HL2 got 9.2 from gamespot

Tytarian said:
It seems to me after reading the review that the reviewer diden't really know what he was on about,doesen't break new ground?
On the contrary, it seems like a pretty fair review to me (9.2 is about what I was expecting). HDR is a graphical tweak - hardly new ground, 'shader based graphics engines' have been around since Q3, etc. I mean, facial animations are cute, but nothing revolutionary. The reviewer was pretty positive about the game, but it *does* sound like a linear-Hl1-improvement, not a revolutionary new game. Which is fine with me.
Warbie said:
Counter Strike can be intimidating, especially to new comers (it has one of the most unpleasant and vocal communities on the net). Maybe he doesn't play CS everyday, maybe he does. Either way I agree with him (and i'm a cs:S fan btw)

As for your last paragraph - what a load of crap ;) Assumption, flawed logic and irrelevant.

Anyone familiar (and good) at other FPS's, Q3, whatever, can usually pickup CS and be pretty competitive once they understand the maps. Why do you think it is that the same players dominate things like CPL every year, even with different games? Its because they are instinctively good players at FPS's.

As far as intimidating, I dont think so. It's not like the T's are gonna bust outta your monitor and cap you in the head with a d-eagle.

I still dont think the guy's review sounds very much like he played the game all the way through, let alone played HL1 all the way through also.

With no mention of how the story interacts with HL1, no mention of facial expression technology, or the character interaction, the guy just sounds like a platform fan that got stuck with the duties of an HL2 review.

Who cares about review scores anyway. I was more surprised with the lack of quality writing on the review, than I cared about the score.
Yep,I do see what you are saying Koopa,but my point was the the very nature of those technical advancements,that no other game has done before,means it does in fact break new ground,at least in some aspects,having said that I sure I am not the only one who will NOT be dissapointed if Hl2 is as "linear" as Hl1!! ;)
From what we know about halo 2, this game deserves so much more!

Gameplay 10
Graphics 10
Sound 9
Value 10 (ah the mods...)
wtf is tilt?
I personally think gamespot is a bit biased towards console games, but guys you can't look to reviews before the game is released to somehow validate your gaming experience :) Often I find that I only really appreciate a game after I've completed it for the first time. And many games like deus ex and thief were given lower scores, but I wouldn't swap my copies for anything...
normally, the user ratings are always higher than gamespot's score, this time i noticed gta:sa and halo2 have lower user rating's than gamespot's score. i think gta deserves its score, but halo2 does not. i'm hoping hl2's user rating is gonna be really high, just so gamespot realizes how off they were.

gta:sa 9.6 / user rating 9.4
halo2 9.4 / user rating 9.1
Kouch said:
I mean his major argument was that hl2 didn't innovate and had a crappy story.

2. Crappy story?

A. This from the smuck who reviews Farcry and doesn't complain nearly as much about the story. I mean omfg, what new ground did farcry break?
Thats actually a pretty valid point. But most of us don't know if the story is any better then Far Cry because none of us have played (I highly doubt HL2's storyline will be utter shit though, as Far Cry's was)

Kouch said:
I mean when you give No One Lives Forever 2 a higher score than hl2, that is when you lose all credibility. I think they have lost the point of reviewing.

Its not a good idea to compare a game that was rated amongst other FPS games, two years ago, whereas today the genre has been changed somewhat since then. And NOLF 2 is one of my favourite games. And again, you haven't played it so there's no point in arguing now
well honestly i'm most interested in the mods that result.. it may be that the game will be remembered for it's introduction of the Source Engine more then anything.. if the story is not that great, well that's something that gamers like us can fix with our mods!
we have the advantage of full creative control and not all the pressure!
He simply is moaning about the story because its not told liek all the others are. All the facts arnt fed to you via spoon from a main character or trawling through PDA upon PDA...

Its because half life 2's story is told differently, and one could argue in a better manner than most. Its deep, it raises lots of questions and lets alot linger in the dark for the player to fathom out on his own.

Everything is left for you to figure out.

Unfortauntly gamespot do not udnerstand this form of storytelling and see fit to call it crappy. Unlike when they played far cry, and had the plot given to them on a plate.

I think this is very immature of them, if they cant accept another form of storytelling then they shouldnt be reviewing games.

Maybe we should eb judging hl2 based on a game back in the early days...(no we shouldnt be :) )
polypod said:
well honestly i'm most interested in the mods that result.. it may be that the game will be remembered for it's introduction of the Source Engine more then anything.. if the story is not that great, well that's something that gamers like us can fix with our mods!
we have the advantage of full creative control and not all the pressure!

yeah I was surprised that no reviews really emphasize the modding aspect of modern games. I mean that has to play a major factor as far as replay value and longevity after such successes as Cstrike and Desert Combat.
shyy said:
Far cry was groundbreaking for fps genre
I liked Far Cry, but i fail to see how.

