HL2:DM - Unofficial bug list (by Gunslinger and the SteamForums)



I thought you should all see this, the more that get to see it the quicker something might get done about it. Especially as where it is at the moment hasn't had any recognition from the moderators or valve itself. If the HL2DM community work together to show that we are worth supporting then hopefully this game will finally be clear of bugs and crashes.

Half-Life 2 : Deathmatch, Unoffical Bug List

#1 Crouching Animation

The Crouching model does not match the crouching hit-boxes. It is impossible to damage the player when shooting the model, unless aiming below the lungs. The model is taller than the hit-boxes, as can be seen when players come out of the vent in lockdown.

#2 Shooting Registration

Often a player will shoot another, blood appear on the other player’s model; however, the other player will not take any damage, this is due to the client’s computer predicting a hit (and displaying blood), and the server recognising a miss, thus no damage is given.

#3 Drowning Forever

When one dies underwater, upon respawn the energy will continue to deplete, behaving as if the player were still underwater. It will not lead to death through suffocating; it will just stay empty with the consequence that one can't sprint. It can be solved by entering water and exiting water again.

#4 Missing Animation

The Missing animation, also known “Jesus”; is when the player model will appear with both arms and legs out, and head up. Although the player is still playing as he/she would normally, the other players see it as this Jesus model, suggesting that the animation that the player is trying to carry out, is unavailable at that time, and so the model reverts to it’s standard position.

#5 Missing Textures.

This is where, upon joining a server, some textures appear chequered and purple. This happens when steam cannot locate the textures required, and so will revert to the default ones. This can happen randomly and also when going from desktop to in game.

#6 Black Textures.

This is where, when you alt tab, from desktop, to game *whilst* during a map change, certain textures, and objects, will appear pitch black, the only solution is to rejoin the server, this is not random, and can be reproduced on every map change.

#7 Auto Suicide.

This is a more serious problem, where, when a player has legitimately killed another player, (normally via explosive barrels, or other physics props.) and yet the scoreboard records it as a suicide, and points are not awarded to the player who has won the kill.

#8 Rubble Suicides.

When walking across physic props, sometimes if they are jumbled together, the scoreboard will simply kill you, and record the death as a suicide. This appears to be relatively random, however is more common with more physics props.

#9 Floating Slam.

When a slam has been placed upon a physic, and then said physic is moved, the slam will remain, hanging in mid air.

#11 Slam Woes.

There seems to be a number of problems with the Slam weapon, it is simply dodgy to use, when switching back and forth and using the slam, and trying to get it attached to the wall rather than the floor etc, it does some very odd things that are not expected. Example, if you throw one slam on the ground you can occasionally rapidly place slams on the wall, at a significantly faster speed than normal.

#12 Stuck Physics

When too many physic objects are piled together, they all become attached to one another, and it is impossible to move any of the objects.

#13 Ice Skating

The majority of HL2: DM users will have come across this, where the user will experience a “skating” across the level, where he/she has little or no control over where they go. The player is also able to jump to ridiculous heights.

#14 Repeating Animation.

When one has changed weapons, and reloaded, the user will often see the reloading animation, yet no reloading is actually occurring, this can only be fixed by hitting the reload key again, or changing weapon. This is most common with the shotgun.

#15 Repeating Animation #2

When one changes weapons, after tries to use alt fire too quickly, often, you will see the animation of the previous weapon using Alt-Fire, and then it will switch to the weapon you selected, with nothing having happened. This is most common when switching from any weapon to the gravity gun.

#16 Repeating Sound

This is when, after getting killed by an explosion, the high pitched whine that one hears does not go away, one cannot hear any sounds except for that "deaf" whine, and on occasion, the effect of going death will remain, meaning that all noise is practically silent. Solutions to this problem include rejoining the server and alt-tabbing to windows, and then back into the game. This is seemingly random.

#17 Repeating Sound #2

Occasionally after firing the RPG, the "firing" sound will loop and continue to play until you rejoin the server or the map changes. This is seemingly random.

#18 Sprite Hang

This is particularly common with the RPG, when a player is killed after mid shot, the muzzle flash will remain behind. This can also occur with exploding barrels, if a player is killed whilst the barrel is exploding, seemingly random.
#19 Visible Shadows

When a player is under a set of stairs, their shadow is visible from above the stairs, giving away that players position immediately.

#20 Physical Mayhem

This seems to occur every now and again, however, with the release of dm_steamlabs, it has occured much more than before. This problem causes the physics of all objects to completely mess up, respawning weapons fall through the floor, throw grenades go through walls, objects and floors. Objects seem to have a mind of their own as they bounce about randomly.
Currently the only fix is to restart the server, as the physics remain changed through map changes.

