HL2 EP3 is in full development!


Jun 3, 2009
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For people how "think" that Valve has not started on HL2 EP3, the game has been in development since October 2007. Some concept arts had been released and they where dated 07 and Newell told in a interview that the development of EP3 "is going well" and "it will be the best episode of the three by far" that was back in 2008. Don't be angry at Valve, they are doing the best they can, they are trying to make EP3 fantastic. Just because L4D 2 came out before EP3 dosen't meen that they are using time on making other games. A different team does the work of EP3 and they have to work hard on this game. This is the end of the HL2 serie remember, they can use the time they need to make another great game!
Someone dosen't, they think Valve have not started yet, of course they have, this fantastic concept art was made back in 2007, then they have much more info in 2009.
Don't listen to the stupid n00bs whining about how much they hate Valve right now- we already are aware that EP3 is happening.
Of course Episode Three is in development and has not been cancelled! Keep in mind that this game will not use the 2007 Source Engine. It won't use the L4D version either. There's going to be a big graphical update - I've heard their engine uses fully dynamic lighting now. I don't know how true it is, but if it is, that may require a lot of retexturing and remodelling - perhaps apart from creating new content all other assets (like Alyx's model) must be redone from scratch.

The wait is pretty painful, but there are other things in life I'm anticipating ;)
But the characters will have the same look?
Valve must not do the stupid thing Bungie did, the difference between Halo 2 and Halo 3 is very big.
If all those graphical updates are in fact taking place, I bet Valve knows they need to keep everything as familiar as possible and won't make the characters suddenly look totally different.
Of course Episode Three is in development and has not been cancelled! Keep in mind that this game will not use the 2007 Source Engine. It won't use the L4D version either. There's going to be a big graphical update - I've heard their engine uses fully dynamic lighting now. I don't know how true it is, but if it is, that may require a lot of retexturing and remodelling - perhaps apart from creating new content all other assets (like Alyx's model) must be redone from scratch.
Really? I thought I inferred that from one of Gabe's quotes in another topic, but hadn't heard otherwise. It seems like it would be such a difficult task to build a new engine, especially one that proposes to be better than the Source engine, that they'd wait until the Source engine was played out before taking that step. Maybe it is? I stll think the Source engine is pretty good.
Really? I thought I inferred that from one of Gabe's quotes in another topic, but hadn't heard otherwise. It seems like it would be such a difficult task to build a new engine, especially one that proposes to be better than the Source engine, that they'd wait until the Source engine was played out before taking that step. Maybe it is? I stll think the Source engine is pretty good.

I'd say that the Source engine is the best engine on the market for both
1. Showing off AWESOME things
2. Getting sales. Too high system specs can completely kill sales.

I'm no expert, of course, it's just my own opinion.
Oh, I'm not saying they are abandoning the Source engine and writing something from scratch. Source is modular, that's why they could add stuff like HDR, dynamic shadows or multi-core rendering. All I'm saying is that it's possible to make a Source game look like Unreal 3.0 without rewriting the whole engine. So they *could* make huge changes to their graphics and still use Source. I don't think Valve will ever abandon it, just keep extending it.
all the pissed off noobs remind me of when they kept on delaying hl2. aahhhhh nostalgia.... but they still could of at least showed some more concept art a e3. o well i would rather have them take a long time and have new graphical technology than just putting ep3 faster withe the same old source code.
How many times is this guy going to post that concept art.
We'll have the Black Mesa mod to tie us over, at least.

Honestly as long as before it's the end of the decade (Dec 31, 2010), I'll be happy.
People know it's in development. People are disappointed that there was no news about Episode 3 at the E3 convention. Valve has a reputation for taking their time.
I really doubt they are making a new engine, do you have any idea how long that would take? I say 4 years minimum?

Just keep upgrading Source, works fine for other engines.
I really doubt they are making a new engine, do you have any idea how long that would take? I say 4 years minimum?

Just keep upgrading Source, works fine for other engines.

Who said they are making a new engine? They are updating Source, but from what I've heard, the changes are bigger than before.
Good to hear Source is staying up to date. Wouldn't want it to fall behind other games, now that it has a reputation for being awesome.
Who said they are making a new engine? They are updating Source, but from what I've heard, the changes are bigger than before.

Some dude on page 1 did (he was speculating though), don't remember his name.
Some dude on page 1 did (he was speculating though), don't remember his name.
It was me! :P And I was talking about updating Source. Perhaps I used wrong phrases to describe what I think and what I've heard, and was misunderstood.
I didnt say they are i just thought why else would they be taking so long?
they are doing something big with ep3
why else would it take so long?
I didnt say they are i just thought why else would they be taking so long?
they are doing something big with ep3
why else would it take so long?

