HL2 HEV powered how?

Sep 27, 2003
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Okay, I'm going to leave these forums for a few hours (my little sister's bugging me to get off the computer), but before I go, I'm just going to put something up here that I've been wondering about:

Where will Gordon get recharging for his HEV in HL2? In HL there were battery packs and rechargers everywhere, but there's no guarantee that there'll be anything like that in HL2. My theory is that Eli Vance has given Gordy an adapter that allows him to recharge from civilian powersources (like those electrical box-thingies on some of the walls in the OFFICIAL screenshots). Whaddaya think?

Oh, and to the people who have played the "beta", or anybody who has any information from those people, please don't spoil it. This is a thread for SPECULATION about the game.

Originally posted by Brian Damage
Okay, I'm going to leave these forums for a few hours (my little sister's bugging me to get off the computer), but before I go, I'm just going to put something up here that I've been wondering about:

Where will Gordon get recharging for his HEV in HL2? In HL there were battery packs and rechargers everywhere, but there's no guarantee that there'll be anything like that in HL2. My theory is that Eli Vance has given Gordy an adapter that allows him to recharge from civilian powersources (like those electrical box-thingies on some of the walls in the OFFICIAL screenshots). Whaddaya think?

Oh, and to the people who have played the "beta", or anybody who has any information from those people, please don't spoil it. This is a thread for SPECULATION about the game.


yeah right speculation my ass.
you coulda been a lil more descreet about it..
this post was just low. I recommend you remove it
well on the subject of hev power in some of the screens we've been seeing an auxillery power bar seems to show whenever gordon is out of suit power.

Also i think there was a picture of the new battery model lying on the ground, it looks sorta like the hl1 batteries only its like a big duracell instead of a car battery size

I doubt hev station will by all over the place, however back in opfor's training mission the drill instructor did say that the power vest was compatible with hev stations, military recharge stations, and civilian stations. Either you are going to plug up to civilian stations or you are going to be busting open power boxes for houses
Originally posted by Mr. Redundant
yeah right speculation my ass.
you coulda been a lil more descreet about it..
this post was just low. I recommend you remove it

Hey, I meant what I said! NO SPOILERS! I'm sorry if you somehow misinterpreted my attempt to start another speculation thread (like the one about the nature of the HEV armour and the Vortigaunts' linguistic abilities) as some kind of thread to entice people to give secrets plucked from the beta. I wasn't trying anything sneaky.


Thank you very much.:)

Not angry, just dismayed.


EDIT: Whoops! Quoted the wrong thread. Fixed it.
Originally posted by Flyingdebris
well on the subject of hev power in some of the screens we've been seeing an auxillery power bar seems to show whenever gordon is out of suit power.

Also i think there was a picture of the new battery model lying on the ground, it looks sorta like the hl1 batteries only its like a big duracell instead of a car battery size

I doubt hev station will by all over the place, however back in opfor's training mission the drill instructor did say that the power vest was compatible with hev stations, military recharge stations, and civilian stations. Either you are going to plug up to civilian stations or you are going to be busting open power boxes for houses

I sure the HEV suit is compatible with the Combine suit power cells.
Originally posted by Silent Zero
from what i have hered about the beta i think that this is true.......

thats exactly wot he didn't want lol, oh well :/
aww i didint read the whole post tho.... he say he didit want to know lol edit it :O!!
Gordon needs a adapter for his HEV suit that for sure. He,s is in Europa people with a suit what is made in the US. The suit will never be compatible with the europian power system. Or maybe Gordon has got a Euro version of his hazard suit now?

And that suit must be compatible with the Combine otherwise you will die there with all those bugs walking there trying to kill you.

my 2 cents
uuuuz mabezz i'm ann idiotz but whaaat thez hellllll doezz powers haaave toe dow witha thiz...theee suit izz uhhh wait how does getting charged up make your suit better..more armoured??? It haszzz no Forzed fiellld aaahhh theee azid izz kizkin in aginnn..aahhhhhhh
Originally posted by Brian Damage
Hey, I meant what I said! NO SPOILERS! I'm sorry if you somehow misinterpreted my attempt to start another speculation thread (like the one about the nature of the HEV armour and the Vortigaunts' linguistic abilities) as some kind of thread to entice people to give secrets plucked from the beta. I wasn't trying anything sneaky.


Thank you very much.:)

Not angry, just dismayed.


EDIT: Whoops! Quoted the wrong thread. Fixed it.

I whole heartedly appologize.. I think perhaps I read into it a bit too much.
please accept my appology.. I wouldnt want to create a bad reputation for myself by jumping down people's throats.
I go ahead and complain that people need to make more relevant topics..
you come along and bring with you some great discussions, and I shoot you down.
once again I am sorry.

on topic:
why do you think eli vance?
I dont know perhaps its me.. but I always thought of Kleiner as the figurehead scientist (perhaps since he is just shown so much more) Eli has almost been non existent when it comes to media exposure.
I do however agree with your theory, some sort of adapter would be nice.. I wouldnt want to see HEV armor stations all over the place (lol). Im hoping they have something innovative though other than just batteries.
I must say since your last topic about the HEV, I have been listening to all the vfox sound files from hl and man I wish they incorporated it more.
Originally posted by GJaaGular
uuuuz mabezz i'm ann idiotz but whaaat thez hellllll doezz powers haaave toe dow witha thiz...theee suit izz uhhh wait how does getting charged up make your suit better..more armoured??? It haszzz no Forzed fiellld aaahhh theee azid izz kizkin in aginnn..aahhhhhhh

Listen to this: We already discussed the nature of the suit in a different forum. It has reactive armour (says so in game), which is electrically powered. Nuff said (here).

