HL2 Flavoured ice-cream?

well the plan would be to release the most inventive and original ice cream ever, but then someone would come along and steal a partially completed recepie and everyone will complain that it only makes milkshake. The finished Ice cream product would then be delayed to be slightly changed and... uh... play tested. Finally, after months of delays (and curdling), we all end up with cold cheese. Fortunately, it'll still taste better than most, even if most of us WILL be full of Far Cry lemon sherbert.
Wraithen said:
well the plan would be to release the most inventive and original ice cream ever, but then someone would come along and steal a partially completed recepie and everyone will complain that it only makes milkshake. The finished Ice cream product would then be delayed to be slightly changed and... uh... play tested. Finally, after months of delays (and curdling), we all end up with cold cheese. Fortunately, it'll still taste better than most, even if most of us WILL be full of Far Cry lemon sherbert.

LOL. Funny
It should be the type of flavour that strips the surface layer of tissue from one's tongue...
does hl2-flavored ice cream have an extended half-life?
Mechagodzilla said:
Tiger Tiger:
Orange icecream with ripples of black licorice goo.

It's like HL because it's:
-somewhat disturbing
-awesomely awesome

i want a scoop!! :upstare: :LOL:
And I thaugt that the "Will you play HL2 when it comes out " was a stupid thread.
it tastes like cardboard or plastic if you were to get it retail.
if you were to get it off steam, it would taste like your computer screen. :LOL:
I think it will taste like:

blood after a long nights hunt, you feel exhuasted... but it calls you back for more....

the deep red colour you see... its it.. its gorgeous... calling me... blood... red blood....

Damnit! No!!!

This is what happens when your on a freaking diet and cant eat black puding! GAH!!!
hmm goatse flavored icecream, alyx goatse... oh that probably got me banned. oh well.
I wan't zool ice cream.

You know, there was a time when I decided to only put up a post if I thought I had something worth saying. That's why my count's so low. I guess rules are meant to be broken.
It will taste like D.O.G. biscuits.

Also to everyone who says this is a lame thread, no one's asking for your dumbass opinion. Thread != reply, a-holes; stop ruining other people's fun. Gb2/General Discussion and post about every little bit of new info you've lapped up from licking Gabe's shoes and whether or not you'll be buying HL2 in CD, DVD, or Steam form.

This thread is funsauce, Liam. :cheers:
Liam said:
If valve started producing HL2 flavoured ice-cream, what would it taste like?

Oh man!!! It would have to be just like the Godzilla ice cream!!!! Vannila ice cream with caramel swirls in it, and it will have little chocolate head crabs filled with marshmellow!!!!
It would be called HL2 Fans Over Analyze Stuff too Much with headcrab shaped fudge ball things
obviously, it would taste like whats in the manipulater with a sprinkle of roller mines
City 17 is under siege and devastated. There is a lot of serious bitchmaking going on (as seen in every Strider battle to date), so.......

It'd taste like Stalingrad that's what. :p
I bet it would taste guuuud, like salt water taffy....
Actually, it would just say on a big sign:

"HL2- flavoured Ice cream, coming soon."

You'd wait month after month but... no ice cream.
They would release pics of someone eating the ice-cream and say "Its almost out the door!" and then BAM someone steals the recipe so we have to wait another year to get it released.
... how realistic is the physics and lighting of the ice-cream? They will only say "it encorperates the Hagen Das engine but is heavily modified, in the meantime check out Walls video"...

Edit: too clever?