HL2 Demo Today

Cool. I'm getting Half-Life 2 tomorrow but I still wanna see how the demo works on my comp.
i'm 73% downloaded!
(my bro is dling it on his comp to so it is slow dl couse he is stealing my dl rate! plus it is a 751 mb demo)
With the stuff left out from Half Life 2, it would have been ultra cool if Valve had pulled the old Uplink card out of the bag and killed two birds with one stone but then again you can look on the bright side and think that perhaps they're just busy working on more important and more BEAUTIFUL stuff!
The demo installs nothing if you already have the full HL2installed.

Normally it would install steam and the (partial?) game files. If you have the full HL2, you already have both and thus it skips that during installation (in other words, it does absolutely nothing if you already have the full HL2).

But what's even worse, is that if you uninstall it and you have the full HL2 installed, it deletes the full HL2's content.
DeltaBlast said:
The demo installs nothing if you already have the full HL2installed.

Normally it would install steam and the (partial?) game files. If you have the full HL2, you already have both and thus it skips that during installation (in other words, it does absolutely nothing if you already have the full HL2).

But what's even worse, is that if you uninstall it and you have the full HL2 installed, it deletes the full HL2's content.

What if it's installed in a different directory? I was thinking I could avoid this issue if I used that alternative method instead.

Take Care.
a) Given that the whole file system will be different could any confirm if bugs such as stuttering are still present in the demo? Might be nice to play a couple of levels bug-free :D

b) Anyone else prefer Uplink to the actual Half Life levels?
cant wait till x mas

im getting it for x mas so i was over the moon to read this post it seems a bit dodge but im downloading it now so it must be good. demos are alwas full of bug when i download them so i ent expecting much
CanopuS said:
a) Given that the whole file system will be different could any confirm if bugs such as stuttering are still present in the demo? Might be nice to play a couple of levels bug-free :D

b) Anyone else prefer Uplink to the actual Half Life levels?
In answer to b) No...actually =)
So we get Ravenholm and what else? They say a few eariliar chapters in the game. And do I have to have steam to play it? Can I register while I install?
sigh I bet you this is valves idea of ati bonus levels we were supposed to get. Now they turned it into a marketing idea by letting people who haven't played hl2m play a couple of chapters thus far ruining there experiece totally just so they can make more money off of steam. I really have a problem with this. They should be rewarding the people who bought the game.
Anyone who wants to play this and already owns HL2, I'd suggest that you just register a new Steam account and install the demo from the Play Games menu within that because it's much quicker.

I have two accounts anyway so I tried going into the one that hasn't got HL2 attached to it and sure enough the demo was listed in there. It obviously uses all the Source and map files from the main HL2 installation because it downloaded the few required demo files in just 2 or 3 minutes (on my 256kbps connection) and I was ready to go.

As has been mentioned already, all you get with the demo is chapters 1 and 6. I can't be bothered to play through them to see if the entire chapters are there or just parts of them, but either way it's not the Half-Life Uplink style of demo that I was hoping for. :( Not that I should complain, it's not as if Valve has any sort of commitment to provide such a demo level.
HollowTipz said:
Now they turned it into a marketing idea by letting people who haven't played hl2m play a couple of chapters thus far ruining there experiece totally just so they can make more money off of steam.

HollowTipz said:
sigh I bet you this is valves idea of ati bonus levels we were supposed to get. Now they turned it into a marketing idea by letting people who haven't played hl2m play a couple of chapters thus far ruining there experiece totally just so they can make more money off of steam. I really have a problem with this. They should be rewarding the people who bought the game.

Oh turn off ;)

They never said this was the ATI levels... Gabe said the ATI levels were some graphically impressive levels they were working on that required high end video cards... so there is no connection there. You are making this up so you can complain.

As for ruining the experience, I disagree. The demo is for people who have NOT bought it--if anything NOT playing the game ruins the experience. If they get to play the first couple levels and then Ravenholm it may convince them to BUY the game, a game they have yet to buy, and thus giving them a BETTER experience than not playing it at all.