Because its Valve?
perhaps, or perhaps theyve all but scrapped what they had been working on back in '07 and have started from scratch again.

wouldnt be the first time.
All this Episode 3 madness has messed up our minds, I mean how can we possibly doubt about Valve when they are responsible for games like the Half-Life series, Portal, Team Fortress and Left 4 Dead.

Wake up!

Also, which was said before, Black Mesa is about to be released this year.
Hopefully before christmas because I usually go to this mystyrious place called real-life at that time of the year.
All this Episode 3 madness has messed up our minds, I mean how can we possibly doubt about Valve when they are responsible for games like the Half-Life series, Portal, Team Fortress and Left 4 Dead.

Wake up!

Also, which was said before, Black Mesa is about to be released this year.
Hopefully before christmas because I usually go to this mystyrious place called real-life at that time of the year.

because of late theyve also been reponsible for gems like TF2RPG and L4D2, both of which in my opinion are mistakes. and even their last released game L4D was a pretty poor product, which theyre clearly aware of.

and dont get your hopes up about black mesa, sure it'll be a nice nostalgia fix but dont expect it to keep your attention beyond the initial 'wow' factor. i honestly dont even think it'll be out this year even after their '2009' trailer.
I can't wait for Black Mesa to come out! The legions of nubs will finally fall silent and we won't have to endure this endless "blahblahblackmesaisgonnaroxdoodvalveshudbuythem" tomfoolery any longer.
because of late theyve also been reponsible for gems like TF2RPG and L4D2, both of which in my opinion are mistakes.

Tf2 RPG?
Because you can customise your model (with hats only), then many fps's are RPG's! UNREAL TOURNAMENT Was a rpg following your logic.
Or is it because you can upgrade your weapons? Then CS is a RPG too because when you kill people you get money to buy weapons from the NPC's... erh, from the game store menu.
Or is it the class system? Then most online shooters are RPG's in disguise, still by following your logic...

and even their last released game L4D was a pretty poor product, which theyre clearly aware of.
Although the game was originally created by Turtle rock. Also, it's because L4D was so shallow (for a VALVE game) that they are coming up with such a "quick" sequel. To create the L4D that should've been.
Tf2 RPG?
Because you can customise your model (with hats only), then many fps's are RPG's! UNREAL TOURNAMENT Was a rpg following your logic.
Or is it because you can upgrade your weapons? Then CS is a RPG too because when you kill people you get money to buy weapons from the NPC's... erh, from the game store menu.
Or is it the class system? Then most online shooters are RPG's in disguise, still by following your logic...

aye it was a stupid statement really. what i mean was they had a really good game which i played loads when it first came out, it was very well balanced which maybe the exception of the large amount of rockets and nades the solider/demoman came with.

then came the class updates.

i seriously hate these and they made me stop playing the game altogether. the idiotic achievement grind to get them, the stupid imbalances and stupid gameplay mechanics they involve. the whole design ethos with TF2 was simplicity and user friendlyness, and imo theyve completely ruined that now.

im all for the new maps and gamemodes tho.

Although the game was originally created by Turtle rock. Also, it's because L4D was so shallow (for a VALVE game) that they are coming up with such a "quick" sequel. To create the L4D that should've been.

as soon as they slap the valve sticker on it, its a valve game, theres not really any excuse. theyve put off development of their other games for years and years until its more upto valve standard before, and thats what they shoudlve done with l4d.
We'll have the Black Mesa mod to tie us over, at least.

Honestly as long as before it's the end of the decade (Dec 31, 2010), I'll be happy.

Sooo it's 2011 now , hows you fealing about the ep3 wait ;-)
I don't think Valve will release Ep3 until their SDK is bugfree for the community
I remain confident that EP3 will be released by the end of 2010.


What's great is to see is that people can enter a discussion, and can manage to not impart nor exchange any information whatsoever.
I dont think I've ever seen a thread necro on this forums where someone has given any useful or interesting information...
Thats because the only useful and interesting information is automatically gathered by the content writers and moderators on here and they post it in the news section on the main site page. Anything else is just people circulating the same rubbish so they can feel a little bit better about having to wait a lot longer than they want to play Episode 3.
Obviously, it is in developement. But, I think Alyx will take a grim turn after seeing her father die. She may be a depressed trainwreck, or she could become a vengeful demon.
As for me the main reason why EP3 is taking so long (IMHO):
The Story
- The development of Half-Life 3 universe/story on the initial stage ( Episode Three is not only just a final episode in HL2 series, but also is connecting link to Half-Life 3 story )
- Portal 2 ( The Plot Coupon of the Episode Three story is the Borealis, that has a link to the Portal 1,2 stories)