Unless you're talking about all the multiple routes, thats already been done (and done much better) in games like Deus Ex.
Sparta said:
Its not a good idea to compare a game that was rated amongst other FPS games, two years ago, whereas today the genre has been changed somewhat since then. And NOLF 2 is one of my favourite games. And again, you haven't played it so there's no point in arguing now

I enjoyed NOLF1 and 2 but even at that time, there was nothing revolutionary they introduced. Also considering that UT2k4 gets a 9.4 and the UT franchise in little more than an expnasion every year with NO innovation to the genere.

Also I am not too worried about the game being linear. I mean it would have to be if they wanted to keep you immersed and pace the game well. Pretty much any FPS singleplayer has to be linear in nature. Even in games like farcry, although you have a great freedom to move around the map, you are still constrained by the next objective point and have to fight the same enemies when you get there. I much rather have the option of killing my enemies many different ways with the grav gun than have the option of approaching from the left or the right.
bobbydigital said:
Far Cry was amazingly fun. Better than Doom 3 and Halo 2, in my opinion.

yes Farcy was no doubt FUN but that is the point that Gamespot seems to be missing with hl2. They marked it off for "not being innovative enough" while they didn't do so for Farcry. I mean they always talk about having an unbiased system of reviews etc, but here the same reviewer uses two completely arbitrary criteria. It is like the guy made up his mind on the score (9.2) and then wrote the review to fit the score.
vicefredav444 said:
normally, the user ratings are always higher than gamespot's score, this time i noticed gta:sa and halo2 have lower user rating's than gamespot's score. i think gta deserves its score, but halo2 does not. i'm hoping hl2's user rating is gonna be really high, just so gamespot realizes how off they were.

gta:sa 9.6 / user rating 9.4
halo2 9.4 / user rating 9.1
I generally pay more attention to the user ratings than the official site rating. The user rating is an average of general like or dislike for a game, for the most part. There are some things that throw it off a little, like organized high or low scores by hardcore fans of other games, and people that get frustrated with some part of the game and immediately go online to give the game a low score without finishing it. Most of the scores, however, are genuine opinions on the game.

As for Gamespot's score, I've been saying that they will give HL2 a 9.1 or 9.2 ever since the first threads about it were posted. It doesn't bother me that much because they have given games that I enjoyed a lot relatively low scores. They have, however, played the game and are entitled to their opinion.

Personally, I enjoy games that have wide open spaces that allow you to approach an enemy from any angle, find high ground or whatever you need to do to have a tactical advantage, and have room to explore. Based on Gamespot's review, one aspect that worries me about HL2 is that vehicle sequences are confined to linear paths without much room to explore. I'm hoping Battlefield-style mods can be made with the Source engine.
for its time, nolf 2 did deserve the score. it is still one of the best fps games after hl1 and 2. games cannot have constant ratings like movies, its like saying what if half-life came out today, what would it get. or what rating did doom deserve when it came out? (note doom not doom iii). that is why doom III was overrated by many magazines because it was behind its time in terms of gameplay. that is why its 8.5 on gamespot was a decent rating. far cry and hl2 have come within an year of each other, that is why its crazy to give half-life 2 the same rating.

btw edge gave doom 3 a 7 and hl-2 a 10, and they have some of the most respected ratings.
They gave it the same as FarCry? How could they? FarCry was a great pile of stinking turd, it was boring as hell.
Yeah , don't get upset about this one review guys. It's just one guy, and not everyone likes teh same stuff. Maybe he spends most of his days playing tabletop war games, and was pissed he had to do the HL2 review. And the score ain't so bad. And every other review so far has raved about the game. Maybe he was trying a bit too hard to be more objective. Plus seems with all the XBOX ads there, we know who pays the bills. PC games will get lower scores there, because there is more quality to measure them next too. Console games have less quality in general , so when a game is good it really gets noticed!
Don't mock him because your game got a low score. You're just the same as he is, if your opinions are really that important.
9.2 isn't bad?
Really, people. It's one person's opinion. It doesn't mean the game will automatically suck.
8 hours, 14 minutes and we'll see.
They gave UT2004 9.4 , a game that i find boring bland and unoriginal. A game that required FAR less creative effort to make than Half-Life 2 . UT2004 was simply create big open maps, place vehicles and weapons and let players bunny hop and spam around the place. The gameplay is dull and unoriginal and the replabiliity was just not there for me. There was no effort to tell a story, no effort to immerse the player into a tale.

So i guess my opinions differ greatly from the Gamespot reviewers. I'm hoping my opinion of half-life 2 will also greatly differ.
Lower than UT2004 as well, that just takes the biscuit, he seems to enjoy complaining about Half-Life 2's lack of originality, but point out to me the originality in UT2004? It didn't have anything that hadn't been done in Tribes and numerous other games before it.
Yea....in my opinion HL2 seems have have originality written all over it, but it might just be my bias towards the game talking, but the reason I have the bias is because it's such an awesome and original game!

rawr..that kind of gets you thinking...
Stop Getting Pissed That Halo 2 Got 9.4. Halo Got 9.4 Based On How Good It Is As A Console First Person Shooter, Half Life 2 Got 9.2 Based On How Good It Is As A First Person Shooter On The Pc, Not On The Console. Every Damn Thread Everyone Complains, What Does It Take To Get This Through Your Thick ****ing Skulls That They Are Totally Unrelated Scores.
Alientank said:
Stop Getting Pissed That Halo 2 Got 9.4. Halo Got 9.4 Based On How Good It Is As A Console First Person Shooter, Half Life 2 Got 9.2 Based On How Good It Is As A First Person Shooter On The Pc, Not On The Console. Every Damn Thread Everyone Complains, What Does It Take To Get This Through Your Thick ****ing Skulls That They Are Totally Unrelated Scores.