As for rewarding the people who bought the game... reward what? We paid $50 for a game and got what we PAID for. Our reward was getting to enjoy one of the best games of the year (and some feel one of the best ever) and got to play a spot on remake of the most popular online game ever. Further, they gave us HL2DM!! I would consider that a reward. $50 does not equal eternal debt. Valve gave us what we paid for, and then some. Being upset because Valve has spent some time trying to maximizing their investment--and investment of their time and money--is immature.

What really needs to be rewarded is the fact Valve spent $40million to make this game. New sales reward their hard work and investment, and a demo is a step in the process of them realizing the reward they are due.

I really have a problem with you having a problem with Valve trying to make a profit on their hard work. They have given us free stuff and have more planned, so stop being so negative. Be happy that Valve is doing things to make the HL2 community bigger and seeking ways to make more profit so they can make HL3!
The funny thing is they already have enough money to make hl3 if you haventy noticed yet! You really think the demo is just to give people a chance to play hl2 who haven't played it yet? I personally think this is just a marketing strat. for ati and valve to get more people to buy there products. Who really wants to play the 2 first chapters( including ravenholm one of the best chapters in the game) and then buy the game? Valve is actually quite smart because you see what there trying to do is trying to make people who are interested in buying the game see how there video card runs the game visually. Most people are looking to upgrade there systems these days with the new stuff and with ati comming out with the new x850 cards what a no better time to come out with a playable demo for hl2. Who says this isnt the playable ati levels valve was talking about? It pretty much seems to me that it could possibly be this. I just think valve needs to concentrate on the customers who arnt happy(bugs, problems) with the game already even tho they bought it. There is plenty of other stuff for them to do besides marketing the product somemore.
The funny thing is they already have enough money to make hl3 if you haventy noticed yet!

So? Does that somehow entitle you to extra content? Is Valve in debt with you?

You really think the demo is just to give people a chance to play hl2 who haven't played it yet? I personally think this is just a marketing strat. for ati and valve to get more people to buy there products.

You sir, win the Nobel price for economy. Marketing a product.... to sell it? Pure f*cking genius!

Who says this isnt the playable ati levels valve was talking about? It pretty much seems to me that it could possibly be this.

Because the "ATi levels" are levels (or demos) for really high end cards (they're not even called Ati levels specifically) and this demo is no more demanding than HL2.

I just think valve needs to concentrate on the customers who arnt happy(bugs, problems) with the game already even tho they bought it. There is plenty of other stuff for them to do besides marketing the product somemore.

And repackaging some game files and uploading it to Ati somehow takes the entire staff of Valve to do so? Who's saying they are working on that stuff right now?!
Does it really matter for the people who already have Half-Life 2? :bonce:
lol no i spent 500$ on an x800 xt pe and i want the levels gabe told everyone he said he would give us. Valve definitley has enough money for hl3 because of one person. Gabe Newell. Combining the sales of hl2 right now and the money gabe has(which he has shown us all by privatey funding hl2 himself) there is more than enough money to make hl3. You also would be suprised to how much time it took valve to set this demo up with ati. Stop flamming by the way i'm just stating my opinion there is no reason you fanboys have to flame. I enjoyed hl2 very much and I appreciate what valve gave us for the money but they have still yet to come thru on there end of the deal. Hl2 still has some major bugs and problems that have cause people to not be able to play the game(even tho they bought it the day it came out). If I was in that situation i would be pretty bent. That aside there is also the huge studdering problem people are having to play with and all kinds of other mis. bugs/fixes they need to tend to. Thats just talking about hl2 and hl2 alone. I'm not even talking about the source engine which also needs so work too. Besides that there still is cs-source and hl2 deathmatch that still need boatloads of work. Even with the new cs-source update. They still haven't gave me one good portion of the list of stuff i was supposed to get with gold status and that is dod source. So all in all i think valve has more than there share of work to do.

ps:new sdk update? Prioritys valve?
I'm just trying to understand why you want to play these levels so much (if they are playable..) ? A few extra polygons and directx effects? Hmm just run 3d mark or something to see nice effects.

