HL2 Flashlight in Action

Nice shaddows.. other then that, its just a flashlight...
Ah, nice. Better than the old HL1 type flashlight. They've re-textured the ant lions :O. Sweet.
hmm you see in the background the wall on the right, with a little bit shiny texture? this COULD be HDR ;)
hoo hoo! That's a wicked screenshot! Check out the mapping on the Antlions, looks awesome. They seemed to have changed the colour of them to a brightish yellow and purple? Sounds like a colour scheme from Half-Life 1.
I thought HL2 had dynamic lighting. Where is the shadow that should be prejected by the flash light?
Meh. All flashlights seem to strongly remind me of FC's and Doom III's these days. Still looks all right mind.
I hope the flash-light behaves like the one in Splinter Cell: Pandora Tomorrow MP. It's got a kickass flash-light :D. Casts dynamic shadows, changes shape and size according to surface inclination etc.
the antlions don't cast a shadow from the flashlight, only from the lights above... hmm ;p
it's a nice flashlight, but i liked the old skins of the antlions more, but who am i ... :)
Perret said:
hmm you see in the background the wall on the right, with a little bit shiny texture? this COULD be HDR ;)

No it couldn't. That's just specular.
WhiteBoy said:
I thought HL2 had dynamic lighting. Where is the shadow that should be prejected by the flash light?

Ever used a flashlight in reality? if you put a flashlight in the middle of something and keep your face right behind it, you won't see shadows. Sure, IRL we dont have the flashlight right in front of our face but this applies in HL2, it have shadows, the antlion is just blocking the view. :)
Still wonder where ol' Gordo actually keeps his torch. Wrist? Shoulder? Groinal socket?

I've always pictured the flashlight being some sort of built in accessory for his HEV suit but I've never really thought about where its positioned...
Looks awfully spangly. Very nice bump-mapping on the ole AntLions there.
About the colour schemes supposedly changing - is it not possible there are simply different colour varieties on the same species?
el Chi said:
About the colour schemes supposedly changing - is it not possible there are simply different colour varieties on the same species?

Maybe it's just the lightning?
el Chi said:
Looks awfully spangly. Very nice bump-mapping on the ole AntLions there.
About the colour schemes supposedly changing - is it not possible there are simply different colour varieties on the same species?

I thought so to.
I mean, lets take real ants for example. Their is hundreds of diffrent kinds of them, all diffrent color, size and so on. The antlions maybe is diffrent according to the location in the city?
Yeah, I wondered that. If anything I hope the colour varities also include Antlion varities, i.e., something other than the so called "standard" and "guard" Antlions. Might be Gabe's way of subtley hinting how the team is going to distinguish between characters- i.e., no more (direct) clones, either human or alien.

Ant Lion... antlion... Antl Ion... Antli On... An tlion... what wass the correct phrasing again?
Perret said:
hmm you see in the background the wall on the right, with a little bit shiny texture? this COULD be HDR ;)
shyniness has nothing to do with HDR
IMO that's the best screen I've seen in a while for HL2 graphics wise. It makes those pre E32k4 screens look like alpha shots.
hmm...I'm either blind, but I don't notice any bump mapping on the antlion. :(

The flashlight looks nice, but the only thing that shows that the screen is next gen material is the normal mapped tiles of the floor. I'm sure it's gonna look 10x better in motion.
Wow. What the hell did they do to the antlions?
Anyway the flashlight looks nice.
Pi Mu Rho said:
No it couldn't. That's just specular.

It is specular, because that I write COULD and not MUST ;)

(hmm i hope my english-skills are good enough to know that could not even is so sure as must lol)
I like the normal map (pretty detailed for a normal map) but I dont like the diffuse map (texture), they should have sticked with the old skin
Perret said:
hmm you see in the background the wall on the right, with a little bit shiny texture? this COULD be HDR ;)


All of you, just bloody stop it! Every five seconds "it's HDR this", "HDR that". Worst of all, it would appear that most people responsible for these comments don't even have a clue what HDR is! Irrespective of your knowledge on the topic, stop obsessing over a mere graphical flair which will add little, if anything, to the quality of the game. Just stop it, please.

Weerat: "I'd like a royale with cheese please."
Tasty Burger Attendant: "Would you like HDR with that?"
weerat: "Hnnnnnnggghhhhhh!"
nice signature Evil
Also, the Antlions looks absolutely bitchin with normal mapping. Thats awesome
Can anyone tell me where is the normal mapping on the antlions? - I've gone blind or something but ;( snif....snif..I only see specular effects on their skin.
I don't see any specular effects on ther skin.. it looks like it they ar dry as paper
Nice picture, but that's just a flashlight am I supposed to be impressed by that? ;)
lans said:
hmm...I'm either blind, but I don't notice any bump mapping on the antlion. :(

Whaaaa? Really? Look at the antlion on the left, the mapping is more pronounced.
EVIL said:
I don't see any specular effects on ther skin.. it looks like it they ar dry as paper

Actually, if you see the antlion on the right - it has specular effects on it's skin - slightly hard to nice, but that's definetly something shiny on it's right-side of the head.

Also, the antlion in the dx.9 effects bink, the antlion guard too has sepcular effects on it's skin - so I believe that all antlions will have them.
Woah... looks sweet! The normalmap on the ants looks very high res.

Oh and btw, it seems that you can rip out those toiletseats out of the wall in the screen, because they cast an entity shadow, which means they're probably physically simulated.
Okay that was my useless comment of the day. :p
The Ant Lions look like pink... Maybe they're female Ant Lions? :p