HL2 Grounds Banner Contest

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HL2 Grounds Banner Contest

Thanks to Munro, he has given me permission to post this contest on the forums. Yes, we @ http://www.hl2grounds.com are hosting a "Banner" contest. Which means, whom ever comes up with the most creative and professional banner, we will put it on the site. Thats right, on the site.

As we see it, the banner has a huge part on what the site means and represents. Yes, we could do it ourselves and it would be great work. But this is a way that we can give a little to the viewers/members of the community. In a sense, show how we welcome and like to be more interactive with the community of Half-Life 2.

There are some rulz to this

1.) No provocative images

2.) No Source Theft images imbedded

3.) No provocative slang

4.) You can only submit one banner

Other than those four simple rulz, everything is a GO!!

As for the size of the image, there is a limit. The banner thats being displayed now is 830 x 150. So we would like to keep it at that range in size. Especially the width.. !! Height, well you can modify there..;)

To submit your work:

[email protected]

[email protected]

We will be extremely critical on what will be our banner for the site. We want the site to be presented at its best and we expect nothing less from the banners..!!

So get those creative minds at work, join us @ http://www.hl2grounds.com and hope to hear from you soon.. !!

*Gets his PS7 guns out :afro:

Hey guys if you have any questions or anything stop by at #hl2grounds on Quakenet and we will help you :cheers:

My attempt :)

Oh yeah and you say one banner only....can we alter the one banner (cos i want to do something to my one) and resubmit?

If we cant, oh well!
Well I probably over exaggerated on the one submission.. Submit your final makings...;)

but if that is the desighn u are gonna use but want to add a little more then fine..
Doh! file wouldnt attatch

Hopefully it will now


  • hl2groundsbanner.jpg
    74.6 KB · Views: 314
WOW brisck. i have no idea how you make stuff like that. what progs do you use?
Originally posted by ElecTron
WOW brisck. i have no idea how you make stuff like that. what progs do you use?

i second that, how the hell did you get that effect?

any tutorials?
dont tell em too much brisck, or everyone will do it and it wont be neat anymore :)
hmm. heres my lil simple banner. ;x


^i wonder if the image code works. if not ill attach it.
Great Stuff! The second is stunning but maybe to overloaded...?

Well I like the third one most, according to the sites design it'll maybe fit.
Those are all excellent submissions!

There is no deadline yet, so keep 'em coming.

Javert, hl2grounds.com staff.

Banner competition deadline is this friday!
Good work so far.
lol you were the one who did boomstick? haha I keep listening to that, had forgotton where I'd found it from, great fun little track is that :)
heres my submission... even thoug ill make changes to it...

edit: sorry for the low quality... had to lower file size :P
I like the submissionz guys... Im sorry for not responding.. Im usually on the hl2grounds forum alot...so i check out hl2.net sometimes..just so busy..so if you like to be updated come to hl2grounds and i will catch all submissionz..

thx alot Bastion...we are currently being interviewed by "gamespot" ;) should have a nice article on hl2 sites soon..

Hope to see some of you around the site more often
Deadline tomorrow. Gogogo!!!

We've seen some really good stuff so far. And we'd like to thank everyone who participated.