HL2 Ep2 in Feb 2007

Looks legit indeed. Oh well. I'm still to play Ep One anyway. Then again, I tend to view game delays as a positive thing - more development time is always good, and you never have just enough of it. Valve, thankfully, have the budget where they can afford to delay a game an extra month or two to improve the gameplay.
Oh well, its not like Q1 07 is much of a wait past Christmas holiday release...
lets not jump to conclusions, Untill Gabe Newell, Doug Lombardi or any head hocho at Valve says that it will be delayed I shall not believe it. I need an Offical press release reguarding a Delay then I will believe, for now it will be ready by X-mas :bounce:.
I want to point out, Valve never said Episode 2 will be $20. If anyone bitches about that, they should be shot. Everyone just assumed it was $20.
you know i assumed it would be $20 but i forgot that its also comeing with TF2 and Portals wich amps up that value... its still worth it any way.
PC-1000 Euros
Half-Life 2-Ep:2,Team fortress2 ,Portal-20 euro
The trill when you pay then-PRICELESS
this series is going to last until we are all old men/women/other


Also, I've said this in another thread like this one, It ain't that bad that Ep2 is delayed & becide's we will all have Black Mesa: Source by Christmas time, I guarantee it.

We will all be playing BM:S come late November or some time in December. So we lose one X-mas present, but then we gain one.
I'd rather wait on an official release date or at least an estimate from the BM:S team. I'd love to have it this year, sure, but a mod like that is a huge project. Anyone outside the team can hardly have a good guess at the release date.

Just to be calm myself, though, I expect BM:S to be released in about a year from now. That way, I'll be very pleasantly surprised if they release in 2006/early 2007.
It's Episode 2; Team Fortress 2 AND Portal in one release. I reckon a couple more months to wait really isn't such a bad thing.
It'll mean those games are more gooder in the end.
I'd rather wait on an official release date or at least an estimate from the BM:S team. I'd love to have it this year, sure, but a mod like that is a huge project. Anyone outside the team can hardly have a good guess at the release date.

Just to be calm myself, though, I expect BM:S to be released in about a year from now. That way, I'll be very pleasantly surprised if they release in 2006/early 2007.

In moddb.com its listed that BM:S is 50% done, but its been like that since The spring, BM:S does'nt like or is too lazy to give monthly update's, so I right now they should be 65%-75% done right now. So right nwo its just guesses unless the team leader Klashnikov makes an update of the current status of BS:S. Your crazy if you think next year...LOL :laugh:
dont be so sure... theres supposed to be a media release after the holidays, not the finished game... it will probably be a long while before its done... my guess is a few months after E2 comes out, if it is come in out in 07 that is.
dont be so sure... theres supposed to be a media release after the holidays, not the finished game... it will probably be a long while before its done... my guess is a few months after E2 comes out, if it is come in out in 07 that is.

huh....I never heard that! Damnit I was hoping for a X-mas release.

But that could be a teaser?

Also, a high quality mod like BM:S, which is Forgotten Hope-2, a ww2 total conversion for Battlefield 2 which is I think will release in the end of this year, its about 40% done..odd is'nt it?

If BM:S is not comming out later this year, how about MI?

There's just got to be some sort of game or really good Mod comming out later this year!
Don't forget that sometimes you can be 90% done, and have the last 10% take as much time as the previous 30%. There's a thousand ways how the BM:S team might run into problems that are only apparent late in the development, and there's another thousand of possible real-life situations that might delay the release.

Everything I know about game development has taught me to expect a few unexpected problems, and to expect a later release date that one would like in project such as BM:S.

And again, the last thing I would want is for the BM:S team to release a rushed mod. They don't have any contract to release on date X, so they can take their time. My guess is that they could, for Christmas, release a working version, but it wouldn't be of such high quality, as they need more time to add the polish and double and triple check everything.
I dont think BMS will be out until mid-late 2007, but then if it's quality i'm prepared to wait.
The same for Episode Two, people that bitch about the delays need to remember that both HL2 and Episode One have been delayed, and are all the better for it.
Besides, Episode Two looks like a much larger game then Episode One.
Yeses it would be bestest if we wait a bit moreer. Whats a few months or 6 anyway? :bonce:

dont be so sure... theres supposed to be a media release after the holidays, not the finished game... it will probably be a long while before its done... my guess is a few months after E2 comes out, if it is come in out in 07 that is.

yeah and who knows they might want to take advantage of the whole cinematic physics feature. Well when valve updates the sdk to support it that is.
Is BM:S basically HL1 with the new source engine?
There's just got to be some sort of game or really good Mod comming out later this year!

I''l go for Dark Messiah until EP2, TF2 and portal arrive -those should keep me bussy until the summer ;)-

Check for vids on your steam media

And Nuclear Dawn will probably release their mod befor X-mas. Looks like it will be a blast

I'm still playing hl2 for the umpteenth time, so it's no big deal for me. I'm very patient anyway. It's that much sweeter when you finally get it. Like I had to wait 2 months (well, almost) to buy ep1 because I couldn't find it on sale in the town I spent the summer in..!
bah I dont Think it will be that long, The most it would be is around April/ march
I can wait a few months for three great games.

And yes, BM:S is basically HL1, but with the full-advantage of the source-engine, not just some mild updates and HD models like in the version VALVe released.
yes long but not too long like half a year, thats really overshifting it.
im out of the loop for two weeks and this happens? NoOoOoOoOo D:
The beauty with it coming out in Q4 is that one gets to enjoy it during vacations associated with the holidays. I don't know about you all, but February is not a big "off" month for me.
Sure HL2 ep2 will be worth waiting for, but i dont know how im gonna put up with waiting on TF2. Thats the game i would really like to play. I guess ill be happy with some actual ingame vids.