Now go and take a liquid nitrogen shower. You need it.

Originally posted by Mr. Redundant
I whole heartedly appologize.. I think perhaps I read into it a bit too much.
please accept my appology.. I wouldnt want to create a bad reputation for myself by jumping down people's throats.
I go ahead and complain that people need to make more relevant topics..
you come along and bring with you some great discussions, and I shoot you down.
once again I am sorry.

Quite alright, m8.:cheers:
(edited my last post to be on topic, was wondering your thoughts so Im gonna paste it here)
why do you think eli vance?
I dont know perhaps its me.. but I always thought of Kleiner as the figurehead scientist (perhaps since he is just shown so much more) Eli has almost been non existent when it comes to media exposure.
I do however agree with your theory, some sort of adapter would be nice.. I wouldnt want to see HEV armor stations all over the place (lol). Im hoping they have something innovative though other than just batteries.
I must say since your last topic about the HEV, I have been listening to all the vfox sound files from hl and man I wish they incorporated it more.
Yeah, could be Kleiner (Does that mean "Littler" in German?). Eli's name was simply the first that sprang to mind. Mind you, it could be Alex; she seems to be some kind of techno-whiz.

Hmm...Another thought; perhaps you won't start out being able to use alternative power sources. Maybe Alex upgrades your suit. It *might* make sense, as Gordy's apparently been in a coma, or something, in between the games. HEV might be a little dusty. Although someone at VALVe did say that they hadn't made any major changes to the suits functionality.

Also, d'you guys think that the HEV looks like they (the artists) revamped the design for the new game?
the way I spelled Kleiner (yes it means "smaller") thats not how his name is spelled.. I guess subconciously thats how I see his name.

as for the HEV design.. it looks as though it has adopted a sleeker design.. I was just looking at the hl1 HEV ingame and its quite different to the concept art.. in terms of actual composition.. however we cant really be certain as to what the suit now looks like since we have no pics of it in-game.
for some odd reason some parts of the suit look "chain-male-esque" or at least Meshed metal. anywhoo thats my drop in the speculation bucket, Im off to bed
I reckon that the combine wil have their own powered body armour, explaining the presence of recharge points around the levels of HL2.
Originally posted by Mr. Redundant
the way I spelled Kleiner (yes it means "smaller") thats not how his name is spelled.. I guess subconciously thats how I see his name.

as for the HEV design.. it looks as though it has adopted a sleeker design.. I was just looking at the hl1 HEV ingame and its quite different to the concept art.. in terms of actual composition.. however we cant really be certain as to what the suit now looks like since we have no pics of it in-game.
for some odd reason some parts of the suit look "chain-male-esque" or at least Meshed metal. anywhoo thats my drop in the speculation bucket, Im off to bed

I reckon that the chainmail-looking bits are just the underlying bodysuit that the HEV plating rides upon. It could be some variant of kevlar, or it could also be the artificial muscle material that helps support the weight of the suit. If there *is* any artificial muscle-stuff.

I'm sure that I read somewhere that Gordon's weight with the suit on is 80Kg. Is it just me, or does that seem light for a guy wearing body armour? Is Gordon really skinny, or is the suit super light-weight? If it uses that plastic stuff discussed in the other thread, it could be.

I'm not sure that all that was too coherent.:E

Originally posted by Gertrum
I reckon that the combine wil have their own powered body armour, explaining the presence of recharge points around the levels of HL2.

Makes sense. Still reckon Gordy'll need an adapter, though.:E
Originally posted by Brian Damage
I reckon that the chainmail-looking bits are just the underlying bodysuit that the HEV plating rides upon. It could be some variant of kevlar, or it could also be the artificial muscle material that helps support the weight of the suit. If there *is* any artificial muscle-stuff.

I'm sure that I read somewhere that Gordon's weight with the suit on is 80Kg. Is it just me, or does that seem light for a guy wearing body armour? Is Gordon really skinny, or is the suit super light-weight? If it uses that plastic stuff discussed in the other thread, it could be.

I'm not sure that all that was too coherent.:E


OMG! i need to see that thread! where is it??
Some idiots in IRC have ruined this for me. It sounds weird, and I didn't believe them, but they uploaded a sound bit to me to confirm. You won't believe how it gets recharged, trust me, well this is one of the ways. I did not see it coming. Don't worry, I'm not going to spoil it for anyone, like they did for me.

Originally posted by GhostValkyrie
Some idiots in IRC have ruined this for me. It sounds weird, and I didn't believe them, but they uploaded a sound bit to me to confirm. You won't believe how it gets recharged, trust me, well this is one of the ways. I did not see it coming. Don't worry, I'm not going to spoil it for anyone, like they did for me.


Sounds cool. Whatever it's going to be. Sorry it was spoiled for you.

Some people are just a different species of human: Homo Buttsuckulus. Avoid them at all costs, GV.:E
