HL2 game menu and hazard cours?


Jul 19, 2003
Reaction score
How do you think the new game menu will look like...
Something like the old one maby? Or totaly throe "steam" like CS 1.6 looks like? Or a new way of menu?

Do you think that HL2 will have a hazard cours, that lets you play and lurn with the manipulator gun etc... :bounce:
It will have some sort of initiation thing, if not a hazard course (I hope it is) then a bit at the start of the game for fiddling with stuff. As for menus it'll prolly be something real flashy :) hopefully not too flashy. Also they should be fully customizable, not just a template like the original, otherwise it'll be kinda crap :/
It is mentioned in an interview with Gabe that the menu will be similiar to the current CS 1.6 Steam menu...

And i dont think it will be called a hazard course
Maybe a level in a backyard or something like that
It is mentioned in an interview with Gabe that the menu will be similiar to the current CS 1.6 Steam menu...

And i dont think it will be called a hazard course
Maybe it will be a level in a backyard or something like that
Originally posted by scrayN
It is mentioned in an interview with Gabe that the menu will be similiar to the current CS 1.6 Steam menu...

And i dont think it will be called a hazard course
Maybe it will be a level in a backyard or something like that

In someones backyard ? ROFL :LOL:
I hate sophisticated menus too.. For example : NFS5... Geezes christ, you have to look like 5 minutes 'till you find the knockout mode..
I bet the G-Man runs you through training...it make sense, because you are in some sort of stasis after agreeing to his deal. My guess is that he has you do some "practice" before sending you out... maybe a government facility, or some futuristic lab?
Originally posted by Spiffae
I bet the G-Man runs you through training...it make sense, because you are in some sort of stasis after agreeing to his deal. My guess is that he has you do some "practice" before sending you out... maybe a government facility, or some futuristic lab?
Hmmm... makes sense. Astute observations, spiffae.

I'd almost they kept G-Man rather hidden, like in the first, rather than him just talking to you as if you were having a power lunch with your boss. But it's obvious from the facial animation demo that Valve have more of a 'starring role' in mind for ol 'G.

Sorry to go a bit OT.
Originally posted by Dile
Or maybe only a dream?

That would be too much :) Imagine a hazard course full of gordon's subconscoious, with blurry edges, creepy music, and all the extras that come with a b-movie dream sequence! :x

well, i don' think they'll do that. I still think the g-man (or some G-Lackey) runs you through it.
It would be funny if your "training" were Gordan remembering the hazard course he took at Black Messa (It would be changed of course to allow for the new features of HL2).
It won t be like steam menu because i will buy the game in store so.

maybe if you buy it by steam it would be like that.
actually, i think all versions of HL2 will be using steam to stay up to date, and to ensure cheat-protection. even if you buy it in a store, it will still be steam-activated.
Originally posted by ulukai
It won t be like steam menu because i will buy the game in store so.

maybe if you buy it by steam it would be like that.

It will use VGUI 2 + Steam uses VGUI 2 => It will look like Steam.
i think if you buy HL2 in the store and install it, it will force you to install steam, for patches and such :D
Hope they have the training course left.
There you can test out two weapons like the crowbar and a machinegun (just like in HL, but not to many weapons or otherwise the training will reveal too much of the weapons)... and even test out the physic engine.
Forget crowbar and MP5, just gimme gravity gun and set me loose!!!! >=D
gimme the grav gun and the little ball things you control antlions with and ill be one happy son of a bitch
Naa, I think you should get those weapons and learn of them in Singleplayer.
There is nothing more better than a good and old gauss lol.
Ofcourse gravity gun kick ass but the time you pick a item with the guns and kill me my gauss killed you 100 times.
true, gotta love the old gauss gun... I GOT AN IDEA! gimme the gauss gun and the grav gun, then you could hold the gauss gun around corners without showing your self. The only problem is somehow minipulating it so you can pull the trgger with the grav gun
The Gauss Gun will make a comeback if you didn’t know.


Found it on http://www.planethalflife.com/half-life2/weapons/

From PlanetHalfLife:
The Gauss Gun\Tau Cannon from Half-Life also appears to be making a comeback, in the gameplay video it's mounted on a vehicle, but we're guessing you'll be able to carry one around too.

ah yes, i forgot about the one on the buggy. Damn cant wait to drive that buggy and all the other vehicles that are gonna be in multiplayer. It would be fun if someone made a vehicle only map (not like jeepathon) where you could only use vehicles

YEAH BABY :cheers:
Yeah Baby YEAH! Uh... no.... I'm not Austin Powers I remember now. :cheese:
if there is a new hazard course it should be more like splinter cell, where you actually have to do things that you do in the game, not shoot bloody targets which pop up
Originally posted by |CC|Hudson
if there is a new hazard course it should be more like splinter cell, where you actually have to do things that you do in the game, not shoot bloody targets which pop up

It would be cool if they had you train up against captured aliens! They've gotta have a ton of them in cages somewhere after Black Mesa.

I'm reminded of that scene in Starship Troopers where the scientists are shooting the caged up bug...that'd be cool! A chance to experiment with the best ways to kill the bad guys...
yes i need a "hazard course" so i could screw with the manipulator
The Hazard Course was certification of the HEV suit provided by the Black Mesa Research Facility, it'll probably end up being themed like a refresher course given to you by the Resistance.