HL2 Gold Rumour (Not CS Nation)

Jul 23, 2004
Reaction score
"Sierra should announce Half-Life 2 is gold tomorrow along with a release date. If not tomorrow then very soon, the game is done"

Source : http://dubiousquality.blogspot.com/

This is from the same person who said that RC5 was sent to Vivendi late last week. Well, we'll just have to wait till tomorrow.
here's the full article on the web page.

Half-Life 2 Update Part 2
The same source that told me RC5 was recently submitted to Vivendi for testing just e-mailed me this:
Sierra should announce Half-Life 2 is gold tomorrow along with a release date. If not tomorrow then very soon, the game is done.

I trust this source--if I didn't, I wouldn't have posted his original e-mail. I don't have a second source that I can verify this information with, but I'm not Bob Woodward and this isn't the Washington Post. It's a blog, and those of you who read it regularly are counted among my friends. So this information is for you. I know that you won't freak out if it takes a few days to happen.

[UPDATE: Sierra is obviously not publishing this game (although they were originally)--it's Vivendi. I assume that's what he intended to say. I'm not going in and changing Sierra to Vivendi because I don't want to be altering what was sent to me, so I'm just including this note instead.]

The first post got linked all over the place and it turned into a Donner Party computer gaming frenzy. So before you new people get all hysterical on me, what I know is in this post. I'm not telling you who the anonymous source is via private e-mail. If I tell you, he won't be a source anymore. That's why I have sources--I don't rat them out.
hmm interesting, seem to be a lot of rumours about this same subject.
I'm curious on how this turns out too. Hoping, but certainly not expecting.
where and why the hell did all those release rumours come from suddenly?
[yoda]Yes, wait and see you will. Mmm hmm hmm hmm Yess..[/yoda]
well, even if he dosent have a reliable source, its very believable that HL2 will go gold soon. it has to happen sometime, and after several rc revisions they are probably getting ready to go gold.
Glo said:
where and why the hell did all those release rumours come from suddenly?

That's the interesting part, y'see. :)

Though I doubt anything will happen...like I always do.
i cant wait for the gold announcement, if this is true, then at latest monday or tuesday is when we could get our next hl2 fix
rumours spread like wildfire on the net. and all because a lot of sources are posting this, doesnt make it any more true. Only time will tell on this one. Of course i hope it is true!!!
KagePrototype said:
That's the interesting part, y'see. :)

Though I doubt anything will happen...like I always do.

same here. after all the sit weve seen the past year i doubt anything will happen, even if the word comes in from valve

im waiting for the moment my steam client runs the game
what a butch of crap trap :D
hl2 gold tomorrow haha

Well i think VALVe would have informed the guys at hl2fallout about that gold would happend tomorrow if the roumers was true

sorry guys :/
kaf11 said:
well, even if he dosent have a reliable source, its very believable that HL2 will go gold soon. it has to happen sometime, and after several rc revisions they are probably getting ready to go gold.

I tend to trust Bill. He wrote for a long time at Gone Gold before it died. Whether or not we can trust his source is another matter. He must have some faith in the guy/gal in order to post it on his blog though (he knows it gets a lot of hits).
Any rumor you hear on the Interweb comes from me. I am the producer of all web rumors. I sit in my room at night and post rumors on various message boards in all categories including gaming and chinese checkers.
Peqkx said:
Any rumor you hear on the Interweb comes from me. I am the producer of all web rumors. I sit in my room at night and post rumors on various message boards in all categories including gaming and chinese checkers.

Get a life :dozey:

Anyway... we all will have to WAIT and SEE :imu:
Peqkx said:
Any rumor you hear on the Interweb comes from me. I am the producer of all web rumors. I sit in my room at night and post rumors on various message boards in all categories including gaming and chinese checkers.

you want to tell me that staring for a long enough time at the black squares, might not get a dragon to appear!?
Eventually one of these rumors will have to be true. I mean, the game WILL come out sooner or later, so some date will have to be true.

The sad thing is, until then, we all will see rumors and flock to them hoping, praying, begging, that this is THE one which is right.

I'm not really believing this one though...I wish I could, but I just can't.
Peqkx said:
Any rumor you hear on the Interweb comes from me. I am the producer of all web rumors. I sit in my room at night and post rumors on various message boards in all categories including gaming and chinese checkers.

great avatar :naughty:


on subject:

I would be tempted to belive the guy but the whole Sierra thing just destroys any credability in it for me.

i know i may be over reacting but this isnt the first (by a long shot) time somebody would have claimed its gold for shits and giggles.
actually I hope for once it isn't tommorow, that means for me whole week without playing half life 2. I'll be in New york then.
LAYP said:
actually I hope for once it isn't tommorow, that means for me whole week without playing half life 2. I'll be in New york then.

You'll be back and half-life won't be in stores.
LAYP said:
actually I hope for once it isn't tommorow, that means for me whole week without playing half life 2. I'll be in New york then.

It's going gold... not being released to the public..

And yes there is nothing wrong with being optimistic with rumours...

But I've been doing that for a year now HAHA :cheese:
why should we believe "news" from an anonymous source?
zdub said:
sierra isnt publishing hl2...

Did you even read the whole entry? He realizes that. However, Sierra's name will be on the box, as Vivendi owns the trademark.
LAYP said:
actually I hope for once it isn't tommorow, that means for me whole week without playing half life 2. I'll be in New york then.

uh dude, gold isnt a release date.

gold = game is finished and is getting copied onto retail cd's

after X amount of time its released to stores, Steam isnt getting it any earlier than the stores are.
Good point, but nicer question.

WHy isnt steam getting it early?

I heard it would uprage non steamers, but whats the point? If your loyal *like us steamers* youll use steam, so a reward, of getting it early would be fair.

My only guess is...Steam = all valaves money since its valaves program (ibelieve)

If everyone heard you get it early on steam, theyd just use steam, and vivdendi would lose money from lost box copy cost and so on.

Just for the record..is that the reason?