#21 Scoreboard Resetting

In Team deathmatch, when a team gets over 128 kills, the scoreboard total kills will clock back over to 0.

#22 Team Kill

A Team kill adds one to your team score.

#23 Barrel Kills

If one has shot a barrel (i.e. it is flaming) and then another picks said barrel up and kills any amount of opponents with it, the player who set the barrel on flames will be awarded the kills, not the player who threw it.

#24 Deeper Underground

This is an odd bug, it occurs randomly whilst one is performing the "Jump Crouch" (where you jump and then press crouch in the air) occasionally, the player will fall half way through the floor, the player height will be as if they were crouching, however they can run at full speed, use boost, etc, for an unlimited amount of time, this is a serious exploit, and is relatively common, based on how often you perform the crouch jump. Crouch jumping again will raise your level once more.

#25 Laser Light

This occurs occasionally when switching from the SMG to any other weapon, the red light found on the SMG's scope will remain, become a bloom light, and appear to react with movement and angle, this appears to stay until the next time the player is killed.

#26 Ammo Woes

When one picks up ammo for a weapon that is not in their inventory, the ammo icon will not appear on the right.

#27 Ghost Grenades

With the server "weaponstay" value set to 1, all grenades are invalid. Making it impossible to have a Grenade inventory above 2. This is due to the Grenade being a weapon item, as opposed to an ammo item.

#28 Sensitive Barrels

After an explosive barrel has been detonated, all subsequent respawns of that particular barrel will result in detonating after just one shot. Any barrels that explode nearby will cease to damage other barrels around them.

#29 Speed Skating

This is a method of moving, where you are constantly crouched, moves as fast as boosting, using almost no boost whatsoever, and bunny hop. I would not deem this as a bug if it wasn't for the fact that almost no boost is used when trying this alternate movement method, however, it's *extremely* hard to perform, and I know of only two community members who can do it, including myself, so I doubt it'll be recognized.

#30 Blown Outside

It is possible to get blown outside of the level by explosions, this is seemingly random and can happen on all levels. once outside you can walk around on a platform whilst looking into the entire level, then eventually fall off, and continue falling infinately. The only way out of this is to reconnect, or suicide.

#31 Roof Hanging

If you are projected in to the air it is possible to clip into the cealing, and be immovable until you are killed. Players are able to see the lower half of your body and shoot it, where you can see out from the roof. It is unknown whether this is a map, or engine problem. This is particularly common getting the crossbow on Steamlab.

#32 Fanning The Fan

If the fan switch is placed in it's holder in the exact right position,
it will not pop out when the fan stops rotating, and the fan will start up instantly, it is impossible to remove the switch with the Gravity Gun.

#33 Gravity-Gone

Occasionally when the player re-spawns the Gravity-Gun no longer appears in their inventory. It appears to happen at specific spawn points, all though not confirmed, suggests that it is a server side problem, or a map problem as opposed to a client problem.

#34 Gravity Pickups

Whilst using the gravity gun, if one tries to pickup an item that it is above them, it will not be placed into the player’s inventory until he physically moves the object into the player, for example, by pushing it against the floor into the players hit boxes. This is reproducible and can be done with any item.

#35 Gravity-Gun Pickup

Occasionally, when a player dies midst of using the gravity gun, the gravity gun will actually be dropped, similar to the way their normal gun is dropped when they die. However, you cannot pick up this dropped gravity gun, as you already have one in your inventory.

** If you have any screenshots or demos of bugs posted that are either better than the one’s there already, or for bugs that don’t currently have any, please pm me so we can work out a way to use them.

If any of you have bugs which are not already listed please post them with a good description and I will add them. **

**I'd like to thank the PoJ clan for their help in hosting demo's and image's**
(www.pojclan.co.uk #PoJ)

The original thread can be found here if you're interested. I have also posted twice in case any more bugs are discovered, then I can add them to the list and forward them on to the original thread in the steam forums. Thanks for your time everyone.
#36 Broken Ragdolls

This is when, upon death, the Rag doll will land in a position that is theoretically impossible. For example limbs will fold in on themselves, and clip into the rest of the model. It appears to be an error in the source code itself; however it is unknown whether it is related to the Havok engine. This appears to happen when the Rag doll has been in the air, for example, after an explosion, or a magnum/crossbow shot.

#37 Gravgun Bindings

Occasionally upon joining a team in Team Death match, the gravity gun, or more specifically the command Phys_swap gets unbound; meaning that one is unable to directly switch to the gravity gun. This problem seems to be solved by setting the key again. This is seemingly random.

