communities make up the games & why they are so popular.

CounterStrike Source--Now, I'm not all too pleased with some of the CS:S community. For example, a few days ago, I unknowingly joined a server, that was full of Neo-nazis. Their were flames of the Jewish religion(the ones I personally hated the most, as I'm Jewish), sexism, & one player, when he died he kept referring to the killer as a "damn n*gga".

Ofcourse, most realists aren't Neo-nazis. But in CS:S, it seems that the long known "12 year old n00b" theory comes into play here. Now we don't know their age, but we do know they can make n00b-like attacks, in the game & verbally.

This community is also in a thrust of unneeded anger, & hatred. Whatever you do in CS:S, you eventually will get somebody angry, & you're going to start a flame war. Whining & bitching will start, & you won't even want to play anymore. But don't get me wrong, a few select servers I go on, we can have a real-adult like conversation, not even care about the game, & I can honestly even say to myself "hell, I don't even care about the game, I just wanna b\s!".

But all in all, I think in the long run the CS:S community is in danger.

HL2 Deathmatch--HL2DM's community is more of one which I can relate to. Sure, we still have some idiots & noobs in our servers, but in comparison to CS:S, it's an EXTREMELY vast difference. Every server I go on, there might be one idiot, but everyone else is generally pretty good.

I can actually laugh alot more in HL2DM in comparison to CS:S. I think even though the HL2DM community keeps more of their thoughts to themselves, we generally have a fun time. Nobody will start a dumb flame war over nothing, like in CS:S. I don't hear complaints about campers, or lag, etcetera. There are few hackers, unlike in CS:S, which is always a good thing.

In general, the HL2DM community is much more calm than the CS:S community.

The HL2DM community keeps me coming back because of these reasons. If CS:S was a much nicer community to everyone, I'd probably be playing it much more than HL2DM.

Current winner: HL2DM

More to come from me!
This community is also in a thrust of unneeded anger, & hatred. Whatever you do in CS:S, you eventually will get somebody angry, & you're going to start a flame war. Whining & bitching will start, & you won't even want to play anymore. But don't get me wrong, a few select servers I go on, we can have a real-adult like conversation, not even care about the game, & I can honestly even say to myself "hell, I don't even care about the game, I just wanna b\s!".

I disagree with this. i haven't played it too much (ie. not more than for 45 minutes at a time), so i might be missing something, but on every single server i've played on, everybody has been happy. of course, u still get lots of people saying, "damn, sh**, f***" whenever they die, but that doesn't constitute a flame-war, does it?

I can actually laugh alot more in HL2DM in comparison to CS:S. I think even though the HL2DM community keeps more of their thoughts to themselves, we generally have a fun time. Nobody will start a dumb flame war over nothing, like in CS:S. I don't hear complaints about campers, or lag, etcetera. There are few hackers, unlike in CS:S, which is always a good thing.

the last time i played deathmatch, everybody was too busy killing eachother to actually type anything in. I tried to say hello, but was killed before i could press enter.

My Current Winner: Counter-Strike Source.

PS. Don't like flame-wars? Play with bots.
I would have to pick CS:S over HL2DM. HL2DM got boring for me about 2 weeks after it was released. When VAlve adds more maps, more weapons, and does something about the god-awful SMG, maybe I'll start playing it again. But there's nothing quite like being the last guy alive on your team in CS:S, and creeping around while having 3-4 enemies hunting for you. Oooh adrenaline rush. :p
Ranga-I don't think that is even a legit argument. You've only played CS:S for HOW LONG? 45 minutes? You should try the game for a real-time period. When I play HL2DM, I always get atleast 2 or 3 "hi"s back.

PPs. Bots suck. Playing with real people actually gets your skills up.
Ranga-I don't think that is even a legit argument. You've only played CS:S for HOW LONG? 45 minutes? You should try the game for a real-time period. When I play HL2DM, I always get atleast 2 or 3 "hi"s back.

PPs. Bots suck. Playing with real people actually gets your skills up.

hey! lets not start a flame-war. i'm quite happy playing for 45 minutes, and i have never seen an argument.

bots on hard also improve your skills.
For me, HL2: DM has to take the win. But it's pretty close.

I really like CS:S, but there are a few things about it that just annoy me. First is the fact that you can't respawn until the next wave. I don't like just sitting there for up to four or five minutes. (I'm an aggressive player no matter what I'm playing, so I usually get a kill or two before i die, but I do tend to die quickly.) CS:S, btw, is the only game in which I really don't mind campers that much. (Not that they annoy me more than a little to begin with. It's not that difficult to deal with them.)

HL2: DM doesn't have the buildup of suspense that CS:S can have, since it moves so much faster, but its nonstop action is fun, too. I wish it had voiceovers announcing killing sprees and things, and the shotgun needs to be a little more powerful, but those are the only things other than bugs that I'd like changed. The grav gun is a whole lot of fun to play with. Having such a powerful--but counterable--weapon with you at spawn adds some great elements to gameplay. Not to mention the strategic advantages that things like blocking hallways can have.

