Apollagies for my other threath, I did use the search function wrongly 
Anywayz, I'm new to the board, so hi all
My question is, I've bough the ASUS ATI Radeon 9600XT, and it says I get HL2 for free with it.
I was wondering how they are going to do this, since HL2 is not completed/released yet. Will I receive some voucher wich I can bring to the closest computer store? Will the game be sended to my home? Will this free version also contain acces to the internet or is this a single player version only?
Also I was wondering if I can fully enjoy HL2 without fpsdrops with this card. (I've got a 2.8gHz processor and 2x512 DDR memory)
Anywayz, I'm new to the board, so hi all
My question is, I've bough the ASUS ATI Radeon 9600XT, and it says I get HL2 for free with it.
I was wondering how they are going to do this, since HL2 is not completed/released yet. Will I receive some voucher wich I can bring to the closest computer store? Will the game be sended to my home? Will this free version also contain acces to the internet or is this a single player version only?
Also I was wondering if I can fully enjoy HL2 without fpsdrops with this card. (I've got a 2.8gHz processor and 2x512 DDR memory)