HL2 difficulty mod


Oct 15, 2003
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Is there something other than the Substance Mod? It seems this just randomly spawns enemies throughout the maps. What I want is an Easy, Medium, Hard, MENTAL!! Difficulty setting to make the SP game more challenging.
I guess not then. Given how easy the game is I'm surprised more people are not asking for this.
Substance is pretty hard.

Anyway I doubt its that hard to increase the enemies health by 100% or whatever. Someone will make this.
i dont reckon you would have to give them any more health though, maybe just some tweaking, and letting them do more damage / be able to aim better.
Well, in the console I think you can change a ton of health settings, # of rockets to take down striders, etc. It'd "simply" be a matter of making a cfg file with the modified health and ammo stats.
not to intrude, but if i may, turning up all those stats such as health and accuracy would in fact make it harder, but it would only take a quicker trigger finger and more patience to succeed. What would really make it a challenge, and increasingly more fun to play, is making the enemies smarter and more clever.
Yeah but that would require more recoding and what not. I'd be happy with just having the enemies with more health and more accuracy.

I mean, Das Roboss was really really good, mainly because all the enemies were the Combine Elites.
Ya, it would require a remake of HL2 to make the combine smarter.
I would also like to see a level of dificulty past "hard" without having to set all of the settings manually.
After Route Kanal it seems that there is never any shortage of ammo & health - It's everywhere! Even removing a few choice health packs & ammo cases along the way would make the game tougher & force the player into a more defensive mode of play i.e. making use of cover & conserving ammo. Also making the Combine shot accuracy a little better & increasing the damage each hit does would make things tougher & I also think it would improve the gameplay. Again because it forces the player to be more strategic as opposed to Rambo-ing in which even on HARD you can get away with most of the time!
dogboy73 said:
After Route Kanal it seems that there is never any shortage of ammo & health - It's everywhere! Even removing a few choice health packs & ammo cases along the way would make the game tougher & force the player into a more defensive mode of play i.e. making use of cover & conserving ammo. Also making the Combine shot accuracy a little better & increasing the damage each hit does would make things tougher & I also think it would improve the gameplay. Again because it forces the player to be more strategic as opposed to Rambo-ing in which even on HARD you can get away with most of the time!

it wouldnt be very hard to make something like this, and its just what we need!
Yeah I agree this is what we need. The game is too easy. I noticed the hardest parts were those parts where there was no health and ammo, and it was too far back to go get. So you were forced to play (like someone said) in a more cautious, defensive mode. When I had full health and it was lying all over the place, the game was a breeze.... regardless of how many Combine they had around.
dogboy73 said:
Is there something other than the Substance Mod? It seems this just randomly spawns enemies throughout the maps. What I want is an Easy, Medium, Hard, MENTAL!! Difficulty setting to make the SP game more challenging.

Half-Life 2 Balistics Mini-Mod: http://halflife2.filefront.com/file/;37359

Half-Life 2 Difficulty Mod V2.3: http://halflife2.filefront.com/file/;35646

Half-Life 2 Real Weapons Mod V4.0: http://halflife2.filefront.com/file/;36451

... Take your pick. :)
Nice 1 Azzkiker. I think I'll give the HL2 difficulty mod v2.3 a go.

I knew there must be something like this out there! (Should have looked on HL2.files myself really! :eek:)
Is it just me or does the game get harder the more times you complete it despite being on the same difficultly setting?
Sam2k said:
Is it just me or does the game get harder the more times you complete it despite being on the same difficultly setting?
it's you :LOL: It's a piece of piss whatever way you look at it. Second time round i was able to use the physics to render certain opposition practically useless! The Nova Prospekt turret battle being a good example - Blocking one end completely with obstacles meant that hardly any Combine came through! They just stood on the opposite side of my clumsy barricade looking stupid! I promptly blew them all away & after lots of radio chatter but very few combine Alyx showed up!! Making my second time through the game on Hard even less interesting & challenging than the first run!
I've just downloaded the difficulty mod V2.3. In the read me file I read this;

To load a game in the mod, write maps d in the console to get a list of the avalible maps. Choose one (map d1_trainstation_01 is the start of the game) and start playing. After thet you can load from you savegames.

I'm a tad confused. So I can't start the game from the beginning I have to use the maps d command in the console? But once I've saved I can just load from these save files? (I just wanted to get this straight before I embark! I don't want to get into the game & then realise I'm still playing on the normal HARD setting!!
the first thing as far as making the game harder is to beef up the weapons and making sure the enemy weapons are just as strong.

currently the damage that the combine pulse rifles do to you is 3 per shot. you however get to do 8 damage per shot. I decided to beef the gun up for everyone up to 10.

the sniper sequences in the game are a whole lot more dramatic when the snipes do 150 damage instead of 20 or whatever the default is.

shotguns become the bane of your existance as they will usually waste you in 1 or 2 shots.

most everything that you can change concerning npcs and weapons is in the sv_ or sk_ category in the console.