#38 Pulse Rifle Bindings

Occasionally on joining a game, the commands "use weapon_AR2" and "use weapon_smg2" become unbound. The player is unable to switch to the Pulse Rifle - rebinding does nothing. Often happens to a few players at a time. This is seemingly random.

#39 Ghost Gun

In some seeming random situations, the client will not be able to see the opponent’s gun. This is specific to an individual opponent, and appears to end when the client dies.

Bug Update! [First post got too big]
Just a heads-up, as far as I know you can't edit your posts after a certain timeframe (10 minutes?). So if you wanted to keep this post updated, you would have to ask a mod, if that's even possible (but maybe you have already done so, in that case disregard this post :))
#13 Ice Skating

The majority of HL2: DM users will have come across this, where the user will experience a “skating” across the level, where he/she has little or no control over where they go. The player is also able to jump to ridiculous heights.
Wasn't this one fixed? I'm sure this stopped happening a few weeks ago. I think it was stealth-fixed.

I actually opened a Steam support ticket about the above one and the "forever" drowning one. By the time they'd replied (four weeks) I found that the ice skating one wasn't happening. With regards to the forever drowning one they didn't seem too bothered as it wasn't an "official" problem as it was only a problem on custom maps. (Due to the fact that so far official maps have avoided having water in them).

I have very occasional contact with Doug Valente, I will send him a link to this thread so he can take note :)
well, if by now none of the Steampowered mods have informed valve about this thread, then i really don't know.
It's quite possible that its fixed, just as the missing animations that result in the 'crucifix' pose may also have been dealt with. I haven't seen either in a while. However we have yet to hear about an actual fix for them and the odd report still crops up (possible mistakes?) so I think they are still on there.

Besides which, it may actually goad valve in to replying, if only to say "Oi! That isn't a bug in our game! Slanderous!". Right now any reply would at least mean it's been seen and that they are aware.

If anyone has anything else to add then go ahead.
they do seem like mistakes, but alot are so insignificant, and aside from the ice skating bug, and hitbox problems, its nothing much, a little odd perhaps. I guess they where just ignored as not being serious enough to spoil the core experiance.
Agreed, it's not a flame or anything. Valve have done a great job. It's just that while most of those things are small if you add them up, mix in a little autoswitch and the lack of updates and you've got a game that needs a little tlc. This list is here just to remind them basically, maybe get them to comment on what they are doing to the game now etc.
Hitbox issues and Hit registration are among the most frustrating things ever since they directly affect gameplay. Add to that resetting scoreboard, autoswitch (as you said) and the fact that teamkills count towards the total score (with no way of changing teams without killing yourself and no way of resetting a round) and you've got a game that is not only frustrating to play, but also almost completely unplayable in competition. (and lets not forget the non HL2DM specific bugs such as random crashes to desktop and memory errors)

All I hear is "I'm sure Valve is working on it", but the truth is, I can't see that. How long do you think would it take a professional coder to fix autoswitch, scoreboard and teamswitch issues? Two hours, a day? I thought one of the supposed benefits of Steam was that updates could be distributed fast and easy as they are needed, but in reality, the update frequency is exactly the same as it was before Steam. I can see how fixing hitboxes and stuff like that can take time (took valve from cs beta 7 until v1.3 to fix the hitbox issues in CS, that's a looong time) but some of the smaller stuff could be fixed in no time, and the community would be happy, at least for a while.

Also i think the exploding barrels one is pretty important, especially how exploding barrels don't damage ones around them after being detonated once. Lost me a lot of kills :(
hey about the scoreboard about the bug, maybe Valve uses an signed char to store the score data, cuz the maximum number an signed char can store is 127 so if it reaches 128 it may get reset.
My guess is that valve only used 7 bits to store the scoreboard setting (1111111 in binary = 127). 128 would be 10000000, but since that doesn't seem possible it reverts back to 0000000.

Reminds one of the y2k bug :)
.syl, yeah that sounds possible. If so its just a silly oversight that they could fix pretty quickly...

One that's not mentioned, but crops up a lot:

There is no death model for someone holding a grenade. At least, not for me. If someone has a grenade out, and you kill them, instead of a corpse being created and falling down, the body just disapears completely.

I'm wondering if I'm the only person affected (I did recently check my game files, too) since this is a very common bug that I see all the time, so I'd expect it to be on that list (I've only seen about 10 out of all of the bugs up there).

