HL2 demo disc


Sep 12, 2003
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This is probably not really new news but I talked to Vivendi rep today at my compusa store and he gave me HL2 demo disc. It has last year's E3 demos on it, unfortunately they only play in a 800x600 window in the middle of the screen wich makes them look really small on a 23" I tried at work :)
Anyway it's nice to have that disc, after cool ATI Half Life 2 poster it's my second HL2 item :)

Now if we only FINALLY got the X800 Pro card...


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Very cool. :) There should be demo disks everywhere! But E3-2004 this time.
WTF is a Vivendi rep doin' at COMPUSA? They don't sell any new stuff or if they do they sell it overpriced. Shoulda jumped him for teh demo!!!!!11111 He'da been all "WTF IVE BEEN HAXORZ!!/delaygamebutton HAHAH NUB NAPKIN!!!" :E
what do you mean we dont sell any new stuff ?
We already have TWO dual layer dvd burners for example. we were one of few stores where you could buy ipod mini from the minute it was released.
I mean,sure, a lot of the stuff is overprices but we actually do have cool stuff in there.
Also we got some exclusive deal with ATI, so we had 9600 and 9800 XT pretty early last year, though x800 are kinda lagging now. But we had nice pre-order X800 boxes for weeks ! :)

I asked him about HL2 release date but he just sighed and rolled his eyes hehe
I was expecting bull excrement about a playable demo. I got no bull excrement, and no playable demo, so it averages out to be not a disappointment to have clicked the thread.

Anywhos, cool :) I can't wait for the 2004 binks :(
Last time i was in the local comp usa they store totally changed. It was like a circuit city, instead of just being hardcore comptuers and computer accessories, it is now home theater stuff etc etc.
This is one of the few "demo" threads that didn't disappoint.

Thats pretty cool. :thumbs:
Seen this before where someone was claiming it was the original hl2 if i remember correctly, nice btw.
blahblahblah said:
This is one of the few "demo" threads that didn't disappoint.

Thats pretty cool. :thumbs:

Heh, I just noticed your sig. I feel special now. :p
:hmph: I am pissed, I thought it was a playable demo! Ah, well the disc looks cool to say the least.
damn I would feel like a hero if I actually got a playable demo disc out of that guy :)
Go get the girl who's guy is a jerk and you'll feel like a hero :E
Yay for me I have that disk too.

But ONLY for the reason of collection. The binks on there are 800x600, so... yeah...
Yep, I have that same CD :)
Came with my copy of CZ
I bet that's the best part of the CZ box. I would probably have the bink vid cd in my drive more than the CZ one...
denlife7 said:
I bet that's the best part of the CZ box. I would probably have the bink vid cd in my drive more than the CZ one...

CZ has actually become a quality game. The latest updates have really made the purchase worth-while. It's down to $20 now (at amazon.com), definitely worth atleast that.

BTW, I don't run it from the CD.. I run it from Steam :)
Besides, I have all the Binks on my HD, and all of those on the CD are lower resolution (the same resolution as coastline/psyche/strider binks were on their first unofficial release at FP).
i need the 2004 binks. i bet theyll look incredible.
Shuzer said:
CZ has actually become a quality game. The latest updates have really made the purchase worth-while. It's down to $20 now (at amazon.com), definitely worth atleast that.

I may give it a bash then. Don't think its that cheap yet here in Australia, but you never know. I have heard that the npc AI is pretty cool.

Thanks... :cheers:
You can run them full screen and such, many many options. Run the file (whatever.exe) from the windows command line prompt with /? on the end and you'll see the options.
Wow, thats pretty cool, even though it has the old binks on it.
I can run mine on my fancy DVD player and huge tv. Looks pretty good...
gulo said:
unfortunately they only play in a 800x600 window in the middle of the screen wich makes them look really small on a 23" I tried at work :)

Waitasecond... you played them on a 23" monitor and they were *small*? What sort of huge-ass monitor do you have at home?!
"Waitasecond... you played them on a 23" monitor and they were *small*? What sort of huge-ass monitor do you have at home?!"

what I meant was that it looked small running 800x600 window on a 23" screen running at 1600x1something.

but thanks for the tip about /? options ripley26
oh right, that makes much more sense. Not sure where the 23" screen comes into it though... I could put my 19" resolution up to 1600x1200 and it would be even smaller! :p
Thanks for the pics, I've actually never seen the actual disc, although I have seen the movies...like most of everyone here. I hope they come out with an e3-2004 demo disc. That'd be nice :D
the sad thing is that he only gave out the disc now.. I mean c'mon - it's been over year since E3 2003 and everyone seen those movies so surely they can come out with something better than that

btw, for some reason we had "pre-order doom 3 for just $10" thing in our ad last week. But we dont really have any empty pre-order boxes or any other incentives for it so I thought that was kinda dumb