HL2 - Display issues after using torch


Nov 23, 2004
Reaction score
Hi Folks,

Bought HL2 yesterday and after 25 mins of finger-crossing installation I got this up and running and it's all good, even on high res with low anti aliasing and high bit depth. Except...

If I use the torch for a bit and then switch it off, I experience flashing and texture dropouts on the scenery, if I change some video settings to make the game reload textures the problem goes away but comes back if I use the torch again, I've tried every combination of in game video tweaks one by one. I'm pretty sure this will be to do with my slightly outdated system but was hoping that maybe there's a tweak or patch out there that can resolve until I sell my ass enough times to buy an upgade!!


AMD Athlon thunderbird 1.3Ghz
380MB RAM 133mhz
nVidia Geforce 2 Pro MMX 64MB
SBlive platinum 5.1
Win XP (no service packs)
Latest Direct X
Latest video and sound card drivers

Any help much appreciated
If anything I would guess it's your ancient video card. Or maybe because you don't have any service packs.
StainlessJ-FPGA said:
If anything I would guess it's your ancient video card. Or maybe because you don't have any service packs.

well other than the odd graphical glitch in newer games my OS is extremely stable and I like to keep it that way, I've heard service pack 2 is a horror, is service pack 1 worth installing or is it likely to send my OS round the bend?
er bump bump?

is the only patch for this game the steam one which seems to have knacked the game for a lot of people?
Service pack 1 is safe. I haven't gotten sp2.

BTW you are one of the last people to use that video card so I don't know if you'll get any help from anyone that has it... I know it says a dx7 card at least to play the game, but you have the worst dx7 card... I wouldn't expect much.
StainlessJ-FPGA said:
Service pack 1 is safe. I haven't gotten sp2.

BTW you are one of the last people to use that video card so I don't know if you'll get any help from anyone that has it... I know it says a dx7 card at least to play the game, but you have the worst dx7 card... I wouldn't expect much.

the card is feckin ace for how old it is, this is the only tech glitch I've had since I got it, and if I can run call of duty, halo, doom 3 and beyond good and evil on high res/high detail then it ain't doin badly... is it?...

nevermind, looks like it's upgrade time I guess, just means I gotta do the works i.e. new MB, new processor, new RAM, Gcard etc, big bucks means less beer! dang
less beer? i wouldnt be able to survive that :P
ass u said before, just sell yourself enough times :P