It's really doing no-one any good to start whinging and bagging out Valve because they haven't created these mysterious ATI levels. It's not a priority whilst PROMOTING Half-Life 2 is a priority. A big priority. And you have no idea how much money they've made, no idea. Maybe this demo is an indication sales were not as good as they thought and they need to boost sales a bit?

No-one knows so stop claiming they have enough money to make HL3. It sounds ridiculous when you state guesses as fact.
lol you are a complete moron if think they dont have enough money to make hl3...seriously. If gabe single handly funded hl2 himself then i'm sure they have plenty of money to make the game. This is a private company we are talking about. They are rolling the dough. There game is actually ranked better than its predecessor hl1 www.gamerankings.com... If you think they are having money problems you really need to leave the hole you live in and go to school.

What do u think the whole point of steam is in the first place? Why did they release cs source beta before the game came out? It's all about money and steam infact is a cash plethra. Steam actually allows the developer valve to get all the money for steam purchasers instead of having to go through the publisher VU. This is what the whole court battle was about.
And you have a clear indication of how much money it would cost to make HL3 do you? Half-Life 1 cost around $5 million, Half-Life 2 around $40 million. Is it unreasonable to assume HL3 would cost more than both combined?

Criticsizing Valve for not releasing not "ATI levels" but for promoting the game they've worked on for 6 years....you sound like a pathetic little child. Stop being the stereotype please.
Mr-Fusion said:
And you have a clear indication of how much money it would cost to make HL3 do you? Half-Life 1 cost around $5 million, Half-Life 2 around $40 million. Is it unreasonable to assume HL3 would cost more than both combined?

Criticsizing Valve for not releasing not "ATI levels" but for promoting the game they've worked on for 6 years....you sound like a pathetic little child. Stop being the stereotype please.

lol it would be just 45million then. I'm sure they are also making money from ati and cards with the hl2 preferred graphics logo. I have the right to critize valve as i am a customer who bought not only the gold package but also an x800 xt pe which both valve gets money from.

so is it really stereotypical to ask where the ati levels are that gabe said he would give us? I think your the one quick to criticsize here?? Do you realize people that paid for the game when it first came out are yet to play the game? The customer support is HORRIBLE AND NOTRIOUS from valve i dont care what you say. So crawl out of that little hole you've been in for so long and come to reality.
HollowTipz said:
The funny thing is they already have enough money to make hl3 if you haventy noticed yet! You really think the demo is just to give people a chance to play hl2 who haven't played it yet? I personally think this is just a marketing strat. for ati and valve to get more people to buy there products. Who really wants to play the 2 first chapters( including ravenholm one of the best chapters in the game) and then buy the game? Valve is actually quite smart because you see what there trying to do is trying to make people who are interested in buying the game see how there video card runs the game visually. Most people are looking to upgrade there systems these days with the new stuff and with ati comming out with the new x850 cards what a no better time to come out with a playable demo for hl2. Who says this isnt the playable ati levels valve was talking about? It pretty much seems to me that it could possibly be this. I just think valve needs to concentrate on the customers who arnt happy(bugs, problems) with the game already even tho they bought it. There is plenty of other stuff for them to do besides marketing the product somemore.

Dude... lay off. It's just a demo to get more people to play it. VALVe is not some evil corporation bent on world destruction here. ATI levels? Are you kidding me? When the real ATI levels come out, I will PM you laughing in your face. I'm serious. I have it written down.
StAtiC said:
Dude... lay off. It's just a demo to get more people to play it. VALVe is not some evil corporation bent on world destruction here. ATI levels? Are you kidding me? When the real ATI levels come out, I will PM you laughing in your face. I'm serious. I have it written down.

You do that buddy. If it makes you feel cool.

i wont be posting in this thread anymore. I think ive paid my point clear.
You know, I left the forums for a while because I was getting annoyed with the amount of stupid posts.

I come back for a bit and read a thread and it turns out that there're these posts by Mr Moron here. Yesterday, I couldn't have imagined anyone being pissed off because there's a demo of Half-Life 2.

Makes me wonder why I came back.

