HL2 distribution?

you guys kind of went off topic,

i personally think that cable moden should be a minimum, if u dont have it then ur not a gamer simple as that, amonge many other things, u can ping yahoo at 14ms and other good shit. i download 500k constant off of fileplanet and other sites like apple.com and microsfot. so the connection thing is settled.

im just saying, when u install steam and run it first time, all games installed on your HD are taken from 1 location and put into another, (setam foldeR) so u cant run it without running steam first. thats whta i understnad

i totally wanna unisntall steam and keep 1 Hl2 icon and 1 CS and 1 CS:S icon. no steam nothing, just 3 game icons, but i dont htink you can do that.

if u can tell me how. cuss i really hate steam.

i have had CS icons and DOD icons before, but since steam came around all the games are put into steam folder. which is really gay.

and if u run CS icons which are 1.5 u cant play any games. cuss the update is not there. setam has 1.6 old cs icons are 1.5, i just want everything to go back to the good old days. where u didnt have to run 1000000 applications to play 1 game.
not everyone has access to broadband where they live, that doesn't mean they aren't a gamer.
hyenolie said:
if u dont have it then ur not a gamer simple as that, amonge many other things, u can ping yahoo at 14ms and other good shit.

Sweet, I've always wanted to play Ping Yahoo. Can I join your clan?

hyenolie said:
i totally wanna unisntall steam and keep 1 Hl2 icon and 1 CS and 1 CS:S icon. no steam nothing, just 3 game icons, but i dont htink you can do that.

Maybe you're not aware that you can right click on a game in Steam and have it add a shortcut to the desktop.

hyenolie said:
and if u run CS icons which are 1.5 u cant play any games. cuss the update is not there. setam has 1.6 old cs icons are 1.5

Your concern with icons is amusing.

hyenolie said:
i just want everything to go back to the good old days. where u didnt have to run 1000000 applications to play 1 game.

I have a solution for you: put masking tape over the bottom right corner of your screen. You'll never notice Steam is running!
Cowboy, that was one of the most well said posts I've ever read, I especially like the part where you said to cover the bottom right of the screen with masking tape :laugh:

Anyway, Half-Life 2 will be steam, and your problem with icons is quickly solved by right-clicking the game in the steam menu and selecting to create a desktop shortcut. All which was well said by dscowboy.
i guess u guys didnt understand, putting an icon on the desktop runs steam and then the game. we dont want steam at all, we want to b ypass steam, remember "good ol days"
Well what youre describing hyenolie is what Condition Zero does before you activate it with Steam.

You install from CD, it then places a shortcut for Condition Zero (and Deleted Scenes if you chose to install it) onto the desktop as well as a couple shortcuts in the VALVe start menu thing (which seem to disappear once its been activated via Steam if you choose to delete the old files once the cahce files are ready)

So I imagine this would be the same thing for the HL2 Singleplayer SKU, youll be able to run it just fine but perhaps the only difference is Steam being installed and ran in the background (on offline mode) if HL2 does solely need it that much to run..though i wouldn't know why it would have to...Steam is more of a launcher than anything else.

If you purchase the standard HL2 SP/MP SKU though it would probably do the same thing...but..just as CS:CZ it will have an added menu option in-game which says something like "Play online with Steam now" if you havent already tied it into your Steam account.

Preferably in both cases the CDs/DVD(s) that come packaged with HL2 will install it in such a way that the .gcf files are installed to HD...in which case that would definately make Steam have to be used (even for the SP only SKU). Steam has had offline mode for a while now though so it shouldnt be a problem anyway for the non-internet-able people.
I guess you didn't understand... does Steam hold your head underwater and spank you? Does Steam throw ferrets in your bathwater and threaten you in a meanacing German accent? No, it just sits there in the systray. If you stop looking at your systray you'll never notice it's there. Except of course, that cheating is incredibly reduced, you can browse servers in-game, content downloads are fast and automatic, and the interface is vastly improved. But if you want to give that all up and go back to the year 2002 just to avoid seeing a Steam icon in your systray, you're still welcome to play on WON.net.
Well...as long as he doesnt wish to play HL2 online...and as long as VALVe deem to keep their HL WON component still online.

Yeah-yeah...I know, I kind of missed the 'good old days' too, but i've adapted. Hell Steam just lets me get into a good game of HL/CS/OpFor/DoD/NS/etc. without having to worry about a dozen or so icons cluttering up my already untidy desktop.