Maybe you haven't read the whole thread?

I was complaining about the score which it got in relation to other PC First Person Shooters. Please, FarCry as good as Half-Life 2? UT2004 better than Half-Life 2. Gamespot seems to be the only reviewer who thinks so.
WHAT THE ****!


Gamespot are dumb!

It should be:

UT2004 got higher than 9.2? Well that is most disappointing, Far Cry was a good game. UT2k4 is so overrated it's painful.
GS is a very console biased place. The first 40 reviews of the highest rated games by them only 1 is a PC game. They never seem to give any nod's to the PC. They are pure console boys. I forsaw that they would give it a lower score then Halo 2. I love how on Gameplay they gave Halo 2 a 10/10...when it was less deserving of it than any game I have seen this year. And HL2 only got a 9/10?

GS use to be good, but any more all their reviews are just for shock value, they will look at what everyone else gave it and throw it down points because they want to make ruckas.

I never liked this reviewer any how, he's a noob to the team and an idiot.

To me you look at Gamerankings, and places like IGN gave it a 9.7, so did HomeLAN. Most reviews of it have been 9.5 and above, but GS likes to piss off PC gamers as usual. So I tell most the people out there ignore them....hard for me to say since I have a complete account there.
mortiz said:
Maybe you haven't read the whole thread?

I was complaining about the score which it got in relation to other PC First Person Shooters. Please, FarCry as good as Half-Life 2? UT2004 better than Half-Life 2. Gamespot seems to be the only reviewer who thinks so.

My post isn't directed towards you, it's directed to morons like MAZA-51.
Did anyone else find the video review absolutely pathetic?

They put absolutely NO effort into it. The guy is talking like he's completely uninterested.

And all of the gameplay is stuff we've already seen from the binks...

Quite dissapointing indeed.
Lifehost said:
Did anyone else find the video review absolutely pathetic?

They put absolutely NO effort into it. The guy is talking like he's completely uninterested.

And all of the gameplay is stuff we've already seen from the binks...

Quite dissapointing indeed.

I think that this review is just filler.

My theory based off the facts:

a) They had to play it at Valve headquarters in order to review it.
b) Since their lead editor (Greg) was busy preparing the Halo 2 review, they sent someone else.
c) This individual came back with his own impressions, and no one at Gamespot could disprove his thoughts 'cause there was no game present.
d) Since the other major gaming publications are bringing out their own reviews, there was no time to wait and they had to go with this one.

They do sometimes have multiple reviewers review a game. I think that it will happen here because I'm sure Greg will want to express his thoughts about the game. This will happen once he has a chance to play through it.

9.2 is still a great score; and shouldn't be discouraging (however suspicious the review may seem).
Halo 2 only got the score it got because it is great for the xbox. If I had reviewed Halo 2 it wouldn't have gotten anything higher than an 8.5 simply because aside from what is honestly a good story it wasn't all that impressive compared to the hype. Though piloting the tank was damn fun. But I trust the IGN guys more than Gamespot when it comes to reviews.
Rhalle said:
The reviewer does sound (and write) like a newbie-- I agree completely.

Put the Gamespot reviewer's text and the IGN reviewer's text side by side, and you'll hear (see) it. (It's almost like they aren't talking about the same game.)

I agree with that. It looks like, he is a console based player, but now he was given a PC game... Just weird...
Jesus H. Christ guys.

I have seriously lost lots of respect for this community reading through this thread.

I expected some of you to be pissed about the "low" review and flame GS...but not this many or to this extent.

1. GS is pretty harsh on PC games. I like them because they mention more flaws in games than any other reviewing site or publication.

2. They don't keep other games in mind when scoring. Their scores are an average of the 5 values (which can only be whole numbers). Don't take too much stock in the score itself...read the review instead.

3. It's just 1 f*cking opinion. I bet if they gave it a 10 you guys wouldn't be coming out saying, "I never really did like GS" or "GS reviews are such BS!" You just are defending your game to the death and it's sad.

4. So many of you guys compare the scores of the game to other games and just say, "Well since they rated Halo 2 higher they obviously think HL2 is shit because Halo 2 is shit."

5. Play it for yourself and make your own damn opinions. Why do you care what other people think about HL2 so much? Jesus people...

6. Quit comparing Halo 2's review to HL2's. People keep saying how shitty they think Halo 2's story was and they're irate about how GS could claim HL2's story isn't great...it was obviously a different reviewer people...c'mon.

One thing I am disappointed in is the lack of new weapons. They say there are only 3 new one's...that sucks.
Agreed 100%. Although I'm surprised it's taken you this long to see how rabid some of these fans are.