Hl2 Delayed Til 2005 Mass Suicide Planned!!!!!!!!!!

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you know, people shouldn't post jokes on this site. :frown:
Um...yeah. Good for you buddy. :thumbs:

If I were you, I would not have taken any chances with that cool-aid.
Epyon said:
bump :afro:

One thing I hated about the steampowered forums, people that bumped stupid threads. This is one of them, DONT BUMP IT. :rolleyes:
only 8 more minutes until the new day!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :bounce: :bounce: :bounce: :bounce:
oooooppppsssss i forgot my smilies for the last post so here they are :borg: :bounce: :farmer: :| :rolling:

1 more minute!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :bounce: :bounce: :bounce:
Its A New Day Guys!!!!!!
And could possibly the last one you see around here.....stop being an asshat
That was so freaking hilarious!!
Omg comedy thread!!! Dont drink the cool aid.. THATS CLASSIC!!
wheres the adress for the mass suicide again? and L0lz funni thr3d!111
Too much silliness. Closed!
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