Oh, and I'm a lot better at DM. Did I mention that? At the last two servers I played on, I managed to get first place by a wide margin. It's a lot of fun to totally own an entire server of people. :smoking: I'm guessing a lot of the people here know what I mean.

bots on hard also improve your skills.

Well, yes, but they still have lots of weaknesses. Playing mostly against bots will give you some bad habits; computers make mistakes that people don't.

Besides, bots are boring. I'll take a noob over a bot nine times out of ten.
HL2 DM rocks!

Because I'm sorta ok at it. But we need to wait for a community for BOTH sides before comparing them
i like both games. css is nice tactic shooter u must think first and shoot later but hfdm is nice fragfest. i prefer css to play but when gets old i play hldm. also hldm is more easy for me. but i hate stupid ball of fire! ;)
also what sucks is crouching bug in hdm, i just found out about it yesterday. i always play with crouching and now people hate u becose u couch and whine and bitch 'omg u killed me i hate crouch whores'

ComradeBadger said:
Oh, and don't call for DM to be slowed down, it's too slow for me as it is.

Agreed, walking speed should be increased to sprint speed and sprinting should be three times as fast. Other problem with DM is that the shotgun only holds 6 shells.
Well, considering I play games online to have fun, I'm gonna say DM. I understand Counterstrike has more realism and takes strategy, but after a day at work, I don't wanna strategize. I wanna shoot people.
Counter-Strike: Source. Never had a thing for deathmatches... they get repetitive (kill, get killed, repeat).
Urgh, can't stand 'realism'.

1) No realistic game is realistic.

2) Basing weapons on what's realistic instead of what is best for the game and what is most balanced is ludicrous.

3) 'Realistic' weapons mixed with 'realistic' damage and 'realistic' movement makes battles a case of who gets a headshot first and the best players aren't aiming for headshots, they are just aiming to increase the chances of getting one. Too much luck and not enough skill.

'Buy' systems. Who came up with the idea that the best weapons should only be given to the best players? It's nice to be rewarded but what about those players who aren't as good? It's just kicking them when they're down! "Hey 'player' this is your first game so you can only ever use pistols or cheap smg's against those veterans with the big shiny toys". Pure genius...

Someone mentioned the community, yes cs has more cheaters than any other and a lot of that is due to its popularity but it's also because the most important aspects of the game are literally designed for cheaters. Lets compare cs with hl2dm (though almost any other game other than a cs clan works too).

Wallhacks - If the enemy knows where you are then they can hit you first, in hl2dm while they can sometimes mean death the fact that you can move fast and dodge around and the fact that you can take some damage without dying means you can fight back. In CS unless the wallhacker is completely useless or unlucky you are pretty much dead.

Aimbot - Again, in hl2dm you can take damage and you can also carry props around as cover so you've got a chance of fighting back. Plus some weapons like the xbow, rpg, grens etc are actually weakened by an aimbot, you have to guess where they will be, doesn't matter where they are now. In cs with its vast array of hitscan high damage weapons and slow movement an aimbot is deadly.

And what about the motivation to cheat? In most DM games you'll spawn right back in and you can get revenge but in cs, especially if you aren't very good, you can spend most of your time waiting around as a spectator while the people who kill you go on to win the round. Think of all those cheaters, those antisocial fools with no morals who only care about themselves. Do you think they have the patience to sit around and watch others play? No, in fact they probably want revenge by making everyone else sit around while they 'get the glory'. Especially in the old days when many people had payg modems and they were basically paying to watch you play.

CS is designed, from the ground up, for cheaters and idiots. Just think about TK's, in a tdm game you spawn right back, its frustrating but again compare that to CS. Counterstrike magnifies every possible flaw, every sin you can commit in online gaming and the reward for those crimes is higher than for any other game.

Sorry for the rant, it just builds up and every so often I have to let loose. I'll wrap it up there and for those who read the entire thing, congratulations and thanks for your patience, have a medal :D


TFC > all
cs source is pish, just could never get into it, deathmatch is quality.
Gunner said:
Agreed, walking speed should be increased to sprint speed and sprinting should be three times as fast. Other problem with DM is that the shotgun only holds 6 shells.

Try the HL2CTF mod.It still has a sprint,but the normal speed is a bit faster and the shotty holds 8 bullets.Theres a couple of dodgy maps cause It's still in beta but its dam good fun going on a 'rambo' and stealing the enimies flag : http://www.hl2ctf.com/ :
I have been playing more CTF than DM recently.

The only fun i have ever had CSS:S is jumping up and down on my team-mates head who is trying to hide behind a box(immature i know:) ).I dont get it tho,you die then you watch everyone else die,then you start the process all over again.Not my cup of tea.DM all the way.
Surprised, thought I'd hear more disagreement from the CS people. Quite disappointing actualy, never hear anyone disagree with me.

Maybe I should put it on a CS forum :D
Do you not think you will get a biased sample, asking in the HL2DM subforum.

My vote would be HL2DM over source. 1.6 pwns all.