IMO the bugs that need to be fixed ASAP:

1. Hitbox crouching bug
2. Blood showing up on the client end without regards to server data (now I know why the magnum always seems to be 'broken' - shows blood, but they never seem to die).
3. Drowning forever (this is just really sloppy)
4. Respawning barrel problems
5. Gravity gun pick ups for weapons above your head

Also, with the gravity gun spawning as a dropped weapon on the ground, this can also sometimes happen with crowbars and stunsticks, which is interesting as the other team can get them and use them.

Also a bug I have found, not directly related to HL2DM (I don't think), and most easily tested on the DM_Dockside map is with the RPG. If you shoot an RPG, and manuver the rocket under water, and back out again before it explodes, and then back into the water, and back out, and back in, and back out, many many times, each time it comes out of the water it starts moving at a much slower rate, seems to be like 5% slower. If you do this enough times, you can get it to the point that the rocket takes about 30-40 seconds to move the distance of the height of a player. When I discovered this bug I didn't have enough time to see if I could get the rocket to stay still in mid-air.

Not really a serious bug, and probably present in HL2 as well (don't think you'd ever get a chance to try it, unless you cheat to get RPG in the canal levels), but a bug none-the-less.

Also another oddity, not really a bug. If you get the HOTEL sign in Overwatch and use it to kill people with the gravity gun, instead of showing a toilet as the death icon, it's a skull and crossbones like it was a barrel that you used.
Oddity: Physics problems with only one object. I saw a floating table, that people could go through, but objects and bullets couldn't.

We could drag it around, but shooting it just made it drift in that general direction. so we used it for cover.
#12 Stuck Physics

When too many physic objects are piled together, they all become attached to one another, and it is impossible to move any of the objects.

This has been a very annoying exploit, people would put cars and dumpsters and basically every phys object in the map into a corrider and they camp there... You have to jimmy and shake to get past it but there is still the risk of getting stuck =/
Lanthanide - that RPG thing is a leftover from HL1 - we used to be able to make pools of rpg fishes in DM :D
i was playing the other day and some guy using gravgun and stun stick was able to launch himself to the top of the map off of a item. i figure this was done through bind keys probably to the scroll but id like to know what he was doing.
ultimate_venom said:
i was playing the other day and some guy using gravgun and stun stick was able to launch himself to the top of the map off of a item. i figure this was done through bind keys probably to the scroll but id like to know what he was doing.
Yeah. I know exactly what your talking about. He changed the 'Switch to last weapon used' key to 'Page Down'. Then, stood on an object and held both the 'Page Down' key and MB1 down simultaneously. Thus, launching himself high into the sky.
It is possible to fire weapons, see the damage on walls or enemies, but with no loss of ammu and no "real" damage to wall or person. Its possible to fire more ammu then u have too and won´t reload, because it don´t goes empty.
I found that one while experimenting with grenade-throw-binding, but had no grens left. The bindings include a lastINV, so it triggers the weapon instead.
This is possible to xbow too. You see it reloads, but shifting normal to xbow will reload again.
In general there are quite a lot of small bugs in weapon-behavior, like count-mismatch of ammu or firing in the middle of a reload anim. Shotgun sometimes fires some few seconds after pulling the trigger.. annoying while not aiming at the enemie at this point, believing it won´t shoot *g
In HL1 it where possible to fire instantly even if in the middle of reloading the gun. Seems not possible in HL2. I guess some cmds aren´t in a interrupt request.. (wont call that one a bug)
Ah, what type of internet connection do you play on? The bugs you describe sound more lag-related than anything.
my connection is 6mbit DSL with 512kb/s upstream and i figured out this behavior by opening a server on the same PC as on a dedicated in my HomeLan
All weapons with ammunition, with the exception of Slot 3 Weapons, can reload by themselves. To do so, after shooting at least one bullet with any of those weapons, switch to another one. After a period of time (varies with all weapons), the gun you have shot with will be fully reloaded automatically.

You can deal 0 damage with the RPG. To do so, your enemy must be hiding behing any object or wall, with the exception of those that can disappear, such as explosive barrels and wooden crates. Now, rather than shooting at the enemy, shoot at the object or wall they are hiding behind. Your enemy should have no damage taken. Shooting floors or ceilings will damage them, however.

