HL2 delayed release date


May 14, 2003
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HL2 may be delayed

According to Gamepro.com's news post, among others, Vivendi Universal Games has said that Half-Life 2 will not make the expected September 30 release date. It has been pushed back to a "Holiday 2003" release. No reason has been given for the delay.

Shacknews has denied this, however. Supposedly Gabe Newell responded to the claims by saying "First time I've heard about this."
3 people from 3 different forums have posted the same respose from Gabe, so I think we can be sure that it's legit.

oooh.. this MUST not be true! *runs away crying* :(
I refuse to believe game sites, they are nearly always wrong in these matters. I will wait for the official statement.
if or when they do announce anything, where can i find the "official" statement?
Even if this is true, it doesn't sound quite right. Vivendi has neither the power, nor any reason, to delay the release of the game. Valve owns the game right now: the only contract they have with Vivendi is retail distribution.
the only contract they have with Vivendi is retail distribution.

Not much of a contract at that, considering that many of the HL2 sales will be over Steam.

I don't trust this until Valve says something. It seems like a war between internet gaming sites has sprung up regarding this, delay vs. non-delay. We shall see.
the reason for this supposed delay..if it's actually true, has to deal with the way cd-keys are dealt with. if that means creation of them, or checking in the software that they're valid, i have no idea, but who knows at this point
Half-Life 2 vs Halo

I really think that Valve will push for Sept. 30, considering that Halo for the PC is also being released on the same date (according to PC Gamer).

WHOOOAAA, Those are HuGE!
as far as im aware the entire HL2 project is funded by Valve. Vivendi are merely publishing the title on behalf of valve. they wont have any say in the release date. it would be like if 20th century fox said the next star wars movie was going to be delayed and george lucas saying "first time ive heard that"....ie. if valve dont know about it the it aint happening.
I agree 100% with you jimmy, its valve who choses the release date, not vivendi.
no way in hell would they push it back just because of Halo2. Pleae the anticiation on this gam has been building for 5 years now. halo2 is Xbox only is it not. So why would a PC game worry about Xbox?
Originally posted by HiroProtaganist
no way in hell would they push it back just because of Halo2. Pleae the anticiation on this gam has been building for 5 years now. halo2 is Xbox only is it not. So why would a PC game worry about Xbox?

Hes talking about Halo for the PC not Halo2 for the xbox?
Let's just wait for the official word from valve before we start to hyperventilate just yet :)

Halo has nothing to do with HL2 :hmph:
The question about the release date has always been answered the same thing: The game will come out September 30. Gabe said that if the game doesn't come out september 30 it will be this year for sure. In that case, i'm sure they'll make an official announcement soon enough.

The guy who wrote the thread had probably nothing to do and decided to make a joke :thumbs:
...Oh and Gamepro.com has discovered a good way to make an easy publicity :angry:
can someone e-mail gabe himself?


i unno.. just a suggestion heh.
Someone did and they didnt know about it. Im skeptical until there is an official release on the subject.
"HL2 Delay Information posted by walter - 12:56 AM
HL2Central has done some investigating and come across reliable information that the HL2 delay is due to the new CD-Key system valve is implementing. Gabe Newell has responded to many emails saying he has not heard anything about the delay, so it is still unknow what is going on. HL2 central has contacted valve and is awaiting reply. All we can confirm right now is vivendi has said HL2 is delayed, however Gabe Newell is disputing that in recent emails."

From Hl2central.com posted 7/30/03
Originally posted by ParaBellum
It has been delayed.

Care to enlighten us with where you got that information from?
I wouldnt really trust any release date unless it comes from valve themselves, they are the ones making the game after all
I'll second Abom and wait for acknowledgement.

The pieces don't fit. Vivendi has no right to push back the release date, and they're not involved in programming either, so if there was a CD-key thing going on, Gabe would know.
Why in a few days, do valve have to delay everything, even delay telling everyone theres a delay for their product?
well if it dosent come ot on the 30th, im going to best buy and BEATING THE EVER LIVING SH1T OUT OF THE GUY WHO TOOK MY PRE-ORDER MONEY WITH A RUSTY CROWBAR! THE SAME GUY THAT SAID "if it dosent come out on the 30th you can beat me with a rusty crowbar".