Anyone else love the way HollowTipz seems to think he's cracked the secret of releasing demos? Oh my god. It's all a ploy to get people to purchase the game. I just never suspected. And all these demos I've downloaded and played then bought the game! I fell for it every time!
HollowTipz said:
lol it would be just 45million then. I'm sure they are also making money from ati and cards with the hl2 preferred graphics logo. I have the right to critize valve as i am a customer who bought not only the gold package but also an x800 xt pe which both valve gets money from.

so is it really stereotypical to ask where the ati levels are that gabe said he would give us? I think your the one quick to criticsize here?? Do you realize people that paid for the game when it first came out are yet to play the game? The customer support is HORRIBLE AND NOTRIOUS from valve i dont care what you say. So crawl out of that little hole you've been in for so long and come to reality.
Why are you seething with hatred because you didn't get your ATI levels? Just tell me you're a 15 year old angsty teen and i'll understand.
Feath said:
You know, I left the forums for a while because I was getting annoyed with the amount of stupid posts.

I come back for a bit and read a thread and it turns out that there're these posts by Mr Moron here. Yesterday, I couldn't have imagined anyone being pissed off because there's a demo of Half-Life 2.

Makes me wonder why I came back.

Anyone else love the way HollowTipz seems to think he's cracked the secret of releasing demos? Oh my god. It's all a ploy to get people to purchase the game. I just never suspected. And all these demos I've downloaded and played then bought the game! I fell for it every time!
Indeed. But it does make for some good sig material!
yes i indeed did state the obvious...You must do this in these forums for the idiots to understand.

seething with hatred? You really know how to exaggerate huh?
Well your language is laced with negativty and anger. Little mr vocal minority unhappy with no ATI levels.

I will also try and get your unique insight into marketing mentioned in some academic business journal . You have shown sheer brilliance with your 'demo to sell more copies' theorem. Only a supreme intelligence could discover something like that.
You do that big guy. I'm sorry that the majority of people dont understand what the demo is actually for besides to let people play hl2 free. There are a lot of young gamers in these forums so i was carlifying for the uneducated. Only a supreme intelligence can tell you your a nerd and you dont need to over exaggerate your vocbulary extensiveness to sound cool or even smart. I'm a customer just like everyone else and i have the right to express my opinion and honestly i dont care if you try to put me down or make fun of me on an hl2 fan site, but hey if that gets you off and boost your insecurities in reality than do so.
HollowTipz said:
You do that big guy. I'm sorry that the majority of people dont understand what the demo is actually for besides to let people play hl2 free. There are a lot of young gamers in these forums so i was carlifying for the uneducated. Only a supreme intelligence can tell you your a nerd and you dont need to over exaggerate your vocbulary extensiveness to sound cool or even smart. I'm a customer just like everyone else and i have the right to express my opinion and honestly i dont care if you try to put me down or make fun of me on an hl2 fan site, but hey if that gets you off and boost your insecurities in reality than do so.
You're just having fun with this now, aren't you?

Or maybe I overestimate the human race... :(
Yeah i actually am having quite a ball. Other than that im seething with hatred! (who says that)
Hectic Glenn said:
Please take your own advice

Hectic Glenn comes in to lay down the law. Good work Glenn. :dork:

P.S. Half the complaints I hear about Valve are from people that don't seem to understand Capitalism. Valve is going to do whatever is in their best interests, and if something takes priority over releasing extra (ATI) levels, then the other stuff moves to the back-burners. Sometimes it sucks, but get over it. Believe it or not, Valve is not only out there to make great games, but to maximize their profits.
And without profits, where does the game come from?. I would've rather had the demo be more like uplink, but what can you do?.
Narcolepsy said:
HollowTipz said:
You really think the demo is just to give people a chance to play hl2 who haven't played it yet? I personally think this is just a marketing strat. for ati and valve to get more people to buy there products.
PvtRyan said:
You sir, win the Nobel price for economy. Marketing a product.... to sell it? Pure f*cking genius!
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Hehe. Owned.
Well sorry for this post, but that just made me laugh.

I would too like to get more content, but if Valve wants to release a demo, then let them release it. Who cares?