If you hold a grenade and someone kills you, you disappear.
Amish: I think the first two you mention are by design rather than bugs. However I will try and get the last one on there :)

Oh and
lathanide said:
Ah, what type of internet connection do you play on? The bugs you describe sound more lag-related than anything.
FlipLeFrog said:
my connection is 6mbit DSL with 512kb/s upstream and i figured out this behavior by opening a server on the same PC as on a dedicated in my HomeLan
= Owned :D
That was really constructive of you. *cough*

My reason for questioning his 'net connection is that I have never seen those bugs before, and I'm on a 10 mbit connection and I've never had lag before, and I've played maybe 100+ hours of HL2DM total. Also the fact that no one else in this thread had mentioned them, and that they do sound -very- lag related, you can see why I asked.
what i mentioned is reproducable.. I´ll give the script if someone is interested..
Gravity Gun Flying: Go above a giant object, and aim downwards. Now shoot it with the GG, then immediately switch to another gun. Switch to the GG and shoot again, and repeat. If you do it quickly enough, you can fly using the object. A very cheap glitch.
Ultimate_Venom- They refer to that as a grav jump, do a search on it
In all source games (I saw this in Vampire TMB too) corpses will not only clip but pass right through glass, elevators, cars, and grated textures (such as catwalks).
Apologies if this question is addressed elsewhere, but I think I may have a new bug: My jumping abilities seem to be diminished in HL2DM. I can't jump on top of boxes, nor can I jump out of dumpsters once I climb in. This happens no matter which weapon I'm carrying. In HL2, I can do both actions above without issue. Any thoughts? Fixes?
ad21635 said:
Apologies if this question is addressed elsewhere, but I think I may have a new bug: My jumping abilities seem to be diminished in HL2DM. I can't jump on top of boxes, nor can I jump out of dumpsters once I climb in. This happens no matter which weapon I'm carrying. In HL2, I can do both actions above without issue. Any thoughts? Fixes?

This is happening to me at the moment,its really annoying.It feels like i`m jumping about 2 inches off the ground.I`ve reinstalled the game(no trace of steam left on pc prior to reinstall),still the same.
This only happens in deathmatch.I`ve tried binding the jump key in console,nothin, aaaarrrgggghhh!!!!!!.

thats because of server gravity, and server owners seem to be making the grav higher and higher :(
A small question: How up to date is this list? Just curious.

I can't check the steam forums thread since I'm not registered there...
Hey has anyone had a problem where after the die when the respond your cameres at a weird angle as if someone chopped your head half way off and now it leans too the side. its really irratating!
I'm not sure if anyone has mentioned this, I have yet to meet a person that can agree to the bug I've found.

When firing an rl, you have 3 rockets in a mag, and about 20% of the time, when I fire the last rocket, it will go dead straight, completely ignoring the guiding laser.

This bug has gotten me killed QUITE a few times in matches. I guess I'm just wondering if no one has actually said anything about it yet, if not, I'm saying it now, FIX THAT CRAP!!!!!$#$ @$#$ @# :hmph: :sniper: :angry: :flame: :devil:
dingle- said:
When firing an rl, you have 3 rockets in a mag, and about 20% of the time, when I fire the last rocket, it will go dead straight, completely ignoring the guiding laser.

never seen it
dingle- said:
I'm not sure if anyone has mentioned this, I have yet to meet a person that can agree to the bug I've found.

When firing an rl, you have 3 rockets in a mag, and about 20% of the time, when I fire the last rocket, it will go dead straight, completely ignoring the guiding laser.

This bug has gotten me killed QUITE a few times in matches. I guess I'm just wondering if no one has actually said anything about it yet, if not, I'm saying it now, FIX THAT CRAP!!!!!$#$ @$#$ @# :hmph: :sniper: :angry: :flame: :devil:

yup get this every now and then.

Ok I also have a problem...

I started Half Life 2 Deathmatch, joined a server --- with the map dm_runoff. As soon as I spawned, I had the gravity gun on me and after a few seconds, I heard this repeating sound --- not like a screech, whine etc but more like tapping, and the game froze...

I had to turn off my computer completely --- aka from the plug since I couldn't do the Alt + Delete + Ctrl thing etc etc etc.

When I restarted my PC, I started the game again, but this time, I created my own server --- with the same map since I already spent some time downloading the files from the server before this one.

I spawned in another location with the gravity gun, and used it a few times, walked around the map and the same thing happened --- the game froze, that tapping sound kept repeating itself, which made me restart my PC again so I decided to come here for help.

Also, I have a wireless router connected to a modem with a cable connection.

These are my specs for my computer:

160 GB Hard Drive
128 Bit ATI Radeon X300 Graphics Card
Intel Integrated Sound Card
1 GB Ram
2.93 GHz
Intel Pentium 4 Processor
Windows XP Home Edition

Blah blah blah...

Well, I don't want this to happen again so I need some advice/help from you guys. Thanks.

BTW, when there was the repeating tapping sound during when the game was frozen, one of the lights on my modem seemed to be going with the rytham of the taps.

Or so I think...