HL2 ending.

Well, as long as they don't pull a DNF on us, I'm happy :)
Yeah, I know delays are always going to occur with games as immense as the Half-Life games, but what I want them to do is to at least stop coming up with release dates, then delay it, just lets everyone down. Like you said, they are shite at coming up with realistic dates, all they should just say is something like it will take a year at the latest before its released.
Half-Life - November 19, 1998
Half-Life 2 - November 16, 2004
Half-Life 2: Episode One - May 1, 2006 (preload)
Half-Life 2: Episode Two - Between January and June 2007

HL1 -> HL2: 72 Months
HL2 -> Epi1: 18 Months
Epi1 -> Epi2: 8-13 Months
Epi2 -> Epi3: 17 Months (exaggerated estimate of my own - also allows for further Epi 2 delays)

That gives 4 years between HL2 and the release of Epi3. Since the episodes are, essentially, Half-Life 3 in Three parts it means that.
Valve have cut 2 years off consecutive Half-Life releases
In that time content has already been released (namely the first two episodes)
The Source engine has been updated with benefits to HL2
Portal and Team Fortress 2... nuff said.
We get three times the hype :bounce:

Now some may say that 4 years between games is still too long - they must remember that great games take time.
It wasn't a bad ending. But there was nothing groundbreakingly spectacular\amazingly difficult\very fun about it.
what a bunch of nuthuggers. get a grip...on something other than valve's testicles
Wow, what a genius. This is a HL2 fansite for a reason, retard.