HL2 guns were boring..

Pulse-Rifle is my favorite weapon. Happy with em all, just wish there was a sniper rifle... I know I know there is the crossbow, but it's just not the same. :monkee:
I almost never used the I-rifle in the single player. It's great in MP though.

In SP it seemed to be just as inaccurate (if not slightly more-so) as the MP7 was, and it had a lower clip and didn't seem to do too much extra damage. So I used the MP7 for the majority of the game except when I ran low on ammo/started fighting heaps of combine with i-rifles.

The pistol doesn't really -need- an alt-fire, you can click pretty damn fast with the regular fire anyway. Although it'd be better if the cool-down for the regular fire was increased a bit, and a faster less-accurate 2nd fire was introduced, like in HL1.

I think all the weapons were ok, although it'd be nice if the MP7 were more accurate and the shotgun did a little more damage.
Underhill[FIN] said:
For example the pistol was really ineffective( i think all guns were lame.. In Half-Life all guns were good, but in HL2 guns were F.ed...) . When i played game i liked all the things in the game but the guns. Guns just didnt have that killing feeling u know?!

Anyone else agree?!

The pistol can be one of the most powerful weapons in the game when used right.
Uh, i can't work with the magnum. Aim ahead, they go right; aim right, they go ahead. Now with the shotgun, however...

(i'm talking about multiplayer)

I love the crossbow, but i can't seem to hit with it. Oh well. Stupid MP7, it ruined my day. *curses MP7*

Oh well the Grav gun makes up for everything!
Okay! Thank you all very very much. I think you all are cool man! :) All responses were very good, but i just wonder how you understand my first message :) ?

Btw, did anyone of you noticed that bullets didn't go trough of anything?! Even wooden doors. That was a shame :(

Thank u again. !
I didnt like the aimer for hl2, i used to but after playing css i relised it makes it harder to predict your shot.
I think they should have put in another rifle, maybe even just a non automatic rifle that was powerful. i reckon the S.L.A.Ms in hl2 dm would have been a nice tool, the combine crowbar would have been nice to. More realistic recoil as mentioned by Murray_H would have been better.
I reckon the rifle, shotgun, crossbow,crowbar and Gravity gun were the best weapons.
Underhill, i'm guessing that English isn't your first language? You're going pretty well.

Yah, shame they don't go through things. Although i could have sworn that crossbow bolts continue through glass, wooden crates...
The thing about the MP7 is that it's not a bad SMG. It's a good grenade launcher with a bonus bullet-launching function.
The bullets might not be great against the combine, but they make short work of the various xen aliens.

Also, to those who say the crossbow is useless, are we talking about the same crossbow here? Because the one in HL2 roxors mine boxors. :p
When you want something dead fast, the crossbow is your best friend.
And nothing (and I mean nothing) beats hanging a combine from the wall by his skullbox.
The MP7 was horribly inaccurate. I almost never used it except when I needed a grenade launched.

If the guns were more accurate it'd be a lot better. There's nothing satisfying about shooting 7-12 shots at a guy when 3-4 would have done it if the gun was accurate. The Combine Pulse Rifle was kind of good, but it was still too random for my tastes.